William Grant Still

William Grant Still Exhibition

Newspaper Reviews

Daily Worker Review Despite the reception of the audience at the premiere of the Troubled Island, the critics found ways to cast negative connotations on the work. Helen Thigpen reported that a conspiracy was underfoot. She stated that one of the critics said, " Well, we are only going to let just so many Negroes through." The music critic, Howard Taubman came to Still's hotel room and told him, "Billy, because I'm your friend I think that I should tell you this: The critics have had a meeting to decide what to do about your opera. They think that the colored boy has gone far enough, and they have voted to pan Troubled Island."

Daily Worker (at right) -->

New York Times, 1949
Journal-American and Post
Herald Tribune
New York Sun

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Materials from Special Collections Library, Duke University

A project of The Digital Scriptorium, Special Collections Library, Duke University. September 1995