Duke University Libraries


Hubbell Center

Home Page

Annotated List of the Center's Holdings

About Jay Hubbell

 Contact the Center



The Jay B. Hubbell Center functions as a collecting center within the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library at Duke University.

The library welcomes scholars and students to make use of the Center's holdings in the Special Collections research room.

Library hours and directions

Please read our Copyright, use, and reproduction policy for information on citing or reproducing items from these web pages.






Email: special-collections@duke.edu

Phone: (919) 660-5820

FAX: (919) 660-5934

Mail:  The Jay B. Hubbell Center

  Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library

  Duke University

  Box 90185

  Durham, NC 27708-0185


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Hubbell Center Home Page | Annotated List of Center's Holdings
About Jay Hubbell | Contact the Center


Jay B. Hubbell Center for American Literary Historiography

Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0185 USA
Telephone: 919-660-5820, Fax: 919-660-5934