![]() General Search Page for Emergence of Advertising in America (EAA) Help and Examples | Search FAQ | Search/Browse EAA Categories |
Searches may take a few moments. After you've clicked the button to execute the search, please be patient for the results. Problems with your search? See below for help and examples or our Search FAQ page. |
Search for advertising items across all categories by:
Illustrations and Special Features |
Searches may take a few moments. After you've clicked the button to execute the search, please be patient for the results. Problems with your search? See below for help and examples or our Search FAQ page. |
Complex Searches Each of the eleven categories in the EAA project have additional information recorded in their databases. To execute complex ("boolean") searches, go to the Complex Search Page for that specific category (links listed below). |
General Search Help Keyword Search : allows you to locate words in advertising headlines or to locate ads by company, product, date, etc. (see pull down menu under In: ). After entering the words you would like to search for, you can limit your search to a particular subject area by selecting it from the pull down menu. By accepting the default "Everything in Emergence of Advertising in America" you may search for keywords across all databases and in the transcribed text of the Advertising Cookbooks and Early Advertising Publications categories. Illustration & Special Features Search: pre-set searches are available that will help you to find ads containing specific types of illustration (including minorities, children, sports, etc.) or specialized advertising devices, such as coupons, that may be of particular interest. Just select the topic and click "Search". See the Example Searches provided below. With the General Search, the two areas (Keyword and Illustrations) can not be combined. To limit the search to one of the eleven EAA categories, please see the list of Complex Searches above, or go to the EAA Category Descriptions page. For information on the items in the pull-down menus, see the Database Terms and Descriptions page. Example Searches |
To find: Enter: Advertising items with the word 'flour' in the database or in the transcribed text flour
and set pull-down menu to "Everything in Emergence of Advertising in America"Advertising items with the word 'health' in the title or headline health
and set pull-down menu to "Title or Headline"Advertisements by or including the Kodak company Kodak
and set pull-down menu to "Company"Advertisements for soap soap
and set pull-down menu to "Product"Advertising items with the word "baking" in them baking
and set pull-down menu to "Everthing in Emergence of Advertising in America"Advertising items with children in the illustration Use the Illustration/Special Features search
and set pull-down menu to "Children in Illustration"Advertising items with African-Americans in the illustration Use the Illustration/Special Features search
and set pull-down menu to "African American in Illustration"Advertisements which include contests Use the Illustration/Special Features search
and set pull-down menu to "Contests"