Sale of a house and land (P.Duk.inv. 185)


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Catalogue Record

Title: Sale of a house and land, Year 6 of Probus, Pharmouthi (March/April 281)
Author: Aurelios Hierax (Councillor of Alexandria, Egypt), fl. 281
	Aurelios Ammon, Scholastikos, fl. 348
Subject: House selling --Egypt --Akhmim --30 B.C.-640 A.D.
	Notaries --Egypt --Alexandria --30 B.C.-640 A.D.
	Documentary papyri --Egypt --Akhmim --30 B.C.-640 A.D.
	Deeds --Egypt --Akhmim --30 B.C.-640 A.D.
Material: 1 item : papyrus, mounted in glass.
Note: 42 lines.
	Written along the fibers on the recto.
	P.Duk.inv. 185 was formerly P.Duk.inv. G 185.
	Sale of a house and land from Panopolis (modern name:
	Akhmim), Egypt, written on papyrus. House and land
	is sold by Aurelius Hierax alias Eustephios, councillor
	of Alexandria (through his father Aurelius Eudaimon
	son of Serenus), to Aurelia Artemidora, daughter
	of Besarion the younger and Eudaimonis, from Panopolis.
	Sale of four thirtieths of a house in the second
	quarter in Panopolis (formerly owned by Harsytes)
	and of one aroura of formerly dry land, which Hierax
	has had planted, in the plain of Marion in Panopolis
	to the west of the property of the daughter of Dioskoros
	son of Kalykas. Hierax (through Aurelius Didymos)
	bought his property on Pachon 3 of year 5 of Probus
	(April 28, 280) in Alexandria (through Aurelius Isidoros
	chrematistes, a kind of notary) from Aurelius Philapollon
	son of Philapollon. He now sells it for two talents
	in "Ptolemaic" (old) currency. Dated to Pharmouthi
	of year 6 of Probus (March/April 281). Part of the
	archive of Ammon, the well-known scholastikos, or
	lawyer. Another copy of this text is P.Duk.inv. 1284.
	P.Duk.inv. 185 joins P.Köln inv. 4535, which has been
	on indefinite loan to Duke University since 1986.
	In Greek.
	Descriptive database available in repository.
Publications: Browne, Gerald M. "Property Belonging
	to Aurelia Senpasis and Aurelius Petearbeschinis."
	Collectanea Papyrologica: Texts Published in Honour
	of H.C. Youtie, Part Two (Bonn: Habelt, 1976): 489-500
	(no. 71).

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Last updated by Peter van Minnen on 12/8/95