Paper; XIX. 96 ff.; 1 col. (162 x 85 mm.) 28 lines (14 lines of text and
14 lines of musical notation, interlinear). 223 x 160 mm.
Parchment, XII. 5 ff.(two ff. attached to the binding and serving as endsheets);
2 cols. (172 x 110 x 48 mm.), 28 lines. 225 x 153 mm.
l 2144.
Paper; XVI. 232 ff.; 2 cols. (198 x 128 x 55 mm.), 28 lines. 225 x 153 mm.
l 648.
Paper; dated October 13, 6920 (i.e., A. D. 1411), Indiction 5. 232 ff.; 1
col. (95/105 x 75 mm.), 14-15 lines. 140 x 106 mm.
Paper; ca. A . D. 1500. 209 ff.; 1 col (ff. 1-85, 122-208: 212 x 110 mm.,
30 lines; ff. 86-121: 215 x 117 mm., 31 lines). 175 x 195 mm. Greek minuscule
hand by two copyists: I. ff. 1-85, 122-208 by Damianos Guidotes; II. ff.
86-119 by an unidentified scribe working under the auspices of Damianos.
In addition to Aristotle's Organon,
this volume includes
Porphyry's Isagoge, the Categories, Interpretation, Prior Analytics, Posterior
Analytics, Topics, and Sophistical Refutations.
Parchment; XIII. 147 ff.; 1 col. (140 x 100 mm.) 20 lines. 196 x 155 mm.
Parchment; XII. 160 ff.; 2 cols (215 x 165 x 70 mm.), 25 lines. 296 x 232
Paper (burnished), XV. 151 ff.; 1 col. (100 x 55 mm.), 12 lines. 145 x 105
Parachment; ca. A. D. 1200. 106 ff.; 1 col., 20 lines. 212 150 mm.
Including the liturgy for vespers.
Paper; XV. 256 pp.; 1 col. (165 x 96 mm.), 21-23 lines. 206 x 136 mm. Italian
Paper; XVI. 308 ff.; 1 col. (145 x 90 mm.), 23 lines. 220 x 140 mm.
Paper; 1634. 96 ff.; 1 col. (130 x 75 mm.), 15 lines. 214 x 155 mm.
Parchment; ca. A. D. 1100. 272 ff.; 1 col. (190 x 124 mm.), 26-27. 265 x
187 mm.
Paper (burnished), 1627, by the scribe Loukas, the "ungarovlachian" under
the auspices of the secretary Antonios for the Voivode Radu ov Walachia.
260 ff.; 2 cols. (2 70 x 160 x 72 mm.), 26 lines. 200 x 272 mm.
l 2138. Provenance -
Paper; ca. A. D. 1500. 176 ff.; 1 col. (245 x 130 mm.), 32 lines. 322 x 238
mm. Provenance - Italy.
Paper; XV (Part I), XVI/XVII (Part II). 20 9 ff.; 1 col. )Part I: 84 x 55
mm.; 14 lines; Part II: 90 x 62 mm.; 13-15 lines). 90 x 62 mm.
Prayers and hymns: I. Prayers for the morning office throughout the week;
II. Prayers and hymns by "wise and notable men who flourished after the capture
of Constantinople."
Paper; 1735 by Loidovikios Ioannikos (f. 125v). 148 ff.; 1 col.(122 x 64
mm.), 18 lines. 162 x 114 mm.
A sentence of deposition composed by Balasias the Sacristan of the Great
Church and pronounced by the Synod upon Parthenius IV Mogilalus; and the
Parchment; XIII. 1 f.; 2 cols. (185 x 110 x 50 mm.), 33 lines. 228 x 154
mm. The leaf contains portions of the readings for June 24 (Luke 1:59-80)-June
25 (Matthew 16: 13-18).
l 2145.
Paper; XV. 77 ff.; 1 col. (148 x 90 mm.), 15 lines. 208 x 150 mm.
Paper; XVII. 176 ff.; 1 col. (160 x 90 mm.) 30 lines (15 of text and 15 of
music). 210 x 143 mm.
Parchment; XII. 7 ff.; 1 col. (178 x 150 mm.), 30 lines 240 x 200 mm.
The hymns are for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the "Second Week."
Paper; XVI, 49 ff., 1 col. (222 x 122 mm.), 24 lines. 311 x 214 mm. Provenance
- Italy.
Paper; XVII. 62 ff., 1 col., 29-30 lines. 212 x 156 mm.
An inquiry into six problems of logic, with an introduction referring to
Aristotle's "Posterior Analytics."
Paper; Paris, 5 February 1660; transcribed by Samuel Tennulius from a manuscript
in the Bibliothèque Nationale.
Paper; XV. 201 ff.; 1 col., 29 lines. 318 x 211 mm.
Containing De Vita in Christo, with Contra feneratiores;
De institut. elementari, De Hymno Trisagion, and
Comment. in Cant. Cant. by Cabasilas, and De Imaginibus Oratio
of St. John of Damascus.
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