A Continuation of the Summary Descriptive List

Nos. 51-75

of the

Kenneth Willis Clark Collection of Greek Manuscripts

GREEK MS. 51 - Hermogenes of Tarsus, Progymnasmata.

Paper; XVIII. 20 ff.; 1 col., 20-21 lines. 198 x 158 mm. Transcribed from a manuscript in the Bibliothèque Nationale by Ioannes Ionas ho Eleftherios.

GREEK MS. 52 - Michael Psellus and Ioannes Pediasimus.

The prose and verse of Michael Psellus and the prose work of Ioannes Pediasimus on the Labors of Hercules. Paper; ca. A.D.1470. 51 ff.; 1 col., 23 lines (double spacing with intermittent linear glosses on some pages). 210 x 143 mm.

GREEK MS. 53 - Theophylact of Okhrid, Commentary on the Gospel of John.

Paper; ca. A. D. 1540. 214 ff.; 1 col., 30 lines. 331 x 244 mm. Colophon on f. 212v (in Greek and Lati n); the Latin reads as follows: Anno Christi Serva(n)toris / 1573. / Nunc legeris agnovit Librum Claudius Naulotus Vallensis, et Avallonoeus, et / Haednus: Cl. Naulot du Val Avallonois//

GREEK MS. 54 - Pindar, Olympia.

Paper; ca. A. D. 1490. 47 ff.; 1 col., 18 lines. 211 x 140 mm. Provenance - Italy.

GREEK MS. 55 - Psalterion.

Psalter and Odes of Moses. Paper; A. D. 1434. 143 ff.; 1 col. (145 x 80 mm.), 21-23 lines. 204 x 138 mm. All before Ps. 17 (18): 13 wanting.

GREEK MS. 56 - Timothy, Patriarch of Constantinople, De iis qui ad ecclesiam ab haereticis accendunt.

Parchment; IX. 1 f.; 2 cols. (250 x 170 x 75 mm.), 33 lines. 338 x 249 m m.

GREEK MS. 57 - St. Basil, Homilies.

Parchment; XII. 4 ff.; 2 cols. (250 x 170 x 80mm.), 30 lines. 290 x 205 mm.

GREEK MS. 58 - St. John Chrysostom, Homily 3 on Lazarus.

Parchment; ca. A. D. 1150. 3 ff.; 2 cols. (255 x 176 x 80 mm.), 28 lines. 350 x 261 mm.

GREEK MS. 59 - St. John Chrysostom, Homily 40 on Genesis.

Parchment; ca. A. D. 1200. 2 ff.; 2 cols. (245 x 165 x 70 mm.), 33 lines. 317 x 245 mm.

GREEK MS. 60 - Tetraevangelion, with commentary.

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Parchment; ca. a. D. 1000. 352 ff., 1 col. with marginal commentary (235 x 160 mm.), +\- 21 lines. 290 x 218 mm. Codex Daltonianus. Gregory-Aland 1423. Provenance - Kosinitza.

GREEK MS. 61 - Cosmos Indicopleustes, Topographia.

Paper; A. D. 1682. 182 ff.; 1 col. 187 x 140 mm.), 23 lines. 217 x 150 mm. Copied from Florence, Laurenziana Plut IX 28, of the X century, between January 21 and February 13, 1682.

GREEK MS. 62A - Liturgical Offices for the Common of Saints.

Paper; XVI. 15ff.; 1 col. (151 x 91 mm.), 43 lines. 208 x 138 mm.

GREEK MS. 62B - Miscellaneous Quotations from the Fathers.

Selected quotations from SS. John Chrysostom, Anastasius of Sinai,and Leontius of Jerusalem. Paper; XVII. 19ff.; 1 c ol. (185 x 105 mm.), 30-35 lines. 210 x 139 mm. Provenance - Jesuit Collège de Clermont in Paris.

GREEK MS. 63 - Breviary in Greek and Hebrew.

The breviary in Greek and Hebrew consists of the latter half of the Divine Office. Parchment; XVI. 59ff.; 1 col. (80 x 55 mm.), 8 lines. 131 x 87 mm.

GREEK MS. 64 - Tetraevangelion.

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Parchment; ca. A. D. 1300. 315 ff.; 1 col. (143 x 95 mm.), 24 lines. 179 x 140 mm.

GREEK MS. 65 - Evangelistarion.

Parchment; XI. 256 ff.; 2 cols. (182 x 108 x 47 mm.), 27 lines. 245 x 170 mm. Gregory-Aland l 1839 . Presented by The Friends of Duke University Library in honor of Kenneth Willis Clark.

GREEK MS. 66 - Theodore Prodromus and Aesop.

Commentaries on the hymns of Cosmas of Jerusalem and John of Damascus by Theodore Prodromus; Anthology of excerpts from St. John C hrysostom; and Aesop's Fables in an alphabetic recension. Paper; not abter A. D. 1254. 245 ff.; 1 col. (135 x 90 mm.), 23-27 lines. 176 x 120 mm.

GREEK MS. 67 - Maximus and Thalassius.

The Philokalia of Maximus is included along with selections from Thalassius. Paper; ca. A. D. 1500. 29 ff.; 1 col. (260 x 140 mm.), 31 lines. 332 x 214 mm.

GREEK MS. 68 - Germanius II, Sermon on the Annunciation.

Paper; XVI, 65 pp. and 6 blank ff.; 1 col. (246 x 148 mm.), 35-39 lines. 277 x 205 mm.

GREEK MS. 69 - Anthologia graeca.

This anthologia is a transcript of the 743 epigrams of the Cod. Reg. Gr. 2742, with variant readings and a few notes in Latin. Paper; transc ribed by Richard François Philippe Brunck in Paris, A. D. 1769. 168 pp.; 276 x 233 mm.

GREEK MS. 70 - St. Gregory Nazianzen, Selected Sermons and Poems.

The "Invective against the Emperor Julian" is included along with other sermons and poems. Parchment; ca. A. D. 935. 40 ff.; 2 cols. (207 x 149 x 65 mm.), 26 lines. 334 x 230 mm.

GREEK MS. 71 - SS. Dorotheus of Gaza, Basil of Caesarea, and Gregory Nazianzen.

Containing the Didaskaliai Psychopheleis (Doctrines 11-17, 19, 20-23)of Dorotheus, a life of D orotheus, several sermons by St. Basil, and a homily by St. Gregory Nazianzen. Parchment; ca. A. D. 985. 81 ff.; 1 col. (179 x 122 mm.), 27 lines. 232 x 171 mm.

GREEK MS. 72 - Liturgy of the Presanctified.

Portion of the Liturgy of the Presanctified for Good Friday. Paper; XVI. 1 f.; 1 col., 17 lines. ca. 207 x 143 mm. By the same hand as Duke Greek MS. 41 (ff. 5-36).

GREEK MS. 73 - SS. John Chrysostom, John of Damascus and Gregory Thaumaturgus, inter alia.

Homilies of SS. John Chrysostom, John of Damascus, Gregory Thaumaturgus and others. Paper; late XIV. 136 ff.; 1 col. (162 x 95 mm.), 31 lines. 220 x 138 mm.

GREEK MS. 74 - Theotokarion.

Paper; A. D. 1575. 148 ff.; 2 cols. (215 x 135 x 60mm.), 30 lines. 300 x 201 mm.

GREEK MS. 75 - Lycophron with Isaac and John Tzetzes.

The Alexandra of Lycophron with the commentary of Isaac and John Tzetzes. Paper; ca. A. D. 1500. 250 ff.; 1 col. (131 x 98 mm.), 23 lines. 208 x 140 mm.

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