Sarah E. Thompson Papers

Letter from E.J. Brooks to Sarah Thompson, June 16, 1865

Headquarters, District, E. Tennessee. Letter from E.J. Brooks to Sarah Thompson. Personal correspondence concerning Sarah Thompson's friends at a camp in Tennessee. Also contains details of events at the camp. (Sarah E. Thompson Paper s, Special Collections Library, Duke University)

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Hd qrs Dist E Tenn
June 16th 1865
Dear Mrs Thompson
Your letter of may 22nd came to me last eve and was a very pleasing surprise to me many times I have wondered where in the wide earth you were since I saw you last summer or fall at this place and all that I could learn was that you had gone north. And I hope you have found many friends there and are living happily.
The 10th is here in camp and all well after the long raid through Virginia North and South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama and they are now refitting for more new duty Dr Scoll is on duty with the Regt and is well and kind as when you saw him I am on duty on Gen Stoneman's

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staff as Judge Advocate of the District of East Tennessee and have a nice though very laborious position I am going to Greenville on monday next to remain for a couple of months on duty there. It is very different here from a year ago. Peace reigns again and the destructed and torn and such fragments of society are gathering again together and the pall of treason is fast taking its death spell from oer the land and soon peace will have restored many of the beauties though alas it cannot the loves and lost hopes of the past I do not wonder that you think you will not come back again to Tenn to live for I imagine the memories of the past years are not very happy ones to you and in the peace of the north there is nothing to recall vividly the sorrow. as you would find here. Colonel Trowbridge is yet in

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Command of the 10th and is yet loved as well as he used to be Capt Light who you will remember was at your house the eve that I was at Greenville is now a major and with the regiment on duty but I will not attempt to tell you of all.
I have to thank you for writing to me for really it is a pleasure to know where you are and I hope to hear from you
I have little time to write letters and you will excuse brevity in me now
Very truly your friend
E J Brooks
Capt and Judge Advocate

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A project of The Digital Scriptorium, Special Collections Library, Duke University. December 1996