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Contact Director of Communications Aaron Welborn( for specific questions about these terms or to propose that terms be added to this list.

What to call library locations

Unless otherwise noted, use the short form for navigation and most body text purposes. Use the long form for more formal contexts, such as "About the Libraries" overview of the Libraries system, institutional history, etc.

Short form, for navigation and most body text Long form Usage notes
Duke Libraries; Libraries Duke University Libraries DUL may be used in internal communication. Use the plural "Libraries" when referring to Duke Libraries as a group. Use the singular "library" when referring to a library, generally.
Duke University Professional School Libraries -- --
Perkins Library William R. Perkins Library --
Bostock Library -- --
Perkins and Bostock Libraries -- Avoid “Perkins/Bostock” unless absolutely required
von der Heyden Pavilion -- For the space/structure/location
Saladelia @ The Perk -- For the coffee shop inside of von der Heyden Pavilion
Lilly Library -- --
Lilly at Bishop’s House -- For Lilly Library’s temporary location housing select staff and services during the Lilly Library renovation project
Music Library -- --
Ford Library Ford Library, Fuqua School of Business Use long form for navigation and first reference in body text. Use short form for subsequent references on the same page.
Goodson Law Library -- --
Divinity School Library -- --
Medical Center Library Medical Center Library & Archives --
Marine Lab Library Pearse Memorial Library at the Duke Marine Lab  --
Rubenstein Library

A. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library

B. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Use long form A for navigation and first reference in body text. Use short form for subsequent references on the same page and in Collection Guides. Use long form B for formal body text and identification purposes.

Library Service Center -- Use "Library Service Center (items must be requested)" for most body text.
Perkins Library Service Desk -- --
The Edge The Edge: The Ruppert Commons for Research, Technology, and Collaboration Although the logo for The Edge uses the + sign instead of commas, use commas when writing the name in standard printed or web text.
Data and Visualization Lab The Brandaleone Lab for Data and Visualization Services --
Digital Studio The Harsha Murthy Digital Studio --
Open Lab Jones Open Lab --
Help Desk Fischer-Zernin Family Help Desk in The Edge
Project Room, Meet-Up, Workshop Room, Lounge, Staff and Consultation -- Locations in The Edge

MPS East

MPS West

Multimedia Project Studio in Lilly Library (MPS East) 

Multimedia Project Studio in Bostock Library (MPS West)

Use long forms for navigation and first reference in body text. Use short forms for subsequent references on the same page.
the Link -- --
the Link Service Desk -- If classrooms are mentioned, refer to them as Group Study 2, Classroom 3; Seminar 4, etc.

What to call DUL collections

  • Books & More in place of Catalog 
  • Film & Video
  • Research Databases
  • Articles 
  • Journals in place of Periodicals or Serials; when appropriate, use specific item type (e.g. newspapers, magazines, online journals, conference proceedings, print journals)  
  • Online Journals in place of ejournal titles
  • Collection Guides in place of Finding Aids 
  • Digitized Collections in place of Digital Collections

What to call Libraries services

  • Course Guides 
  • Research Guides in place of Subject Guides
  • My Accounts to include Sakai, net ID, Aeon, ILLiad and others, as needed
  • Citing Sources 
  • Citation Tools
  • Copyright in Research & Teaching
  • Publish & Archive Your Work
  • Manage Your Data 
  • Visualize Your Data
  • Data & Analysis Software  
  • Subject Specialists in place of Subject Librarians 
  • Course Reserves (umbrella  term, for navigation); when appropriate, use specific type of reserves (e.g. E-Reserves, Book Reserves - open and closed, Book/Score Reserves, A/V Reserves, Audio Reserves, and "Top Textbooks" for textbook reserves) 
  • Data & Digital Maps 
  • Request or Requests in place of Recall or Place Hold 
  • Interlibrary Request in place of Document Delivery/ILL, ILL, or Interlibrary Loan 
  • Training & Workshops in place of Library instruction
  • eBooks 
  • eReaders
  • Web
  • website or webpage
  • users in place of patrons or students