Duke Papyrus Archive

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Information about the Duke Papyrus Archive

The Duke Papyrus Archive provides electronic access to texts about and images of nearly 1400 papyri from ancient Egypt. The target audience includes: papyrologists, ancient historians, archaeologists, biblical scholars, classicists, Coptologists, Egyptologists, students of literature and religion and all others interested in ancient Egypt. The project of conserving, interpreting, cataloguing and imaging the largely unpublished Duke papyrus collection was supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities , and is part of the Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS) Project. Project staff at Duke have included Steven L. Hensen, John F. Oates, Peter van Minnen, Suzanne D. Corr, Paolo Mangiafico, Joshua Sosin, and John Bauschatz.

Links to selected other resources relating to papyrology

Checklist of Editions

Checklist of Editions of Arabic Papyri

Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri (searchable via the Perseus Project)

Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS) Partners:

Other collections:

Useful lists of papyrological resources on the web:

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Please see our page with contact information if you have any comments or questions about the Duke Papyrus Archive.

Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University

Last updated November 2002