Louisville, KY. From A.B. Stevens to Sarah Thompson. Personal correspondence concerning Thompson's stay in Cincinnati, Ohio. (Sarah E. Thompson Papers, Special Collections Library, Duke University)
Louisville. Ky.
Sunday Morning Nov 27/64
Mrs Thompson
Your favour of Nov 18th came to hand a few days ago I showed it to Hattie.
She promised to write and send her letter here so that I could enclose it
with mine to you. I hope waited several days. and she has not done it. so
I will wait no longer. I am glad you found Kind friends in Cincinnati. I
only advised you to go to Cleveland because I was better acquainted there
than at Cincinnati. and I could give you letters there but none to persons
in cincin. if you have succeeded in finding friends there that will assist
you. I think it full as well for you to remain, at least for the present.
for if
you go to
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cleveland you will again be among strangers. if you can get anything to do that is respectable and that will pay present expenses. I think you had better remain. I have not heard anything from Douglas. I suppose he will be here some time this week. Hattie is still at the same boarding House. we have not started mess yet but expect to this week. I shall probably pass through cincinnati about the 22 of December and if you are still in cincin I will see you and we will have a good long talk. accept kind regards and write me soon and tell me how you are getting on.
Your Friend
A. B. Stevens.
Care Bx 53
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