I. PAPYRI [Skip to: A
| B | C
| D | E
| F | G
| H | I
| J | K
| L | M
| N | O
| P | Q
| R | S
| T | U
| V | W
| X | Y | Z]
- Bibl.Pap.
- = Bibliographie Papyrologique: Fichier électronique 1932—2010, under the direction of A. Martin with the assistance of R.S. Bagnall, A. Buchet, A. Deknudt, A. Delattre, P. Heilporn and H. Melaerts. Available on CD-ROM "Subsidia Papyrologica 4.0." Brussels 2010. [AERE]
- BL
- = Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten.
- I, ed. F. Preisigke. Berlin/Leipzig 1922. [WdG]
- II, ed. F. Bilabel, in 2 pts. Heidelberg 1929, 1933. [o.p.]
- III, ed. M. David, B.A. van Groningen and E. Kiessling. Leiden 1958.
- IV, ed. idem. Leiden 1964. [EJB]
- V, ed. E. Boswinkel, M. David, B.A. van Groningen and E. Kiessling.
Leiden 1969. [EJB]
- VI, ed. E. Boswinkel, P.W. Pestman and H.-A. Rupprecht. Leiden 1976.
- VII, ed. E. Boswinkel, W. Clarysse, P.W. Pestman and H.-A. Rupprecht.
Leiden 1986. [EJB]
- VIII, ed. P.W. Pestman and H.-A. Rupprecht. Leiden 1992. [EJB]
- IX, ed. P.W. Pestman and H.-A. Rupprecht. Leiden 1995. [EJB]
- X, ed. P.W. Pestman and H.-A. Rupprecht. Leiden 1998. [EJB]
- XI, , ed. H.-A. Rupprecht and A.M.F.W Verhoogt. Leiden 2002. [EJB]
- XII, ed. H.-A. Rupprecht and K.A. Worp. Leiden 2009. [EJB]
- Vols. I-XI are available on CD-ROM. Leiden, 2009. [EJB]
- BL Konkordanz
- = Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten:
- I, Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus �gypten: Konkordanz und Supplement zu Band I—VII, ed. W. Clarysse, R.W. Daniel, F.A.J. Hoogendijk and P. van Minnen. Leuven 1989. [Peeters]
- II, Berichtigungsliste der Griechischen Papyrusurkunden aus Ägypten: Konkordanz zu Band VIII—XI, ed. M.J. Bakker, A.V. Bakkers, F.A.J. Hoogendijk and N. Kruit. Leiden-Boston 2007. [EJB]
- BL Dem.
- = A Berichtigungsliste of Demotic Documents, ed. A. A. den Brinker, B. P. Muhs, and S. P. Vleeming. Leuven 2005. (Studia Demotica 7). [Peeters]
- A, Papyrus Editions.
- B, Ostrakon Editions and Various Publications.
- Note: S. P. Vleeming has issued two supplements to date (privately printed, Brauneberg), covering 2005 (2006) and 2005-2006 (2007).
- Checklist
- = Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri,
Ostraca and Tablets, ed. J.F. Oates, R.S. Bagnall, S.J. Clackson,
A.A. O’Brien, J.D. Sosin, T.G. Wilfong and K.A. Worp. The current
print version is the 5th, BASP Suppl. 9 (2001).
[Oxbow]. The URL for the Web version is <>,
kept current by J.F. Oates and J.D. Sosin.
- ChecklistArab.
- = The Checklist of Arabic Papyri, ed. P.M.
Sijpesteijn, J.F. Oates and A. Kaplony. Currently available online at
- ChecklistDem.
- = Checklist of Demotic Text Editions and Re-editions, by
S.P. Vleeming and A.A. den Brinker. Leiden 1993. (Uitgaven Vanwege
de Stichting "Het Leids Papyrologisch Instituut" 14).
- = Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri. Recorded on Packard Humanities
Institute CD-ROM 7 with all material entered to June 1996. Online
version at <>.
The DDBDP is co-directed by James Cowey and Joshua Sosin, who together set policy in close consultation with Rodney Ast, the Editorial Board, and other colleagues. Day-to-day editorial decisions are made democratically by the Editorial Board (Rodney Ast, James Cowey, Alain Delattre, Paul Heilporn, Todd Hickey, Cisca Hoogendijk, Joshua Sosin), often in consultation with other colleagues. Editorial proposals of special difficulty or weight are referred to a board of Senior Editors, who advise the Editorial Board on the virtue of the submissions. Senior Editors are: Isabella Andorlini, Roger Bagnall, Willy Clarysse, Hélène Cuvigny, Nikolaos Gonis, Dieter Hagedorn, Ann Hanson, Andrea Jördens, James Keenan, and Klaas Worp.For more on the DDBDP see the development site.
- Fachwörter
- = Fachwörter des öffentlichen Berwaltungsdienstes Ägyptens
in der griechischen Papyrusurkunden der ptolemäisch-römischen
Zeit, by F. Preisigke. Göttingen 1915.
- = Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden
aus Ägypten, directed by D. Hagedorn. Available on the World
Wide Web at <>. Also
available on the CD-ROM "Subsidia Papyrologica 1.0." Brussels
2000. [FERE]
- Lex.Äg.
- = Lexikon der Ägyptologie, ed. W. Helck, E. Otto and
W. Westendorf. Wiesbaden 1972-1996.
- Lex.Äg.Pap.Dem.
- = "Papyrus, demotische," Lex.Äg. 4 (1982)
coll. 750—898. An extensive list of published Demotic texts compiled
by E. Lüddeckens. There are also lists of monographic editions
of papyri in vol. 7 (1996) under section II Abkürzung, part d;
in section IX, part b, there is a list of all papyrus texts cited
in the Lex.Äg.
- = The Leuven Homepage of Papyrus Collections World Wide, directed
by W. Clarysse and H. Verreth, with H. Proost, I. Uytterhoeven, K.
Vandorpe, P. van Minnen. Online at <>.
- PN
- = Papyrological Navigator (providing access to DDBDP, HGV and APIS). Online at <>.
- Pros.Ptol.
- = Prosopographia Ptolemaica, ed. W. Peremans and E. Van ’t
Dack with additional editors as noted below. Leuven.
- I, L’Administration civile et financière. 1950.
(Studia Hellenistica 6).
- II, L’Armée de terre et la police. 1952. (Studia
Hellenistica 8).
- III, Le Clergé, le notariat, les tribunaux. 1956,
reprint 1977. (Studia Hellenistica 11).
- IV, L’Agriculture et l’élevage. 1959. (Studia
Hellenistica 12).
- V, Le Commerce et l’industrie. Le Transport sur terre et
la flotte. La Domesticité. 1963. (Studia Hellenistica 13).
- VI, La Cour, les relations internationales et les possessions
extérieures, la vie culturale, ed. L. Mooren and W. Swinnen.
1968. (Studia Hellenistica 17).
- VII, Index Nominum, ed. L. De Meulemeester-Swinnen and H.
Hauben. 1975. (Studia Hellenistica 20).
- VIII, Addenda et Corrigenda aux volumes I et II, ed. L. Mooren
and W. Swinnen. 1975. (Studia Hellenistica 21).
- IX, Addenda et Corrigenda au volume III, ed. W. Clarysse.
1981. (Studia Hellenistica 25).
- X, Foreign Ethnics in Hellenistic Egypt, ed. C. A. La'da. 2002.
(Studia Hellenistica 38).
- Till, Prosopographie
- = Datierung und Prosopographie der koptischen Urkunden aus Theben,
ed. W.C. Till. SBWien 240.1 (1954).
- WörterListe
- = Word lists of recent volumes of papyri and ostraca, compiled under
the direction of D. Hagedorn, covering publications not included in
the CD-ROM of the DDDBDP. An Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file, available
at < WL.html>.
- Calderini, Diz.geogr.
- = Dizionario dei nomi geografici e topografici dell’Egitto
greco-romano, ed. A. Calderini and S. Daris. I pt. 1, ed. A. Calderini.
Cairo 1935. [Rp. CG 1972]; pt. 2, ed. A. Calderini. Madrid 1966; II,
ed. S. Daris in 4 pts. Milan 1973—1977; III, ed. idem in 4 parts.
Milan 1978—1983; IV, ed. idem in 4 pts. Milan 1983—1986;
V, ed. idem. Milan 1987. Supplemento 1 (1935—1986), ed. idem.
Milan 1988. Supplemento 2 (1987-1993), ed. idem. Bonn 1996. [CG]
- Chicago Demotic Dictionary
- = Chicago Demotic Dictionary, an ongoing project. The most recent
information can be found on its web site: <>.
- Crum, Dict.
- = Coptic Dictionary, ed. W.E. Crum. Oxford 1939. [rp. Sandpiper
Books. OUP]
- Crum, Compléments
- = Compléments au dictionnaire copte de Crum, ed. R.
Kasser. Cairo 1964. (Institut Français d’Archéologie
Orientale, Bibliothèque d’études coptes 7).
- Dict.inversé
- = Dictionnaire inversé du Copte, ed. M.-O. Strasbach
and B. Barc. Louvain 1984. (Cahiers de la bibliothèque copte
- Dornseiff-Hansen
- = Rücklaüfiges Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen,
ed. F. Dornseiff and B. Hansen. Berlin 1957. (Sächsischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Phil.-hist. Kl., Berichte über
die Verhandlungen 102.4). [AV]
- Erichsen, Glossar
- = Demotisches Glossar, by W. Erichsen. Copenhagen 1954.
- Förster, WB
- = Wörterbuch der griechischen Wörter in den
koptischen documentarischen Texten, ed. H. Förster. Berlin 2002. (Texte
Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 148). [WdG]
- Heuser
- = Die Personennamen der Kopten, ed. G. Heuser. Leipzig 1929.
(Studien zur Epigraphik und Papyruskunde 1.2). Note W. Brunsch, "Index
zu Heusers Personennamen der Kopten," Enchoria
12 (1984) 119—153.
- Kopt.Handwörterbuch
- = Koptisches Handwörterbuch, ed. W. Westendorf. Heidelberg
- Kretschmer-Locker
- = Rücklaüfiges Wörterbuch der griechischen Sprache,
ed. P. Kretschmer and E. Locker. 2nd ed. Göttingen 1963. (Supersedes
O. Gradenwitz, Heidelberger Konträrindex der griechischen
Papyrusurkunden [Berlin 1931]).
- Lex.Lat.Lehnw.
- = Lexicon der lateinischen Lehnwörter in den griechischsprachigen
dokumentarischen Texten Ägyptens mit Berücksichtigung koptischer
Quellen, by I.-M. Cervenka-Ehrenstrasser with J. Diethart. Vienna
1996—. (MPER N.S. XXVII). Published to date are Fasc. 1, alpha
(1996) and 2, beta—delta (2000). [VBH]
- NB
- = Namenbuch enthaltend alle griechischen, lateinischen, ägyptischen,
hebräischen, arabischen und sonstigen semitischen und nichtsemitischen
Menschennamen, soweit sie in griechischen Urkunden (Papyri, Ostraka,
Inschriften, Mumienschildern usw) Ägyptens sich vorfinden,
ed. F. Preisigke. Heidelberg 1922, repr. Amsterdam 1967.
- NB Copt.
- = Namen in koptischen dokumentarischen Texten by M.R.H.
Hasitzka. Available online at (<
- NB Dem.
- = Demotisches Namenbuch, ed. E. Lüddeckens and H.J.
Thissen. Wiesbaden 1980—. To date, vol. 1 in 16 fascicles, covering
the entire alphabet. [Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag]
- Onomasticon
- = Onomasticon alterum papyrologicum, Supplemento al Namenbuch
di F. Preisigke, ed. D. Foraboschi in 4 pts. Milan 1967—1971.
(Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichità 16, Serie
papyrologica II). [CG]
- Ronchi, Lex.Theon.
- = Lexicon theonymon rerumque sacrarum et divinarum ad Aegyptum
pertinentium quae in papyris ostracis titulis Graecis Latinisque in
Aegypto repertis laudantur, ed. G. Ronchi. Milan 1974—1977.
(Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichià 45). [CG]
- Ruozzi Sala, Lex.Nom.Sem.
- = Lexicon nominum Semiticorum quae in papyris Graecis in Aegypto
repertis ab anno 323 a.Ch.n. usque ad annum 70 p.Ch.n. laudata reperiuntur,
ed. S.M. Ruozzi Sala. Milan 1974. (Testi e documenti per lo studi
dell’antichità 46). [CG]
- Spoglio
- = Spoglio lessicale papirologico, ed. S. Daris, in 3 vols.
Milan 1968.
- Timm
- = Das christlich-koptische Ägypten in arabischer Zeit: Eine
Sammlung christlicher Stätten in Ägypten in arabischer Zeit
unter Ausschluss von Alexandria, Kairo, des Apa-Mena-Klosters (Der
Abu Mina), der Sketis (Wadi n-Natrun) und der Sinai-Region, ed.
S. Timm. 6 volumes. Wiesbaden 1984—1992. (Tübinger Atlas
zum vorderen Orient, Beihefte, Reihe B, Geisteswissenschaften,
41, 1-6). [Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag]. See: Index zu Das christlich-koptische Ägypten in arabischer Zeit (Stefan Timm), ed. K.-H. Brune, Wiesbaden 2007. (Tübinger Atlas zum vorderen Orient, Beihefte, Reihe B, Geisteswissenschaften, 41, 7). [Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag]
- WB
- = Wörterbuch der griechischen Papyrusurkunden, mit Einschluss
der griechischen Inschriften, Aufschriften, Ostraka, Mumienschilder
usw. aus Ägypten, ed. F. Preisigke and E. Kiessling. I, A-K,
Berlin 1925; II, L-W, Berlin 1927; III, besondere Wörterliste,
Berlin 1931; IV, A-Zin 5 pts. Berlin 1944—. Supplement 1 (1940—1966),
ed. E. Kiessling. Amsterdam 1969—1971. [AMH]. Supplement 2 (1967—1976),
ed. H.-A. Rupprecht and A. Jördens. Wiesbaden 1991. [OH]. Supplement
3 (1977-1988), ed. H.-A. Rupprecht and A. Jördens. Wiesbaden
2000. [OH]
- Bresciani, Nozioni
- = Nozioni elementari di grammatica demotica, by E. Bresciani.
Milan 1969. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichità
29). [CG]
- Brugsch, Gram.
- = Grammaire Démotique, by H. Brugsch. Berlin 1855.
- du Bourguet, Gram.
- = Grammaire fonctionelle et progressive de l’égyptien
démotique, by P. du Bourguet. Louvain 1976. [Peeters]
- Gignac, Gram.
- = A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods,
vol. I, Phonology, vol. II Morphology, by F.T. Gignac.
Milan 1976, 1981. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichità,
55, 1—2). [CG]
- Johnson, Gram.
- = Thus Wrote ‘Onchsheshonqy: An Introductory Grammar of
Demotic, by J.H. Johnson. Chicago 1986. 2nd ed. 1991. (University
of Chicago, Oriental Institute. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization
45). A 3rd ed. rev. 2000 has been published on the World Wide Web
at < 45.html>.
- Johnson, Verbal System
- = The Demotic Verbal System by J.H. Johnson. Chicago 1976.
(University of Chicago, Oriental Institute. Studies in Ancient Oriental
Civilization 38).
- Layton, Coptic Grammar
- = A Coptic Grammar with Chrestomathy and Glossary. Sahidic Dialect,
by B. Layton. Wiesbaden 2000. (Porta Linguarum Orientalium NS 20).
- Lexa, Gram.
- = Grammaire démotique, by F. Lexa, in 7 parts. Prague
1949—1951. Privately printed.
- Mandilaras, Verb
- = The Verb in the Greek Non-literary Papyri, by B.G. Mandilaras.
Athens 1973.
- Mayser, Gram.
- = Grammatik der griechischen Papyri aus der Ptolemäerzeit
mit Einschluss der gleichzeitigen Ostraka und der in Ägypten
verfassten Inschriften, by E. Mayser. Berlin/Leipzig 1906—1970.
- I, Laut und Wortlehre, 1906, rp. 1923.
- I 1, Einleitung und Lautlehre, 2nd ed. by H. Schmoll. Berlin
1970. [WdG]
- I 2, Laut- und Wortlehre, pt. II Flexionslehre, 2nd ed. 1938.
- I 3, Laut- und Wortlehre, pt. III Stammbildung, 2nd ed. 1936.
- II 1—2, Satzlehre, Analytischer Teil. 1933—1934.
- II 3, Satzlehre, Synthetischer Teil. 1934.
- Palmer, Gram.
- = A Grammar of the Post-Ptolemaic Papyri, by L.R. Palmer.
Vol. I, Accidence and Word-formation, pt. 1, The Suffixes (no further
parts published). London 1945. [OUP]
- Simpson, Gram.
- = Demotic Grammar in the Ptolemaic Sacerdotal Decrees, by
R.S. Simpson. Oxford 1996. (Griffith Institute Monographs). [Griffith
Institute. Ashmolean Museum]
- Spiegelberg, Gram.
- = Demotische Grammatik, by W. Spiegelberg. Heidelberg 1925.
- Boswinkel-Sijpesteijn, Tabulae
- = Greek Papyri, Ostraca and Mummy Labels, by E. Boswinkel
and P.J. Sijpesteijn. Amsterdam 1968. (Tabulae Palaeo-graphicae I).
- Cavallo-Maehler, GB
- = Greek Bookhands of the Early Byzantine Period, A.D. 300—800,
by G. Cavallo and H. Maehler. London 1987. (Institute of Classical
Studies, Bulletin Supplement 47). [ICS]
- Cramer
- = Koptische Paläographie, by M. Cramer. Wiesbaden 1964.
- El-Aguizy
- = A Palaeographical Study of Demotic Papyri in the Cairo Museum
from the Reign of King Taharka to the End of the Ptolemaic Period
(684-30 B.C.), by O. el-Aguizy. Cairo 1998. (MIFAO 113). [SEVPO]
- Harauer
- = Handbuch der griechischen Paläographie, by H. Harrauer. Bd. I Textband, Bd. II Tafelband, with a CD-ROM. Stuttgart 2010. (Bibliothek des Buchwesens 20). [A. Hiersemman]
- Hyvernat
- = Album de paléographie copte pour servir à l’introduction
paléo-graphique des Actes des Martyrs de l’Égypte,
by H. Hyvernat. Paris 1888. [Reprint OZ 1972]
- Roberts, GLH
- = Greek Literary Hands, 350 B.C.—A.D. 400, by C.H. Roberts.
Oxford 1956. [OUP]
- Schubart, Pal.
- = Griechische Palaeographie, by W. Schubart. Munich 1925,
rp. 1966. (Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft I.4.1). [Beck]
- Schubart, PGB
- = Papyrae graecae Berolinenses, by W. Schubart. Bonn 1911.
(Tabulae in Usum Scholarum 2).
- Seider, Pal.Gr.
- = Paläographie der griechischen Papyri, by R. Seider.
Bd. I Urkunden, Bd. II Literarische Papyri, Bd. III Text, pt. 1 Urkundenschrift.
Stuttgart 1967, 1970, 1990. [Hiersemann]
- Seider, Pal.Lat.
- = Paläographie der lateinischen Papyri, by R. Seider.
Bd. I Urkunden. Bd. II, 1 Literarische Papyri. Bd. II, 2 Juristische
und Christliche Texte. Stuttgart 1972, 1978, 1981. [Hiersemann]
- Stegemann
- = Koptische Paläographie, by V. Stegemann. Heidelberg
- Turner, GMAW
- = Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World, by E.G. Turner:
2nd ed. rev. and enl. by P.J. Parsons. London 1987. (Institute of
Classical Studies, Bulletin Supplement 46). [ICS]
- Copt.Enc.
- = The Coptic Encyclopedia, ed. A.S. Atiya. 8 volumes. New
York 1991.
- Depauw, Companion
- = A Companion to Demotic Studies, by M. Depauw. Brussels
1997. (Pap.Brux. XXVIII). [FERE]
- Fikhman, Introduction
- = Introduction à la papyrologie documentaire (In Russian),
by I.F. Fikhman. Moscow 1987.
- Grundz.Mitt. (or M.Gr.)
- = L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, Grundzüge und Chrestomathie
der Papyruskunde, II Bd. Juristischer Teil, I Hälfte
Grundzüge, by L. Mitteis. Leipzig/Berlin 1912. [MF 2.
122—123 (with Chrestomathie); rp. GO]
- Grundz.Wilck. (or W.Gr.)
- = L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, Grundzüge und Chrestomathie
der Papyruskunde, I Bd. Historischer Teil, I Hälfte
Grundzüge, by U. Wilcken. Leipzig/Berlin 1912. [MF 2.
120—121 (with Chrestomathie); rp. GO]
- Hoffmann, Darstellung
- = Ägypten: Kultur und Lebenswelt in griechisch-römischer
Zeit: Eine Darstellung nach den demotischen Quellen, by F. Hoffmann.
Berlin 2000. [AV]
- Hohlwein, Papyrologie
- = La Papyrologie Grecque, Bibliographie raisonée, by
N. Hohlwein. Louvain 1905. (Musée Belge 6-9 [1902-1906]).
- Montevecchi, Pap.
- = La Papirologia, by O. Montevecchi. 2nd ed. Milan 1988.
- Peremans, Vergote, Handboek
- = Papyrologisch Handboek, by W. Peremans and J. Vergote.
Leuven 1942.
- Pestman, Prim.2
- = The New Papyrological Primer, 2nd ed., by P.W. Pestman.
Leiden 1994. [EJB]
- Preisendanz, Papyrusfunde
- = Papyrusfunde und Papyrusforschung, by K. Preisendanz. Leipzig
- Rupprecht, Einf.
- = Kleine Einführung in die Papyruskunde, by H.-A.
Rupprecht. Darmstadt 1994.
- Schubart, Einf.
- = Einführung in die Papyruskunde, by W. Schubart. Berlin
- Turner, GP
- = Greek Papyri, an Introduction, by E.G. Turner. Oxford 1968;
rev. ed. 1980. [OUP]
Papyrological resources on the World Wide Web not listed here can
be found through the Web site of the American Society of Papyrologists,