EAA, John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History, Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University
Ellis Collection of Kodakiana
Search Page

Please note that this search page covers the Ellis Collection of Kodakiana Category only. The terms listed below were deemed most likely to be useful to a range of users of the Emergence of Advertising in America (EAA) project. All categories in the AA project are representative, not comprehensive. If you perform very narrowly defined searches, you increase your chances of a "zero" result. For information on the terms in all the pull-down menus below, see the Kodakiana Database Terms and Descriptions page.

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Search for advertisements in which:




Illustrations and special features:



Ellis Collection of Kodakiana

Complex searches may take a few moments. After you've clicked the button to execute the search, please be patient for the results.

Problems with your search? See below for help and examples or see our Search FAQ page.

Complex Search Help
Complex searches allow you to search on several
words at once ("Boolean" searching) in the
Ellis Collection of Kodakiana database.
Examples | Search

Field: contains:   allows you to locate words in the advertising headline or to locate ads by company, product, item type, etc. (see pull-down menu under All). After entering the word(s) you would like to search for, you can limit your search by selecting a term from the pull-down menu, or you may search for the word(s) in the entire database by accepting the default "All" for a complete list of available fields.

Illustration & Special Features:   pre-set searches are available that will help you to find ads containing specific types of illustration (b/w or color drawings, etc.) as well as images and references to specific cultures (e.g. African/African-American, Asian, etc.) or subject matters (sports, children) that may be of particular interest. You may limit a complex search to one type of illustration or special feature, or, by choosing the default "All" your search returns will include advertisements with any of these features.

Categories:   identifies the category you are searching in the database. A description of all the categories that make up the EAA project, including the number of ads each contains, is available on the Browse Categories page.

For information on the items in all the pull-down menus above, see the Kodakiana Database Terms and Descriptions page.

Example searches

Please note that this search page covers the Ellis Collection of Kodakiana Category only. As with all the search pages, this category is representative, not comprehensive. If you perform very narrowly defined searches, you increase your chances of a "zero" result.

  • To search for all Kodak advertisements containing illustrations of Asians created during the 1900s,
    1. Choose Year in the first Field:.
    2. Type 190* in the first contains box. (Note that the '*' means that you'll accept any year between 1900 and 1909. If you'd like to search within only one year, just enter that specific year - 1904.)
    3. Choose Asian from the Illustrations and Special Features menu.
    4. Click the Search button in the right side table, and
    5. Wait for the results!

  • To search for advertisements of Brownie Cameras in The Saturday Evening Post with photographs,
    1. Choose Product from the first Field menu.
    2. Type Brownie Camera* in the first contains box. (Note that using camera* ensures that all references to camera (singular and plural) are found.)
    3. Choose Publication from the second Field menu.
    4. Type Saturday Evening Post in the second contains box.
    5. Choose Photographs from the Illustrations and Special Features menu.
    6. Click the the Search button, and
    7. Wait for the results!

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Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library
Duke University

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