Third Person, First Person

Slave Voices From The Special Collections Library

Broadside Collection, Special Collections Library, Duke University

These web pages are based on the catalog of an exhibit mounted at Perkins Library, Duke University, in November and December, 1995. Some of the items described here were too large or fragile to be scanned, so images of them were not included in the on-line version even though descriptions of the items are. All the items listed here are available to researchers who come to the Rare Book Manuscript, and Special Collections Library at Duke University, and we invite you to come use the original items if you have the opportunity.

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The exhibit was curated by Alex Byrd, Marion Hirsch, and Janie Morris

The exhibit curators wish to thank Suzanne Corr, Robert Byrd, Tom La Porte, and Paolo Mangiafico, without whose support and encouragement this catalog would not have been possible.

The on-line version of this exhibit was put together by Paolo Mangiafico, October 1995.

The materials on these web pages are intended for research and educational use only. Please read our statement on use and reproduction for further information on how to receive permission to reproduce an item and how to cite it.

A project of The Digital Scriptorium, Special Collections Library, Duke University. October 1995