More Information
Questions? Contact for more information on
- getting to the library
- retrieving materials from shelves
- low-distraction study spaces
Duke University Libraries are committed to providing equitable access to all library users. The libraries provide a range of services to those who may require assistance to access and use library spaces and materials.
Accessing Library Buildings
- Duke Disability Management System is the central clearing house for disability-related information for Duke University, where you will find information about getting to the libraries and campus accessibility maps.
- Library-specific accessible parking information is also available.
- Library Building Access: all library buildings have at least one unassisted (automatic) entrance. Across the Perkins, Bostock, and Rubenstein Libraries on West Campus, all doors allow for unassisted entry except for the exterior door to the Von Der Heyden Pavilion.
- For additional questions about getting to any of our library buildings, please contact
Library Spaces and Technology
- Find Library Spaces: details about different spaces and technology available within the library; includes individual study seats available for reservation.
- Transparent masks for staff: if you rely on lipreading, you may request that staff wear a clear mask when they assist you (available in Perkins & Bostock and Rubenstein Libraries).
- A wheelchair for use in Perkins, Bostock, and Rubenstein Libraries can be borrowed from the Perkins Service Desk on request.
- ADA Study Room (formerly known as the Assistive Technology Room): a private study room that can be reserved by students who have an ADA accommodation from the Student Disability Access Office (SDAO), who receive information directly about how to reserve the room. Staff and faculty should contact for information.
- Note: Duke Disability Management System also maintains a list of assistive technology equipment on campus.
- Doctoral Research Space (DRS): a shared, low-distraction study space that students (including non-doctoral students) who have an ADA accommodation from the SDAO may request access to. Amenities include adjustable height desks, printer, and scanner.
- Restrooms: availability of different restroom features in library buildings
- Use a Copier or Scanner
- Request for accommodation: Duke University encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions, please contact the program's sponsor in advance of your participation or visit.
Borrowing and Electronic Resources
- Item delivery between libraries: graduate students and faculty may request cross-library delivery of titles through the Books & Media catalog; simply click the green "Request" button next to the item you want. Students who have an ADA accommodation from the SDAO can also request cross-library delivery by emailing
- If you need assistance retrieving materials from shelves, email to arrange additional accommodations.
- Duke’s collections include many resources that can be accessed electronically, including electronic journals and databases, E-books, streaming media, and research data. See this E-Resources overview for details on how to find different kinds of materials. See the Off-Campus Access to E-Resources page for details about how to easily gain access.
- Scan and Deliver: For items that are not yet digitized, like a book on our shelves, you may be able to request a digitized version. Search for the item in our Catalog, and then click on the Request button. When you proceed with the request, you should be offered the "Scan and Deliver" option.
- Suggest a Purchase: You can also request that we purchase a digital copy of an item.
- Hathi Trust Digital Library: If you would like access to a resource held in Hathi Trust, you may contact to retrieve the item for you.
Virtual Services
- Ask a Librarian: Live chat is available during select hours. Great for asking quick informational questions or reporting problems accessing electronic resources. Library staff can also be reached by telephone or email.
- Virtual reference: for research help and more complex questions, schedule appointments with library staff by contacting an appropriate Subject Specialist directly or by filling out the Consultation Request Form.