The Age of Revolutions

Two Kinds of Freedom

15. Carter, Robert. Letter to The Commanding Officers at Portsmouth, et. al... 30 October 1781. Robert Carter Papers (Vol. III). (Virginia) Special Collections Library, Duke University.

Description: Letter describing slaves that have runaway from Carter's plantation.

Gentlemen--this is to advise that from the 31st day of march last passed to the 8th of april, nine days, only, 32 negroes left my plantation on Potomack River, commonly called Coles point who put themselves under the Care and direction of Some officers in the Service of Geo: the third king of Great Britain-- negro tom, one of Said negroes, is now here, who Says that four of his fellow Servants, belonging to me, Viz Tom Cooper Ditcher, about 26 years old, Nanny Spinster about 23 years old, Betty Spinster, about 18 years old, Judy dary maid about 25 years old, ware at Portsmouth last July when he made his escape from that place--but he gives no information as to the remainder of my People--....

16. Carter, Robert. Letter to Reverand John Sutton [Overseer at the Leo Plantation?]. 30 October 1781. Robert Carter Papers (Vol. IV). (Virginia) Special Collections Library, Duke University.

Description: In this letter Carter encloses a list [which has not survived] of the 32 slaves he says he lost at Coles point. He instructs Sutton to inquire about their whereabouts in York, Gloucester, and Portsmouth. And if he is successful and does possess himself of any of these runaways, he is to "Sell one or all of Said negroes either at Publick or private sale..."

17. "Deed of Emancipation." 1 August 1791. Robert Carter Papers (Vol. XI). (Virginia) Special Collections Library, Duke University, Durham, NC.

Description: The draft of the document wherein Carter lays out his manumission plans, and lists those slaves affected.

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