Strategies for finding materials related to Women and the Civil War:
- Conduct a keyword search of our Finding Aids
- Consult the Duke University Libraries on-line catalog
Select "Special Collections Library" on "Display holdings first for" pull-down menu
Conduct a keyword or subject headings search using the following Library of Congress subject headings:
United States�History�Civil War, 1861-1865�Women
United States�History�Civil War, 1861-1865�Participation, Female
- Look for the following subjects in the Special Collections Library Card Catalog
Civil war�Women [may be further subdivided by place]
Women soldiers�C.S.A.
- Additional Notes:
Also see bibliography �Women and the Civil War� at the following web site address -
For information about some Civil War collections about women that have been
scanned, transcribed, and placed on the web consult the following web site -
Samples from the collections:

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