Chagrin Falls. From J. Graham to Brother Peate. Letter of introduction recommending Sarah Thompson as a public speaker who will be well-received and who needs the work. (Sarah E. Thompson Papers, Special Collections Library, Duke University)
Brother Peate allow me if you please to introduce to you Mrs. S. E. Thompson, one of the greats (if not the greats) Heroines for the union cause during the Rebelion. She was the main instrument in leading to the capture of John Morgan. She has spent quite a large [...] for the union cause. Her husband was killed by the rebels a little over a year ago, she is now desperate, and in need of some pecunary aide. She [...] a history of her campaign in the way of a lecture, sells tickets at 25 cents for admission our people give her between twenty and thirty dollars. She is not learned in what she has to say, but an audience will be satisfied in listening to her that she has endured a great deal for the union cause.
J. Graham
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