Thompkinsville, KY. From Sarah Thompson to her sister with a note to Dorcas A. Lane. Personal correspondence after Thompson's recent move to Thompkinsville, KY. (Sarah E. Thompson Papers, Special Collections Library, Duke University)
Tompkinsville, Ky Nov 13th 1859
Dear Sister
I read your letter on the 11th of this month which found us all well. I was
glad to here that you was well and in good health. I am only tolerably well
satestfied with my move to Tompkinsvill; but I am better satatestfied now;
then I was at first. I have not much to write about at this time but will
write the more the next time This greene is a piece of the baby's Bonnet
it cost 50 cts per yd this other piece is a piece of my dress it cost 42
1/2 cts per yd Nothing more but fom you to write to me as soon as you can
I remain your only sister until death
Sarah E. Thompson To
Dorcas A. Lane
Tell Sammy to hurry and learn to write so that he can write me a letter;
tell Johnny to hurry and learn to read the bible; Tell Jimmy to learn this
piece of reading by heart and be a good Boy
Sarah. E. Thompson
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