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Hubbell Center

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The Jay B. Hubbell Center functions as a collecting center within the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library at Duke University.

The library welcomes scholars and students to make use of the Center's holdings in the Special Collections research room.

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Hubbell (far right) with students and colleagues outside of Duke University's Chapel



Jay Broadus Hubbell, professor emeritus of American Literature at Duke University, was born on May 8, 1885 in Smyth County, Virginia. He attended Richmond College as an undergraduate, received his Master's degree from Harvard University, and his Ph.D. from Columbia. After serving as the Chairman of the English Department and the E.A. Lilly Professor of English at Southern Methodist University, Dr. Hubbell became a Professor of English at Duke University, where he remained until his retirement in 1954.

Dr. Hubbell was also the founding editor of American Literature. Making its debut in 1929, it was the first journal dedicated to what was then a new field of study. Dr. Hubbell served as board chairman until 1954. A leader in many of the organizations dedicated to developing American literature as a discipline, Hubbell played a crucial role in establishing American literary studies in the United States.


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Jay B. Hubbell Center for American Literary Historiography

Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0185 USA
Telephone: 919-660-5820, Fax: 919-660-5934
email: special-collections@duke.edu