- Deadline for submissions is June 15, 2023.
- A faculty signature of support must be sent.
- E-mail your application material as a SINGLE FILE (PDF or Word document) to Carson Holloway.
The Lowell Aptman Prizes recognize undergraduates’ excellence in research, including:
- analysis
- evaluation and synthesis of sources
- use of the general library collections and services at Duke University.
The Aptman Prizes will be awarded annually in three categories:
- one prize for first- and second-year students
- one prize for third- and fourth-year students
- one prize for fourth-year students who submit honors theses
Any student who uses library resources to complete a paper and project as part of his or her undergraduate coursework at Duke may be considered for an Aptman Prize. Each prize carries a $1,000 cash award.
Selection Criteria
Papers are judged based on students’ effective use of library resources and research procedures, as evidenced by the following:
- sophistication, originality, or unusual depth or breadth in the use of library collections, including (but not limited to) databases, materials in all media, primary sources and printed resources
- exceptional ability to evaluate, locate, select and synthesize library resources and then use and cite them in the creation of a project in any media that shows originality and/or has the potential to lead to original research in the future
- significant personal learning and the development of a habit of research and inquiry that shows that student has acquired information literacy skills that will serve him/her in the future
Application Guidelines
See the Application Guidelines for more information about how to submit your research for consideration.
Research Essay Guidelines
See the Research Essay Guidelines for more information about developing your essay for this prize.