EAA, John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History, Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University
Emergence of Advertising in America, 1850 - 1920
General Database Information

Keyword Terms | Illustration and Special Features Terms
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A database provides keyword, date, and location access to the images in all eleven categories of this web project. The database includes terms deemed most likely to be useful to a range of users of the EAA project. More complex searches are available from the Complex Search Page in each category.

Below is a list of the database fields, with a description of each term, that you will find in the pull-down menus on the Emergence of Advertising in America General Search Page. For simple, narrow searches, just enter the keyword you are searching (e.g. Brownie, film, Folding Pocket Kodak, etc) and choose the appropriate term in the pull-down menus on the Search Page. If there is a match with an advertisement in this category, you will be able to view it; if not, the search engine will report "no hits." (Entering a keyword such as "baking" with the term "Everything in Emergence of Advertising in America" on the pull-down menu will ensure a search across all database fields in every category.)

The first half of the list below reflects the Keyword or Field terms. Database fields representing Illustration and Special Features searches are grouped together in the second half.

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General Search Database Terms and Descriptions

(1) Keyword or Field Terms

    Ad (Database) Number:  A unique letter/number identifier assigned to each item.

    Item Title or Headline:  The title of a book or publication as well as the assigned name of an item (e.g. "blotter" in the Tobacco Category or "Boardwalk" in the R. C. Maxwell Co. category reflect names assigned by staff to that particular item.) The headline refers to the line in an advertisement that is bolded, or a phrase that draws a reader into an advertisement. An item in the Emergence of Advertising in America will have either a title or a headline.

    Year:  Year item was printed or published; usually taken from the date written on an item itself. "n.d." in this space means no date was found on the item. A search in this field will not include the Scrapbooks category as there are no dates recorded for any of those items.

    Company:  The name of the company advertising a specific product. The names are written as they are in the advertisement. The Early Advertising Publications category includes the names of companies with advertisements or illustrations in those books. Companies in all illustrations, even those not scanned, are included for greater overall resource discovery. The name of each company is given as it appears in the advertisement.

    Product:  What the physical advertisement or cookbook was trying to sell - The Storm King Overcoat, Cow-Brand Soda, etc. Additional product names may be found in the "Notes" field. Product names are not included in the Early Advertising Publications category.

    Famous People:  A person recognized by the student entering data and/or highlighted in an advertisement as someone who the contemporary audience would recognize or would be deemed as an authority.

    Testimonial:  A person who is quoted in an advertisement endorsing the product or company. Testimonials were not found in all categories.

    Artist/Illustrator:   Name of the artist or illustrator of the drawing in an advertisement. This category may include lithographer and engraving company names.

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(2) Illustration and Special Features Terms

    Because every category does not contain information about the types of illustrations in those advertisements, illustration types (Black/White Drawing in Illustration, Photograph in Illustration, etc.) have not been included in this EAA General Search Page. To find that information, choose a category from the list of "Complex Search Pages" and search for that information in the Illustration and Special Features area of the specific search page.

    As stated previously, this site includes historical materials that may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes reflecting the culture or language of a particular period or place. These items are presented as part of the historical record.

    Middle East/Arabs
    Native Americans
    Pacific Islanders
    South Americans

    Children:   Noted when children were present in the advertisement in any significant way.

    Sports:   Noted if a sport(s) was a major focus of the advertisement, used to sell the product, or as a prominent feature of the advertisement. The type of sport in the advertisement may be found in the "Notes" section.

    Military:   Noted if the military (ships, weapons, people in uniform) was prominently displayed in the ad.

    All Indexed Famous People in Emergence of Advertising in America:   presents returns for all famous people who are included in the "Famous People" field within every category (Advertising Ephemera, Advertising Cookbooks, etc.) A "famous person" is a person recognized by the student entering data and/or highlighted in an advertisement as someone who the contemporary audience would recognize or would be deemed as an authority.

    All Indexed Testimonials in Emergence of Advertising in America:   presents returns for all testimonials included in every category (Advertising Ephemera, Advertising Cookbooks, etc.) A testimonial is a person who is quoted in an advertisement endorsing the product or company. Testimonials were not found in all categories.

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Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library
Duke University

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