Browse Sheet Music by Illustration Type

One or more illustration type terms which refer to illustrations on the piece of music have been assigned to each item in the collection. The illustrations may appear on the illustrated title page and back or inside pages. The heading "HASM Illustration Type" refers to the types of illustrations contained within the item.

Selecting "search" below will display all pieces within the subject category. Examples are provided to illustrate the categories, and descriptions give background about type of music contained within the category.

To browse thumbnails of the title pages see Browse by Title Pages.

HASM Illustration Type (This term refers to illustrations on the item)

Animals Search Example
Architecture, buildings, furniture Search Example
Dance Search Description
      --Ballroom dancing Search Example
      --Cakewalks Search Example Description
      --Galops Search Example Description
      --Mazurkas Search Example Description
      --Polkas Search Example Description
      --Polonaises Search Example Description
      --Quadrilles Search Example Description
      --Schottisches Search Example Description
      --Tangos Search Example Description
      --Waltzes Search Example Description
Design elements
Included here are elaborate borders, ornamented letters, flowers, etc.
      --Birds Search Example
      --Borders Search Example
            --Chains Search Example
            --Flowers Search Example
      --Flowers & Plants Search Example
      --Ornamented letters Search Example
      --Stars Search Example
Education and fraternal organizations Search Example Description
Entertainment Search Example Description
Fashion and costume Search Example Description
Flowers & Plants Search Example
Food and Eating Search Example Description
Historical and patriotic music Search Description
      God Save the Southern Land Example 1
      Wedding of the Blue and the Gray Example 2
Human activities of ordinary people Search Example Description
      --Afro-Americans Search Example
      --Children Search Example
      --Couples Search Example
      --Groups Search Example
      --Men Search Example
      --Photographs Search Example
            Including --Children, --Groups, --Men, --Women
      --Women Search Example
Landscapes Search Example
Legacies of racism and discrimination Search Example Description
      --Afro-Americans see --Stereotypes--Afro-Americans
      --American Indians Search Example
      --Arabs Search Example
      --Asian (Japanese and Chinese) Search Example
      --Couples Search Example
      --Dutch Search Example
      --French Search Example
      --Germans Search Example
      --Gypsies Search Example
      --Handicapped Search Example
      --Hawaiians Search Example
      --Hispanic Search Example
      --Irish Search Example
      --Italians Search Example
      --Men Search Example
      --Scots Search Example
      --Women Search Example
      --Stereotypes Search Description
            --Afro-Americans Search Example
            --American Indians Search Example
            --Couples Search Example
            --Eskimo Search Example
            --Groups Search Example
            --Hispanic Search Example
            --Men Search Example
            --Women Search Example
Musical instruments (e.g., banjos) Search Example
National Symbols, Flags, etc. Search Example
Performers Search Example Description
      --Afro-Americans Search Example
      --Children Search Example
      --Groups Search Example
      --Men Search Example
      --Women Search Example
Personalities Search Example
Politics Search Example Description
Religion Search Example Description
Society and Culture Search Example Description
      --Afro-Americans Search Example
      --American Indians Search Example
      --Children Search Example
      --Couples Search Example
      --Groups Search Example
      --Men Search Example
      --Supernatural & Imaginary Beings Search Example
      --Women Search Example
Sports Search Example
Technology Search Example
Transportation Search
      Trains Example
      Airplanes Example
Vices, Gambling, etc. Search Example Description
War and military Search Example
Weather and Geologic Events Search
      Snow Example
      Volcanos Example

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A project of the Digital Scriptorium
Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University