Sarah E. Thompson Papers

Letter of recommendation from Pastor W. Reeves, November 28, 1865

New Brighton, PA. From Pastor W. Reeves. A general letter of recommendation regarding Sarah Thompson's speaking ability. (Sarah E. Thompson Papers, Special Collections Library, Duke University)

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[Nov. 28, 1865]

I have heard Mrs Sarah E. Thompson lecture on the subjects specified in her printed bill. And acting from the conviction of duty to render unto all their due I Cheerfully and heartily recommend her to the Christian, sincere loving, and patriotic public, as a Christian lady every way worthy of their confidence and support.

Her lectures upon the subject of her trials, exposures, and sufferings in the important services rendered to the Union army during the war, were full of thrilling interest. It is truly wonderful how a woman could endure them. But an overuling and all sustaining Providence protected and defended her. It has often been said that truth is stranger than fiction

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and in the experience of Mrs Thompson this aphorism is abundantly verified.
Besides the motive and object of Mrs T. - the support and education of her children commends her to all who have a heart to feel. v

W. Reeves, Pastor
Wb. M. P. C., New Brighton, Pa.
Nov. 28th

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A project of The Digital Scriptorium, Special Collections Library, Duke University. December 1996