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= Greek Ostraka from Abu Mina, ed. N. Litinas. Berlin and New York 2008. (Archiv Beih. 25). Nos. 1—1088; nos. 1089—1446 are decripta. [KGS]
= Ostraka in Amsterdam Collections, ed. R.S. Bagnall, P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1976. (Stud.Amst. IX). Nos. 1—108. No. 6 contains Demotic; no. 93 is Coptic, see Enchoria 8 (1978) 149—150 (R.S. Bagnall). [TPC]
= "Ostraca in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford," in O.Bodl. I, pp. 63—81. Nos. 1—106
= Koptische Ostraka II: Ostraka aus dem Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, ed. A. Biedenkopf-Ziehner. Wiesbaden 2000. Nos. 1-22. [OH]
= Greek Ostraca in the Ashmolean Museum from Oxyrhynchus and other sites, ed. J.C. Shelton. Firenze 1988. (Pap.Flor. XVII). Nos. 1—229. No. 1 contains a Demotic subscription. [LGF]
= Le Monastère et la nécropole de Baouit, ed. from the notes of J. Clédat by D. Bénazeth and M.-H. Rutschowscaya, with contributions from A. Boud’hors, R.-G. Coquin and E. Gaillard. Cairo 1999. (MIFAO 111bis). 94 ostraca are published on pp. 245—343; of these 57 (or 58) are in the Louvre, the location of the others being unknown. On pp. 349—358 there are images of 75 Greek and Coptic papyri, all but three of which are unpublished. Those three can be found in A. Boud’hors, "Papyrus de Clédat au Musée du Louvre," Divitiae Aegypti. Koptologische und verwandte Studien zu Ehren von Martin Krause, ed. C. Fluck et al. (Wiesbaden 1995) 29—35. [SEVPO]
= Ostraca grecs et coptes de Baouit, ed. A. Boud'hors. Cairo 2004. (Bibliothèque d'Études Coptes 17). Nos. 1—67 and O.Nancy. Nos. 1—11, 13, 28. 30. 31. 43. 47—49 and O.Nancy are Greek and Coptic; nos. 12, 27, 29, 32, 46, and 60—67 are Coptic; nos. 16—26, 33—42, 44, 45, 50—53, 58 and 59 are Greek.
= Documents from Berenike
I, Greek Ostraka from the 1996—1998 Seasons, ed. R.S. Bagnall, C. Helms and A.M.F.W. Verhoogt. Brussels 2000. (Pap.Brux. XXXI). Nos. 1—117.
II, Texts from the 1999-2001 Seasons, ed. R. S. Bagnall, C. Helms, and A. M. F. W. Verhoogt. Brussels 2005. (Pap.Brux. 33). Nos. 118-260 (nos. 118-120 are inscriptions, 123-135 papyri, 136-257 ostraka, 258 a wooden tag, 259-260 instrumenta).
= Ostraka aus Brussel und Berlin, ed. P. Viereck. Berlin-Leipzig 1922. (Schr.Heid. IV). Nos. 1—99; nos. 1—20 (Brussels ostraca) are republished in O.Brux. [MF 2.72]
= Greek Ostraca in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Various Other Collections.
I, ed. J.G. Tait. London 1930. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 21). Nos. 1—406. There is Demotic (ed. H.F.H. Thompson) at nos. 4, 5, 7—9, 11, 14, 15—16, 18, 19—20, 22—25, 37, 42, 50, 70, 92, 93, 95, 96, 146—153, 203—205, 224—229, 308, 358 and 359—365. This volume also contains O.Ashm., O.Camb., O.Minor and O.Petr., which should be cited according to those abbreviations. [EES]
II, Ostraca of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, ed. J.G. Tait and C. Préaux. London 1955. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 33). Nos. 407—2588. There is Demotic at nos. 418, 421, 462, 466, 469, 562, 563, 591, 592, 594, 596, 660, 765, 968, 969, 1015, 1143 and 1147. [EES]
III, Indexes, compiled by J. Bingen and M. Wittek. London 1964. (Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 43). [EES]
I = Coptic and Greek Texts of the Christian Period from Ostraka, Stelae, etc. in the British Museum, ed. H.R. Hall. London 1905. The arrangement is in 100 plates, each of which contains one or more texts. There is also an appendix of 33 Coptic inscriptions. There is no index.
II = Koptische Ostraka I: Ostraka aus dem Britischen Museum in London, ed. A. Biedenkopf-Ziehner. Wiesbaden 2000. Nos. 1-47, Add. 1-6. [OH]
= Au Temps ou on lisait le grec en Égypte, ed. J. Bingen. Brussels 1977. Nos. 1—20; reedition of O.Berl. 1-20.
= The Bucheum, by R. Mond and O.H. Myers. 3 vols. London 1934. (Egypt Exploration Society, 41st Memoir). There are Demotic, Greek and Coptic texts in vol. II: "The Demotic Ostraca," ed. G. Mattha on pp. 53—74; "The Greek Ostraca," ed. A.S. Hunt, T.C. Skeat and J.G. Tait on pp. 75—78; "The Coptic Ostraca," ed. W. Crum on pp. 78—80.
= Les Ostraca de Bu Njem, ed. R. Marichal. Tripoli 1992. (Libya Antiqua, Suppl. VII). Nos. 1—151, Latin ostraca.
= Ostraka greci del Museo Egizio del Cairo, ed. C. Gallazzi, R. Pintaudi and K.A. Worp. Florence 1986. (Pap.Flor. XIV). Nos. 1—140. [LGF]
= Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, nos. 9501—9711: Griechische Ostraka, by U. Wilcken, ed. C. Gallazzi. Cairo 1983. Not mainly a publication of ostraca but a list and short description of ostraca in the Cairo Museum. For the texts, see O.Cair. (concordance, p. xiv). Transcriptions are given in notes for 5 ostraca; texts reprinted in SB XX 14594-14598.
= Catologue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, nos. 8001 – 8741: Coptic Monuments, by W. E. Crum. Cairo 1902. Not an edition, but a list and short description of all the Coptic texts in the Cairo Museum. Nos. 8001 – 8024, 8029, 8030, 8079 – 8100 and 8312 – 8316 are on parchment; nos. 8031 – 8078 and 8728 – 8741 are on papyrus; nos. 8025 – 8028 and 8101 – 8103 are on paper; no. 8104 is an inscribed jar; no. 8105 is not used; nos. 8106 – 8311 are ostraca; nos. 8317 and 8318 are painted on jars and nos. 8319 – 8727 are all grave stelae. Many of the inscribed stelae were transferred to the Coptic Museum; for these see I. Kamel, Coptic Funerary Stelae, (Catalogue général des antiquités du Musée copte, nos. 1-253) with a concordance on pp. 269 – 271.
= "Ostraca in the Cambridge University Library," in O.Bodl. I, pp. 153—173, nos. 1—141. Greek texts except nos. 124, 125(?), 127—128, 134—135 and 138, which contain Coptic items, and no. 136, which contains Demotic.
= Tax Receipts, Taxpayers, and Taxes in Early Ptolemaic Thebes , ed. B. P. Muhs. Chicago 2005. (Oriental Institute Publications 126). Nos. 1-61.[OI]
= Mons Claudianus. Ostraca graeca et latina. [SEVPO]
I, ed. J. Bingen, A. Bülow-Jacobsen, W.E.H. Cockle, H. Cuvigny, L. Rubinstein and W. Van Rengen. Cairo 1992. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 29). Nos. 1—190.
II, ed. J. Bingen, A. Bülow-Jacobsen, W.E.H. Cockle, H. Cuvigny, F. Kayser and W. Van Rengen. Cairo 1997. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 32). Nos. 191—416.
III, Les reçus pour avances à la ‘familia,’ ed. H. Cuvigny. Cairo 2000. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 38). Nos. 417-631.
IV, ed. A. Bülow-Jacobsen. Cairo 2009. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 47). Nos. 632—896.
= Greek Ostraka from Chersonesos. Ostraca Cretica Chersonesi, ed. N. Litinas. Vienna 2009. (Tyche supplement 6). Nos. 1—90.
= Coptic Ostraca from the Collections of the Egypt Exploration Fund, the Cairo Museum and Others, ed. W.E. Crum. London 1902. Nos. 1—525, Add. 1-62. Translations and commentary on the texts arranged by type precede the Coptic texts themselves.
= Short Texts from Coptic Ostraca and Papyri, ed. W.E. Crum. Oxford 1921. Nos. 1—450. Papyri are nos. 1, 46, 48—49, 57—60, 96—97, 113, 116—118, 124, 126, 130, 138, 153—154, 156—157, 166, 170—193, 264—266, 329—330, 405, 436, 439. No. 438 is a tablet; the rest are ostraca. The Vienna ostraca published here have been republished in O.Vind.Copt. Nos. 96 and 181 are republished in BASP 32 (1995) 101-108, 113-116 (S. Clackson). No. 439 (= P.Lond. V 1720) is republished in ZPE 96 (1993) 229—233 (L.S.B. MacCoull).
= Varia Coptica, ed. W.E. Crum. Aberdeen 1939. Nos. 1—129. Papyri are nos. 5—9, 38—39, 46—52, 100, 114—116 and 129. No. 5 is reedited with a new fragment in Enchoria 15 (1987) 55—59 (R.P. Salomons and P.J. Sijpesteijn).
O.Deir el-Bahari
= Le Monastère de St. Phoibammon. Deir el-Bahari 5, ed. W. Godlewski. Warsaw 1986. Coptic ostraca nos. 1—19 (no. 16 is wood and no. 19 Arabic) are found in chapter 9, pp. 134—140.
O.Deiss., see P.Meyer.
= Demotische Dokumente aus Dime I: Ostraka, ed. S. L. Lippert and M. Schentuleit. Wiesbaden 2006.
= Les ostraca grecs de Douch. Cairo.
I, ed. H. Cuvigny and G. Wagner. 1986. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 24/1). Nos. 1—57. Nos. 40 and 49 are Coptic; no. 44 is termed Graeco-Coptic. [SEVPO]
II, ed. H. Cuvigny and G. Wagner. 1988. (Documents de Fouilles 24/2). Nos. 58—183. No. 183 is Greek and Coptic. [SEVPO]
III, ed. H. Cuvigny and G. Wagner. 1992. (Documents de Fouilles 24/3). Nos. 184—355. [SEVPO]
IV, ed. G. Wagner. 1999. (Documents de Fouilles 24/4). Nos. 356—505. No. 468 is termed Graeco-Coptic. [SEVPO]
V, ed. G. Wagner. 2001.(Documents de Fouilles 24/5). Nos. 506—639. [SEVPO]
O.Edfou, published in Tell Edfou vols. I—III; for bibliographical information see under P.Edfou.
I, Cairo 1937. Nos. 1—230.
II, Cairo 1938. Nos. 231—325. There is Demotic noted at nos. 232, 233, 238, 245 and 255.
III, Cairo 1950. Nos. 326—372. There is Demotic noted at nos. 348, 353, 355 and 360.
= Ostraca grecs et coptes des fouilles franco-polonaises sur le site de Tell Edfou. O. EdfouCopte 1-145, ed. S. Bacot. Cairo 2009. (Bibliothèque d'Études Coptes 17). Nos. 1—145. Nos. 36—43, 46—47, 55—57, 61—62 and 121 are Greek and Coptic; nos. 1—9, 11—35, 44—45, 58, 60, 63—87, 92—94, 104, 107—120 and 122—145 are Coptic; nos. 10, 48—54, 59, 88—91, 95—103 and 105—106 are Greek.
O.Eleph.Wagner, see P.Eleph.Wagner.
= Elkab III. Les ostraca grecs, ed. J. Bingen and W. Clarysse. Brussels 1989. (Publications du Comité des Fouilles Belges en Égypte, Elkab). Nos. 1—227. [FERE]
= "Griechische Ostraka in der Kaiserlichen Eremitage in St. Petersburg," ed. G. Zereteli in Archiv 5 (1913) 170—180, nos. 1—40. Now republished as SB XVIII 13179—13217.
O.Fay., see P.Fay.
= The Florida Ostraka: Documents from the Roman Army in Upper Egypt, ed. R.S. Bagnall. Durham, N.C. 1976. (Greek, Roman and Byzantine Monographs 7). Nos. 1—31. [GRBS]
= Die griechischen Ostraka der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung, ed. C. Armoni, J. M. S. Cowey and D. Hagedorn with notes by W. Habermann. Heidelberg 2005. (Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung N.F. 11) Nos. 1-525; nos. 454-525 are descripta. There is Demotic in nos. 2, 30 and 35. The ostraca published in P.Heid. III are all reedited in this volume. There is a concordance on pages 513-514.[CWV]
= The Archive of Hor, ed. J.D. Ray. London 1976. (Egypt Exploration Society, Texts from Excavations, 2). Nos. 1—65; no. 1 is Greek, the rest Demotic. [EES]
= Die Prinz-Joachim-Ostraka, ed. F. Preisigke and W. Spiegelberg. Strassburg 1914. (Schriften der Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft in Strassburg 19). Nos. 1—22 are Greek, nos. 23—29 Demotic. Greek texts reprinted as SB III 6027—6034, 6920—6933. [Rp. CG]
=Greek Ostraka from Kellis, ed. K. A. Worp. Oxford 2004. (Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph 13). Nos. 1-293. Plates contain illustrations of the texts except for nos. 13, 23, 31, 58, 90, 141, 153, 160, 162—268, 284, 287 and 289. Included also is a CD which contains the same illustrations in PDF format. [Oxbow]
= Ostraca de Krokodilô , ed. H. Cuvigny.
I, La correspondance militaire et sa circulation. Cairo 2005. (Fouilles de l'Ifao 51). Nos. 1-151. [IFAO]
= Greek Ostraka: a Catalogue of the Greek Ostraka in the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden, with a Chapter on the Greek Ostraka in the Papyrological Institute of the University of Leiden, ed. R.S. Bagnall, P.J. Sijpesteijn and K.A. Worp. Zutphen 1980. (Collections of the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden IV). Nos. 1—410. Descripta nos. 411—697. [TPC]
= The Demotic Ostraca in the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden, ed. M.A.A. Nur el-Din. Leiden 1974. Nos. 1—590.
O.Lips., see P.Lips.
= Ostraca démotiques du Musée du Louvre.
I, Reçus, ed. D. Devauchelle. In two parts: 1, Texte, and 2, Index et Planches. Cairo 1983. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Bibliotheque d’Étude 82). Texts are not given sequential numbers; they must be cited by page and new inventory numbers. [SEVPO]
= Ostraca Lundensia. Ostraka aus der Sammlung des Instituts für Altertumskunde an der Universität zu Lund, ed. C. Tsiparis. Lund 1979. Nos. 1—32. [from Klassiska Institutionen, Sölvegatan 2, 22362 Lund, Sweden]
= Quelques reçus d’impôts agricoles, ed. M. Magnien. Paris 1902.
One text on pl. 9 has not been reedited in O.Louvre. The other 8 can be found as follows (with page no. and current Louvre inv. no.):
pl. 1 = O.Louvre, p. 131 (73)
pl. 2 = O.Louvre, p. 12 (100)
pl. 3 = O.Louvre, p. 139 (108)
pl. 4 = O.Louvre, p. 146 (912)
pl. 5 = O.Louvre, p. 140 (146)
pl. 6 = O.Louvre, p. 161 (112)
pl. 7 = O.Louvre, p. 244 (133)
pl. 8 = O.Louvre, p. 245 (564)
O.Masada, see P.Masada. Nos. 750—771 are Latin ostraca, nos. 772—794 Greek.
= Demotic Ostraca, ed. G. Mattha. Cairo 1945. (Publ.Soc.Fouad VI). Nos. 1—276. [MF 2.93]
The following have been republished (page nos. and current inventory nos. are given for O.Louvre):
4 = O.Louvre p. 241 (561)
5 = O.Louvre p. 240 (147)
21 = O.Louvre p. 239 (145)
48 = O.Louvre p. 218 (706)
64 = O.Louvre p. 219 (534)
67 = O.Louvre p. 212 (76)
82 = O.Louvre p. 247 (671)
88 = O.Louvre p. 153 (74)
92 = O.Louvre p. 245 (564)
96 = O.Louvre p. 226 (519)
116 = O.Louvre p. 243 (136)
135 = O.Louvre p. 122 (661)
148 = Enchoria 15 (1987) 148 and pl. 24 (S.P. Vleeming)
149 = Enchoria 15 (1987) 150 and pl. 24 (S.P. Vleeming)
150 = Enchoria 15 (1987) 151 and pl. 24 (S.P. Vleeming)
151 = Enchoria 15 (1987) 152 and pl. 24 (S.P. Vleeming)
160 = O.Louvre p. 232 (648)
162 = O.Louvre p. 233 (275)
189 = Enchoria 15 (1987) 152 and pl. 24 (S.P. Vleeming)
197 = O.Louvre p. 244 (153)
199 = O.Louvre p. 164 (287)
201 = O.Louvre p. 242 (909)
203 = O.Louvre p. 241 (552)
234 = O.Louvre p. 162 (164)
267 = O.Louvre p. 159 (109)
271 = O.Louvre p. 158 (99)
= Coptic Ostraca from Medinet Habu, ed. E. Stefanski and M. Lichtheim. Chicago 1952. (Univ. of Chicago. Oriental Institute Publications 71). Nos. 1—400. There is a concordance of inventory nos. and publication nos. by T. Wilfong, Enchoria 17 (1990) 155—160.
= Demotic Ostraca from Medinet Habu, ed. M. Lichtheim. Chicago 1957. (Univ. of Chicago, Oriental Institute Publications 80). Nos. 1—160. There is a concordance of inventory nos. and publication nos. by M. Wojdyla, Enchoria 15 (1987) 213—214.
= Ostraka e papiri greci da Medinet Madi nelle campagne 1968 e 1969, ed. D. Foraboschi. Milan 1976. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell’antichità 53). Nos. 1—33 plus two papyri (= P.Medin.Madi). [CG]
= Mélanges sur la métrologie, l’économie politique et l’histoire de l’ancienne Égypte, by E. Revillout. Paris 1895. Within a discursive narrative there are a number of texts given; the following list gives the references to the republished texts. The format of the list is as follows, page number in O.Métrologie followed by the "Old Louvre Inventory number" or other location inventory number. On the other side of the equal sign is the place of republication. In the case of those texts republished in O.Louvre, the page number reference is given and then the "New Louvre inventory number." There are concordances of these numbering systems in O.Louvre. The other republication citations should be clear:
74 (8460) = O.Louvre 201 (929)
93 (8008) = O.Louvre 164 (274)
98—99 (9152) = O.Louvre 138 (107)
118 (7891bis) = O.Louvre 159—160 (109)
121 (7989) = O.Louvre 247 (671)
121 (7893bis) = O.Louvre 246 (609)
125 (Brit.Mus. 12618) = Rev.Ég. 4 (1885) 183 (pl. 9) (E. Revillout)
147 (9069) = O.Louvre 172 (879)
164—165 (9053) = O.Louvre 143 (393)
166 (9074) = O.Louvre 139—140 (115)
166 (9150) = O.Louvre 143 (538+542)
166 (9069) = O.Louvre 145 (911)
167 (9067) = O.Louvre 144 (910)
168 (9075) = O.Louvre 135 (103)
170 (9051) = O.Tempeleide 69
171 (9072) = O.Tempeleide 103
171—172 (10305) = O.Tempeleide 104
174 (7939bis) = O.Tempeleide 145
175 (9056) = O.Tempeleide 130
176 (9090) = O.Tempeleide 150
177 (9146) = O.Louvre 139 (108)
178 (9877) = O.Louvre 134 (102)
178—179 (9054) = O.Louvre 148
179 (8076) = O.Louvre 147 (1354)
179 (9099) = O.Louvre 136 (104)
179—180 (9071) = O.Louvre 133 (101)
180 (7875) = O.Tempeleide 68
181 (7863) = O.Tempeleide 162A
181 (8116) = O.Tempeleide 162B
186 (8112) = O.Tempeleide 1
189 (Berlin) = O.Tempeleide 133
190 (Brit.Mus. 12609) = O.Tempeleide 97
191 (7871) = O.Louvre 158 (99)
191 (10321) = O.Tempeleide 11
193 (Brit.Mus. 12596) = O.Tempeleide 22
193 (Brit.Mus. 12575) = O.Tempeleide 149
193 (Brit.Mus. 12574) = O.Tempeleide 154
194 (Brit.Mus. 12619) = O.Tempeleide 159
194—195 (81221) = O.Louvre 157 (93)
195 (7925) = O.Louvre 241 (552)
195 (685a) = O.Louvre 168 (314)
196 (7924) = O.Louvre 242 (909)
197 (7598) = O.Louvre 177 (71)
198 (7922) = O.Louvre 240 (151)
198 (7921) = O.Louvre 241 (561)
198 (7923) = O.Louvre 240 (147)
198 (7933) = O.Louvre 239 (145)
198 (8103) = O.Louvre 252 (277)
198 (10311) = O.Louvre 182 (260)
199 (9300) = O.Louvre 259—260 (915)
199 (8100) = Rev.Ég. 6 (1888) 7 (E. Revillout)
200 (Berlin 1552) = Rev.Ég. 6 (1888) 10 (E. Revillout)
200 = Rev.Ég. 6 (1888) 8 (E. Revillout)
200 (8031) = O.Louvre 122—123 (661)
200 (Berlin 76) = Rev.Ég. 6 (1888) 7 (E. Revillout)
200 (Berlin 158) = Rev.Ég. 6 (1888) 11 (E. Revillout)
201 (Berlin 1153) = Rev.Ég. 6 (1888) 11 (E. Revillout)
201 (Brit.Mus. 5762) = Orientalia Suecana 27—28 (1978—79) 25 (S.V. Wângstedt)
202 (Brit.Mus. 14203) = Rev.Ég. 4 (1885) 187 (pl. 13) E. Revillout)
202 (Brit.Mus. 5837) = O.Louvre 64
202 (Brit.Mus. 14203) = O.Louvre 64
202 (7905) = O.Louvre 64
202 (7264) = O.Louvre 47 (85)
202 (8108) = O.Louvre 88 (10)
203 (Brit.Mus. 5690) = Orientalia Suecana 29 (1980) 13 (S.V. Wângstedt)
203 (Brit.Mus. 5701) = Orientalia Suecana 29 (1980) 17 (S.V. Wângstedt)
203 (Brit.Mus. 5726) = Orientalia Suecana 29 (1980) 9 (S.V. Wângstedt)
206—207 (Brit.Mus. 5785) = Orientalia Suecana 23—24 (1974—75) 12 (S.V. Wângstedt)
209 (Brit.Mus. 5712) Orientalia Suecana 18 (1969) 84—85 (S.V. Wângstedt)
210 (7688) = O.Louvre 245 (564)
213 (9037) = O.Tempeleide 27
214 (8011) = O.Louvre 153 (74)
215 (7904) = O.Louvre 216 (699)
215 (Brit.Mus. 12614) = Orientalia Suecana 18 (1969) 74 (S.V. Wângstedt)
216 (7173) = O.Louvre 212 (76)
216 (7895) = O.Louvre 219 (534)
216 (8030) = O.Louvre 218 (706)
216 (8446) = O.Louvre 256 (668)
225 (7896) = O.Louvre 232—233 (648)
225 (9080) = O.Louvre 227 (700)
226 (7758) = O.Louvre 226—227 (519)
226 (9062) = O.Louvre 225—226 (920)
226 (9064) = O.Louvre 248 (872)
227 (7748) = O.Louvre 232 (602)
227 (7991) = O.Louvre 233 (675)
227 (7949) = O.Louvre 234 (844)
O.Meyer, see P.Meyer.
= Greek Ostraca in the University of Michigan Collection, Part I, Texts, ed. L. Amundsen. Ann Arbor 1935. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 34). Nos. 1—699. [MF1.27]
II, Nos. 700—971, see P.Mich. VI.
III, Nos. 972—1111, see P.Mich. VIII.
IV, Nos. 1112—1144, ed. H.C. Youtie in ZPE 18 (1975) 267—282. Reprinted SB XIV 11499—11531.
= Coptic Texts in the University of Michigan Collection., ed. W.H. Worrell. Ann Arbor 1942. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 46). Pt. IV, "Letters and Documents on Ostraca or Fragments of Limestone," pp. 215—251. Nos. 1—28. See also P.Mich.Copt. and O.Mich.Copt.Etmoulon.
= Coptic Texts in the University of Michigan Collection., ed. W.H. Worrell. Ann Arbor 1942. (Univ. of Mich. Studies, Humanistic Series 46). Pt. V, "Etmoulon Ostraca," ed. H.C. Youtie and W.H. Worrell, pp. 253—294. Nos. 1—77 (reprinted SB Kopt. I 146—222). See also P.Mich.Copt. and O.Mich.Copt.
= "Ostraca in Various Minor Collections," in O.Bodl. I, pp. 174—81. 41 ostraca from 8 collections; no. A6 has a reference to Demotic.
= Le Monastère de Phoebammon dans la Thébaïde, ed. C. Bachatly. Tome 2: Graffiti, inscriptions et ostraca, ed. R. Rémondon, Yassâ ‘Abd al-Masîh, W.C. Till and O.H.E. KHS-Burmester. Cairo 1965. (Publications de la Société d’archéologie copte. Rapports de fouilles). "Coptic Ostraca", ed. W.C. Till and O.H.E. KHS-Burmester, are found on pp. 103—157, pls. 1—13. Nos. 1—125; nos. 1—3 are biblical, 4—5 legal, 6—18 letters, 19—125 fragments. No. 40 Greek? with cryptogram?
= The Administration of Egyptian Thebes in the Early Ptolemaic Period, by B.P. Muhs. Dissertation Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 1996. Publishes 18 Demotic ostraca from the Brooklyn Museum and 47 Demotic ostraca from the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. [UMI, order no. 96-27970]
= "The Demotic Ostraca from Qaret el-Muzawwaqa," ed. M.A. Nur el-Din in Denkmäler der Oase Dachla: aus dem Nachlass von Ahmed Fakhry by J. Osing, M. Moursi, D. Arnold, O. Neugebauer, R.A. Parker, D. Pingree and M.A. Nur el-Din. Mainz 1982. (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Abt. Kairo. Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 28). Nos. 1—30. [PvZ]
O.Nancy, see O.BawitIFAO.
= Ostraka greci da Narmuthis (OGN I), ed. R. Pintaudi and P.J. Sijpesteijn. Pisa 1993. (Quaderni di Medinet Madi 2). Nos. 1—131. [Giardini, Pisa]
I, Ostraka demotici da Narmuti, ed. E. Bresciani, S. Pernigotti and M.C. Betro. Pisa 1983. (Quaderni di Medinet Madi 1). Nos. 1—33.
II, Ostraka demotici e ieratici dall’ archivio bilingue di Narmuthis, ed. P. Gallo. Pisa 1997. Nos. 34—99. [Edizione ETS]
III, Ostraka demotici e bilingui da Narmuthis (ODN 100-188) , ed. A. Menchetti. Pisa 2005. (Biblioteca di Studi Egittologici 5). Nos. 100-188.
= Les Oasis d’Égypte à l’époque grecque, romaine et byzantine d’après les documents grecs, by G. Wagner. Cairo 1987. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire, Bibliothèque d’Étude 100). In a study of published and unpublished papyri, ostraca, tablets, inscriptions and graffiti referring to the Oases the following ostraca are edited: O.Chams el Din (pp. 44-47) = SB XX 14821-14825; O.AinLabakha (p. 82) = SB XX 14883; O.Bahria 1—22 (pp. 88—95), O.Sarm. 1—16 (pp. 96—101), O.Dor. 1—5 (pp. 102—103) and O.Bahria div. 1—16 (pp. 104—109) = SB XX 14885-14938. There are tablets at pp. 47 (= SB XX 14826) and 83-85 (= SB XX 14484). [SEVPO]
O.Ont.Mus. (or O.ROM)
I, Death and Taxes: Ostraka in the Royal Ontario Museum, ed. A.E. Samuel, W.K. Hastings, A.K. Bowman and R.S. Bagnall. Toronto 1971. (Am.Stud.Pap. X). Nos. 1—72. There is notice of Demotic at nos. 1, 16, 25 and 46. [Oxbow]
II, Ostraka in the Royal Ontario Museum II, ed. R.S. Bagnall and A.E. Samuel. Toronto 1976. (Am.Stud.Pap. XV). Nos. 73—289. No. 73 has Demotic. The inventory list given on pp. 104—117 lists many ostraca as non-Greek and others as Demotic or Coptic. [Oxbow]
= Ostraca Osloënsia, Greek Ostraca in Norwegian Collections, ed. L. Amundsen. Oslo 1933. (Avhandlinger utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, Hist.-Fil. Kl. 1933, No. 2). Nos. 1—28. [UF]
O.Paris, see P.Paris.
= "Ostraca in Prof. W.M. Flinders Petrie’s Collection at University College, London," in O.Bodl. I, pp. 82—152, nos. 1—476. Nos. 36 and 144 contain Demotic. No. 467 = SB Kopt. I 241.
O.Quseir, see P.Quseir.
O.Sarga, see P.Sarga.
I, Griechische und griechisch-demotische Ostraka der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek zu Strassburg im Elsass, ed. P. Viereck. Berlin 1923. Nos. 1—812; a few are Demotic or bilingual. There is an index to the Demotic material. [MF 1.79]
II, Thèbes et ses taxes: Recherches sur la fiscalité en Égypte romaine, ed. P. Heilporn. Paris 2009. Nos. 813—906. There is an index to the Demotic material. [De Boccard]
O.Tebt., Nos. 1—20, see P.Tebt. II.
= Ostraka da Tebtynis della Università di Padova I, ed. C. Gallazzi. Milan 1979. Nos. 1—70. [CG]
= Die demotischen Tempeleide, ed. U. Kaplony-Heckel. Wiesbaden 1963. (Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 6). Nos. 1—224, of which 52 were previously published. There is a catalogue listing of 286 further fragmentary ostraca of which 7 have been published.
= Theban Ostraca. London 1913. (Univ. of Toronto Studies, Philological Series I). Part I, Hieratic Texts, ed. A.H. Gardiner; 31 texts on pp. 1—16 with an additional text in an appendix on pp. 16a—16o. Part II, Demotic Texts, ed. H. Thompson; 44 texts not numbered serially on pp. 23—65. Part III, Greek Texts, ed. J.G. Milne; nos. 1—146 on pp. 71—161 with Demotic in nos. 16, 21—26, 28 and 31. Part IV, Coptic Texts, ed. H. Thompson; nos. 1—48 on pp. 179—212.
= Die koptischen Ostraka der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, ed. W. C. Till. Vienna 1960. (Denkschrift Wien 78.1). Nos. 1—473.
= Ostraka Varia. Tax Receipts and Legal Documents on Demotic, Greek and Greek-Demotic Ostraka, Chiefly of the Early Ptolemaic Period, From Various Collections, ed. S.P. Vleeming. Leiden 1994. (Pap.Lugd.Bat. XXVI). Nos. 1—62, of which 1A, 11A, 12—25, 17—29 and 31A contain Greek. [EJB]
= "Nouveaux textes grecs du Ouadi Hammamat," ed. F. Kayser. Nos. 1—60, published with full indexes in ZPE 98 (1993) 111—156 and plates III—X. Texts reprinted as SB XXII 15660-15700.
= Ausgewählte demotische Ostraka aus der Sammlung des Victoria-Museums zu Uppsala und der Staatlichen Papyrussammlung zu Berlin, ed. S. Wångstedt. Uppsala 1954. Nos. 1—80.
= Les Ostraca grecs d’Aïn Waqfa (Oasis de Kharga), ed. H. Cuvigny, A. Hussein and G. Wagner. Cairo 1993. (Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles 30). Nos. 1—79. [SEVPO]
= Les Ostraca grecs de la collection Charles-Edwin Wilbour au Musée de Brooklyn, ed. C. Préaux. New York 1935. Nos. 1—78; no. 1 has Demotic. [FERE; rp. CG]
O.Wilck. (or WO)
= Griechische Ostraka aus Aegypten und Nubien, ed. U. Wilcken. Leipzig-Berlin 1899. 2 vols. Texts, vol. II, nos. 1—1624. Reprint Amsterdam 1970 with addenda compiled by P.J. Sijpesteijn. There is Demotic noted at nos. 95, 97, 141, 160, 305, 313, 314, 316, 394 and 1384. [MF 2.78—79; rp. CG, AMH]
O.Zauzich, see P.Zauzich.
= Die demotischen Ostraka der Universtät zu Zürich, ed. S. WÅngstedt. Uppsala 1965. (Bibliotheca Ekmania 62). Nos. 1—53.

There are also ostraca in the following editions of papyri: BGU VI, VII, XIV, CPR X, P.Aberd., P.Bad. IV, P.Batav. I, P.Brookl., P.Coll.Youtie II, P.David, P.Demotica I, II, P.Fay., P.Genova II, P.Heid. III, P.Hombert, P.Köln II, P.Leid.Inst., P.Lips., P.Meyer, P.Michael., P.Mon.Epiph., P.Paris, P.Rein. I, II, P.Sakaon, P.Schutzbriefe, P.Select., PSI III, V, VIII, XII, P.Sorb. I, P.Tebt. II, P.TestiBotti, and P.Vars. The numbers of the ostraca are given in the citation of these volumes in Part I. There are also ostraca throughout the volumes of SB and SB Kopt.


= Tablettes Albertini, Actes privés de l’époque Vandale, ed. C. Courtois, L. Leschi, C. Perrat and C. Saumagne. Paris 1952. Texts I—XXXIV; separate portfolio of plates.
= Tablitele Cerate Dacice, ed. I. I. Russu. Bucharest 1975. (Inscriptiile Daciei Romane I; Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae I) Nos. 1—25 on pages 192—256. Index includes the tablets.
= Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum IV Supplementum. Pars I, Tabulae ceratae Pompeis repertae annis MCCCLXXV et MCCCLXXXVII, ed. K. Zangemeister. Berlin 1898. Nos. 1—153 (the Iucundus tablets) and two additional tablets ("auctarium") uncovered in 1887.
= "Catalogue des étiquettes de momies du Musée du Louvre," ed. F. Baratte and B. Boyaval. Lille 1974—1979. Pt. 1, nos. 1—259 (CRIPEL 2, 1974); pt. 2, nos. 260—688 (CRIPEL 3, 1975); pt. 3, nos. 689—999 (CRIPEL 4, 1976); pt. 4, nos. 1000—1209 and indexes (CRIPEL 5, 1979).
= Las Pizarras Visigoda: edición crítica y estudio, ed. I. Velázquez Soriano. Murcia 1989. (Antigüedad y cristianismo 6). Nos. 1-104.
= Tabulae Pompeianae Sulpiciorum: edizione critica dell'archivio puteolano dei Sulpicii, ed. G. Camodeca. 2 vols. Rome 1999. (Vetera 12) Nos.1—126. [Quasar]
= Tavolette lignee e cerate da varie collezioni, ed. R. Pintaudi, P.J. Sijpesteijn et al. Florence 1989. (Pap.Flor. XVIII). Nos. 1—81 from six collections. [LGF]
= Vindolanda: the Latin Writing Tablets,
I, ed. A.K. Bowman and J.D. Thomas. London 1983. (Britannia Monograph Series 4). Nos. 1—48, descripta 49—106, waxed tablets 107—117.
II, ed. A.K. Bowman and J.D. Thomas, with contributions by J.N. Adams. London 1994. Nos. 118—573. [BMP]
III, ed. A. K. Bowman and J. D. Thomas with contributions by J. Pearce. London 2003. Nos. 574—853. [BMP]
= Die römischen Schreibtafeln von Vindonissa, ed. M.A. Speidel. 1996. (Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft Pro Vindonissa 12). Nos. 1—65, descripta nos. 66—90.

There are also tablets in BGU VII, P.Bad. IV, P.Bingen, P.Brookl., P.Coll.Youtie II, P.Dura, P.Hombert, P.Kell. I-IV, P.Köln VIII, P.Leid. Inst., P.Michael., P.Mon.Epiph., O.Deir el-Bahari, O.Oasis, SB, SB Kopt. I and O.CrumST.