American and British Literary Materials

American Literary Materials: Overview
American Literary Materials: Annotated Author List
British Literary Materials: Overview
British Literary Materials: Annotated Author List
Drama Collections
Literary Agents
Literary Presses
Literary Scholarship

There is a long tradition at Duke of pioneering work in the study of literature in English.  The holdings of the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library reflect this tradition.  Our holdings are especially rich in early editions of the published works of British writers of such periods as the eighteenth century and the Romantic era, as well as in the literature of the American South, featuring the primary manuscript collections of some of the best-known writers of the region.  Recent collecting has extended to papers of American writers outside the South and to an effort to acquire print versions of newly published works by Southern writers.  Other particular strengths include one the most important collections anywhere of Walt Whitman materials, manuscript collections documenting changes in the study of American literature, and products of the Hogarth Press when it was operated by Leonard and Virginia Woolf.