Washington, D.C. From E.J. Brooks to the Office of the Commisioner of Claims. A testimonial concerning Sarah Thompson's activities as a spy which supports her account of Morgan's defeat. (Sarah E. Thompson Papers, Special Collections L ibrary, Duke University)
Office of the Commissioner of Claims
Wahington D.C. April 13th 1876
No. 22258
Sarah E. Thompson.
Late Lieut. 10th Michigan, #133 Carroll street Washington D.C. Edward J. Brooks
says, "I know that she was the person who conveyed the
information of the presence of Genl Morgan in Greenville Tenn. the information
resulting in the move upon Greenville, the death of Morgan, and the
defeat of his command.
She was very often engaged as a spy; She had been a shorte time
before the death of Morgan up as far Wytheville, Va. on a spying
expedition for us, and brought her information to us at Strawberry Plains,
Tenn. and returned to Greenville, Having been very seriously
injured by the fall of her horse when rebels were
in pursuit of her. As so reported to us.
E. J. Brooks
Lieut. 10th Michigan
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