Washington, D.C. From S.G. Carter. A testimonial concerning Sarah Thomson's war-time service. (Sarah E. Thompson Papers, Special Collections Library, Duke University)
Washington. D.C.
Jany 15. 1878.
In 1864. while Pro. U. Genl. of E. Tenn., with my No. 2s at Knoxville, I
became acquainted with Mrs. S. E. Thompson, a resident of Greene County. She
rode up to my No. 2s, (at the time of my first meeting her) to report that
she had come alone from Greenville. (70 miles distant) which place she
left the day before, for the
of giving me information in regard to the movement of Confederate forces in
that vicinity. She undertook the long and dangerous journey from her love
for the
cause of the Union and her
hatred of the rebellion and, as I believe, without thought of
recompense or reward. I have been
informed that Mrs. Thompson gave the intelligence of Gen. John Morgan's
position to Gen. Gillem,
which led to the defeat and death of that noted rebel leader.
Mrs. Thompson's husband was killed while on recruiting service within
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enemy's lines.
I take pleasure in recommending Mrs. Thompson to the favorable
consideration of the proper authorities as one who deserves well of her
country from her fearless devotion to its interests under circumstances of
trial and danger.
S. G. Carter
Capt. U. S A. and late
Brut Maj Genl. U.S. vols.
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