I. PAPYRI [Skip to: A
| B | C
| D | E
| F | G
| H | I
| J | K
| L | M
| N | O
| P | Q
| R | S
| T | U
| V | W
| X | Y | Z]
- Chrest.Mitt. (or M.Chr.)
- = L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, Grundzüge und Chrestomathie
der Papyruskunde, II Bd. Juristischer Teil, II Hälfte
Chrestomathie. Leipzig-Berlin 1912. Nos. 1500. [MF 2.122123
(with Grundzüge); rp. GO, all 4 vols.]
- Chrest.Wilck. (or W.Chr.)
- = L. Mitteis and U. Wilcken, Grundzüge und Chrestomathie
der Papyruskunde, I Bd. Historischer Teil, II Hälfte
Chrestomathie. Leipzig-Berlin 1912. Nos. 1382. [MF 2.120121
(with Grundzüge); rp. GO, see Chrest.Mitt.]
- Ch.L.A.
- = Chartae Latinae Antiquiores, established by A. Bruckner
and R. Marichal. Vols. 149, ed. by them and their successors.
Basel, Dietikon-Zurich 19541998. [UGV]
- I, Switzerland: Basle-St. Gall. nos. 1108. 1954.
- II, Switzerland: St. Gall-Zurich, nos. 109178. 1956.
- III, British Museum, London, nos. 179223. 1963.
- IV, Great Britain, nos. 224275. 1967.
- V, The United States of America I, nos. 276308. 1975.
- VI, The United States of America II, nos. 309321. (P.Dura).
- VII, The United States of America III, nos. 322354. (P.Dura).
- VIII, The United States of America IV, nos. 355356. (P.Dura).
- IX, The United States V, nos. 357395. (P.Dura), 396406.
- X, Germany I, nos. 407464. 1979
- XI, Germany II, nos. 465517. 1979.
- XII, Germany III, nos. 515548. 1978.
- XIII, France I, nos. 549571. 1981.
- XIV, France II, nos. 572594. 1982.
- XV, France III, nos. 595618. 1986.
- XVI, France IV, nos. 619638. 1986.
- XVII, France V, nos. 651658. 1984.
- XVIII, France VI, nos. 659669. 1985.
- XIX, France VII, nos. 670691. 1987.
- XX, Italy I, nos. 701712. 1982.
- XXI, Italy II, nos. 713717. 1983.
- XXII, Italy III, nos. 718729. 1983.
- XXIII, Italy IV, nos. 730750. 1985.
- XXIV, Italy V, nos. 751776. 1985.
- XXV, Italy VI, nos. 777798. 1986.
- XXVI, Italy VII, nos. 799813. 1987.
- XXVII, Italy VIII, nos. 814838. 1992.
- XXVIII, Italy IX, nos. 839865. 1988.
- XXIX, Italy X, nos. 862889. 1993. The numbers 862865
are reused from the preceding volume for different texts.
- XXX, Italy XI, nos. 894914. 1988.
- XXXI, Italy XII, nos. 915936. 1989.
- XXXII, Italy XIII, nos. 937960. 1989.
- XXXIII, Italy XIV, nos. 961984. 1989.
- XXXIV, Italy XV, nos. 9851009. 1989.
- XXXV, Italy XVI, nos. 10101038. 1990.
- XXXVI, Italy XVII, nos. 10391068. 1990.
- XXXVII, Italy XVIII, nos. 10691095. 1990.
- XXXVIII, Italy XIX, nos. 10961125. 1990.
- XXXIX, Italy XX, nos. 11261155. 1991.
- XL, Italy XXI, nos. 11561185. 1991.
- XLI, Egypt I, nos. 11861206. 1994.
- XLII, Egypt II, nos. 12071239. 1994.
- XLIII, Austria I, nos. 12401260. 1995.
- XLIV, Austria II, nos. 12611316. 1996.
- XLV, Austria III, nos. 13171359. 1996.
- XLVI, Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Holland, Republic
of Georgia, Spain, nos. 13611402. 1995.
- XLVII, Addenda, nos. 14031468. 1997.
- XLVIII, Corrigenda. 1997
- XLIX, Concordanza. 1998
- Volume L begins a new series devoted to Latin Charters of the 9th
century. See the Introduction by editors, G. Cavallo and G. Nicolaj.
These volumes are not papyrological in nature and are not listed here.
- C.Epist.Lat.
- = Corpus Epistolarum Latinarum, papyris tabulis ostracis servatarum,
ed. P. Cugusi, 3 vols. Florence 1992 and 2002. (Pap.Flor. XXIII and
XXXIII). vols. I and II, nos. 1-245; vol. III, Addenda, Corrigenda,
Indices rerum, Index verborum onmium. [LGF]
- C.Étiq.Mom.
- = Corpus des étiquettes de momies grecques, ed. B.
Boyaval. Lille 1976. (Publications de l'Université de Lille
III). Nos. 1657 and 2077 were previously unedited.
- C.Gloss.Biling.
- = Glossaria bilinguia in papyris et membranis reperta, ed.
J. Kramer.
- I, Bonn 1983. (Pap.Texte Abh. XXX). [RH]
- II, Munich-Leipzig 2001. (Archiv Beih. 8). [KGS]
- C.Illum.Pap. I
- = Illuminierte Papyri, Pergamente und Papiere I, ed. U. Horak.
Vienna 1992. (Pegasus Oriens I). Nos. 1, 28, 31, 34, 38, 45, 49, 54
and 59 include Greek documentary texts. [Verlag Holzhausen]
- C.Jud.Syr.Eg.
- = The Judaean-Syrian-Egyptian Conflict of 103101
B.C.: A Multilingual Dossier Concerning a "War of Sceptres,"
ed. E. van 't Dack, W. Clarysse, G. Cohen, J. Quaegebeur and
J.K. Winnicki. Brussels 1989. (Coll.Hellen. I).
- C.Ord.Ptol.
- = Corpus des Ordonnances des Ptolémées, ed.
M.-Th. Lenger. Brussels 1964. (Acad. Roy. de Belgique, Cl. des Lettres,
Mémoires, coll. in 8�, 57, 1). 2nd ed., corrected and
updated, 1980. (Mémoires 64, 2). [ARB]. See also Corpus
des Ordonnances des Ptolémées: Bilan des additions et
corrections (19641988); Compléments à la bibliographie
by M.-Th. Lenger. Brussels 1990. (Pap.Brux. XXIV). [FERE]
- C.Pap.Gr.
- = Corpus Papyrorum Graecarum, ed. O. Montevecchi and others.
- I, I Contratti di baliatico, ed. M.M. Masciadri and O. Montevecchi.
Nos. 140 and four appendices. Milan 1984. (Separate volume of
- II, Il Controllo della popolazione nell'Egitto Romano, Pt.
1, Le Denunce di morte, ed. L. Casarico. Nos. 182 and
two appendices. Azzate 1985. (Separate volume of plates).
- C.Pap.Hengstl
- = Griechische Papyri aus Ägypten als Zeugnisse des öffentlichen
und privaten Lebens, ed. J. Hengstl with G. Häge and H. Kühnert.
Munich 1978. 161 documents with translation and commentary. [Heimeran]
- C.Pap.Jud. = Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum. Cambridge, Mass.
- I, ed. V.A. Tcherikover. 1957. Nos. 1141.
- II, ed. V.A. Tcherikover and A. Fuks. 1960. Nos. 142450.
- III, ed. V.A. Tcherikover, A. Fuks and M. Stern. 1964. Nos. 451520.
- C.Pap.Lat.
- = Corpus Papyrorum Latinarum, ed. R. Cavenaile. Wiesbaden
1958. Nos. 1345 plus Annexe nos. 128. [OH]
- C.Ptol.Sklav.
- = Corpus der ptolemäischen Sklaventexte, ed. R. Scholl.
Stuttgart 1990. (Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei, Beiheft 1). In
three parts: I, Nos. 1114; II, Nos. 115260; III, Indices.
- C.Zen.Palestine
- = Des Grecs en Palestine au IIIe siècle avant Jésus-Christ:
Le Dossier syrien des archives de Zénon de Caunos (261252),
ed. X. Durand. Paris 1997. (Cahier de la Revue Biblique 38).
- Doc.Eser.Rom.
- = Documenti per la storia dell'esercito romano in Egitto,
ed. S. Daris. Milan 1964. (Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica
del Sacro Cuore, Contributi, Serie Terza, Scienze Storiche IX). Nos.
1108. [VP]
- Feste
- = Feste pubbliche e private nei documenti greci, ed. M. Vandoni.
Milan 1964. (Testi e documenti per lo studio dell'antichità
8, Serie Papyrologica I). Nos. 1163. [CG]
- = Fontes Iuris Romani Antejustiniani, pars tertia, Negotia,
ed. V. Arangio-Ruiz. 2nd ed. Florence 1943. Reprint Florence 1969
with an appendix of material prepared by Arangio-Ruiz before his death.
- Horoscopes
- = Greek Horoscopes, by O. Neugebauer and H.B. Van Hoesen. Philadelphia
1957. (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 48).
- Jur.Pap.
- = Juristische Papyri, ed. P.M. Meyer. Berlin 1920. Nos. 193.
[MF 2.45; rp. ARES]
- New Docs.
- = New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity. Various
editors. North Ryde, NSW, and Grand Rapids, Mich.1981. 8 vols.
to date.
- Oroscopi
- = Oroscopi greci. Documentazione papirologica, by D. Baccani.
Messina 1992. (Ric.Pap. I). Nos. 118.
- Pap.Agon.
- = Zehn agonistische Papyri, ed. P. Frisch. Opladen 1986.
(Pap.Colon. XIII). Reeditions of ten papyri: 1 = BGU IV 1074;
2 = BGU IV 1073; 3 = P.Oxy. XXVII 2476; 4 = P.Oxy.Hels.
25; 5 = P.Oxy. XXXI 2610; 6 = P.Lond. III 1178; 7 =
Stud.Pal. V 121; 8 = P.Oslo III 85; 9 = P.Coll.Youtie
II 69; 10 = P.Oxy. XLIII 3116. [FS]
- Pap.Arbeit.
- = "Die koptischen Arbeitsverträge," by W.C. Till.
Eos, 48.1 (1956) 272329 (Symbolae Raphaeli Taubenschlag
dedicatae). Translations and commentary of 60 labor contracts
and related texts. (Nos. 7 = CPR IV 156; 9 = CPR IV
157; 20 = CPR IV 162; and 25 = CPR IV 163).
- Pap.Bürgsch.Copt.
- = "Die koptischen Bürgschaftsurkunden," by W.C. Till.
Bull.Soc.Arch.Copt. 14 (1958) 165226. Translations of
90 guarantees and sureties (nos. 3 and 58 = CPR IV 102 and
84 resp.).
- Pap.Choix
- = Choix de papyrus grecs: Essai de traitement automatique,
ed. J. Bingen, A. Tomsin, A. Bodson, J. Denooz, J.D. Dupont and E.
Evrard. Liège 1968. 28 miscellaneous texts revised and republished.
- Pap.Eleph.Eng.
- = The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural
Continuity and Change, ed. B. Porten with J.J. Farber, C.J. Martin,
G. Vittman, L.S.B. MacCoull, and S. Clackson. Leiden 1996. (Documenta
et Monumenta Orientis Antiqui, Studies in Near Eastern Archaeology
and Civilization XXII). Texts in English translation from various
languages: Egyptian Hieratic, nos. A110; Aramaic, nos. B152;
Egyptian Demotic, nos. C137; Greek, nos. D152; Coptic,
nos. E120; Arabic, nos. F12; Latin, nos. G12. [EJB]
- Pap.Graec.Mag.
- = Papyri Graecae Magicae, ed. K. Preisendanz. 2 vols. Leipzig-Berlin
1928, 1931. Photostatic copies of proofs of an unpublished third volume
are to be found in some libraries. A reprint including texts from
the projected third vol. with revisions by A. Henrichs was published
in 1974. [KGS] See also The Magical Papyri in Translation,
by H.D. Betz (esp. p. xliv), Chicago 1985. See also below Suppl.Mag.
- Rom.Mil.Rec.
- = Roman Military Records on Papyrus, ed. R.O. Fink. Cleveland
1971. (American Philological Association, Philological Monograph 26).
Nos. 1134. [OUP]
- Sel.Pap.
- = Select Papyri. (The Loeb Classical Library). London and
Cambridge, Mass. [HUP]
- I, Private Affairs, ed. A.S. Hunt and C.C. Edgar. 1932. Nos.
- II, Official Documents, ed. A.S. Hunt and C.C. Edgar. 1934.
Nos. 201434.
- III, Literary Papyri: Poetry, ed. D.L. Page. 1942. Nos. 1147.
- Shorthand Manuals
- = Greek Shorthand Manuals, ed. H.J.M. Milne. London 1934.
(Egypt Exploration Society, Graeco-Roman Memoirs 24). Includes nos.
16 of P.Ant. [EES]
- Suppl.Mag.
- = Supplementum Magicum, ed. with translations and notes by
R.W. Daniel and F. Maltomini. (Pap.Colon. XVI).
- I, Opladen 1990. Nos. 1-51. [FS]
- II, Opladen 1992. Nos. 52-100. [FS]
There are also collections of letters as follows:
S. Witkowski, Epistulae privatae graecae quae in papyris aetatis
Lagidarum servantur. Leipzig 1911 (2nd edition). Nos. 172.
G. Ghedini, Lettere cristiane dai papiri greci del III e del IV
secolo. Milan 1923.
B. Olsson, Papyrusbriefe aus der frühesten Römerzeit.
Uppsala 1925. Nos. 180.
W. Döllstädt, Griechische Papyrusprivatbriefe in gebildeter
Sprache aus den ersten vier Jahrhunderten nach Christus. Diss.
Jena 1934.
G. Daum, Griechische Papyrusbriefe aus einem Jahrtausend antiker
Kultur. Paderborn 1959. Nos. 145.
J. O'Callaghan, Cartas cristianas griegas del siglo V. Barcelona
1963. (Biblioteca Historica de la Biblioteca Balmes, ser. II 25).
Nos. 163.
M. Naldini, Il Cristianesimo in Egitto: Lettere private nei papiri
dei secoli IIIV. Florence 1968. Nos. 197. Second ed.
Fiesole 1998, with addenda but no additional texts.
G. Tibiletti, Le Lettere privati nei papiri greci del III e IV
secolo d.C. Milan 1979. (Scienze filologiche e letteratura XV).
Nos. 134.
J.L. White, Light from Ancient Letters. Philadelphia 1986.
Nos. 1117.
J. Chapa, Letters of Condolence in Greek Papyri. Florence
1998. (Pap.Flor. XXIX). Nos. 113.
The following are other collections of texts with varying degrees
of commentary, published for scholarly or pedagogical purposes.
N. Hohlwein, L'Égypte romaine. Recueil des termes techniques
relatifs aux institutions politiques et administratives de l'Égypte
romaine, suivi d'un choix de textes papyrologiques. Brussels 1912.
(Acad. Roy. Belg., Mém. Cl. de Lettres, Coll. in 8o,
2 ser. 8). 95 selected documents with short notes are printed on pp.
A. Laudien, Griechische Papyri aus Oxyrhynchus, für den Schulgebrauch
ausgewählt. Berlin 1912. Nos. 1-46.
R. Helbing, Auswahl aus griechischen Papyri. Leipzig 19242.
(Sammlung Göschen 625). Nos. 1-23.
G. Milligan, Selections from the Greek Papyri. Cambridge 19272.
Nos. 1-55.
W. Schubart, Griechische Papyri. Urkunden und Briefe vom 4. Jahrh.
v.Chr. bis ins 8. Jahr. n.Chr. Bielefeld-Leipzig 1927. 1: Text;
2: Kommentar. (Sammlung lateinischer und griechischer Schulausgaben).
Nos. 1-70.
W. Hersey Davis, Greek Papyri of the First Century. New York-London
1933. Nos. 1-21.
H. Lietzmann, Griechische Papyri. Bonn 19344.
(Kleine Texte für Vorlesungen und Übungen 14.) Nos. 1-25.
E.J. Goodspeed and E.C. Colwell, A Greek Papyrus Reader. Chicago
19362. Nos. 1-82