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Contact Luo Zhou
How to Get Here
William R. Perkins Library
411 Chapel Drive
Durham, NC 27708
Phone: (919) 660-5803
All about Duke University Libraries

- What does “recall” mean? Terms used in Duke Libraries may be unfamiliar or confusing. The terms in our Library Vocabulary Guide are frequently used to identify a book title, its location within the library, librarian roles, processes for book loans, and other things. If you don’t understand a term, please ask a librarian to explain.
- Looking for a library space? Find a space to study or work (including specialized spaces for graduate students).
- What books did you borrow and when are they due? Navigate to My Accounts from the main library homepage. Navigate to “Library Account” and log in with your NetID. There you will find all books currently checked out to you.
Borrowing and accessing library materials
- Would you like to access online materials from off campus? Learn how to use an off-campus network connection to use any online materials licensed by Duke Libraries.
- Would you like to access a book that Duke Libraries does not have? Learn how to place a request for a book or article from another institution.
- Is there a resource Duke should have? Please feel free to suggest a purchase. Your request will be sent to the appropriate librarian for consideration.
Research services
- Do you have a basic question about your account or how to find something in the catalog? Please use the “Ask a Librarian” service for a live chat with a librarian. You can also use the email address listed for longer questions.
- Do you have a question about materials related to a specific class, assignment, or field? Feel free to browse this list of subject specialists and reach out with your question via email.

International & Areas Studies (IAS) Department
The International & Area Studies Department is comprised of ten librarians with linguistic and cultural knowledge of several world regions. Please feel free to contact any of them if you would like research support in a non-English language.
- IAS is located on the second floor of Bostock Library, next to the East Asian Collection.
Other support
- The Link is a campus facility that offers temporary loans for equipment such as headphones, phone and laptop chargers, recording devices, tablets, and more. This facility also offers reservations for group study rooms and classrooms and support for integrating technology during class sessions. The Link is located on lower-level one (LL1) in Perkins Library.
- The Office of Information Technology (OIT) is a campus office that provides technology support for students and faculty. If you would like access to specialized software, need support setting up print services, connecting to Wi-Fi, or managing your NetID and login credentials, please consult OIT through either live chat or email. Walk-in services are located at The Link desk above.
Thompson Writing Studio - Would you like academic writing support? Please visit the Thompson Writing Studio. Meet with a consultant on drafting, revising, and fine-tuning any written work. The Studio has two locations: Perkins Library 112 (pictured below) and Bivins 207.
- Have additional questions about anything? Please visit the Service Desk on the first floor of Perkins Library. There you’ll find a variety of printed materials and QR codes that can direct you to other services within the library. You can also ask any of our expert librarians at the desk for help.
International media
- Duke Libraries subscribes to many international newspapers. These are located near the entrance area to Perkins Library.
- Duke Libraries’ East Asian Collection includes a wide range of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean magazines. These are located at the end of the Nicholas Reading Room, just across the hall from the International & Area Studies Department.
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