What is the Library Access Button?
The Library Access Button is a proxy bookmarklet that you can add to your web brower’s bookmark toolbar. Duke University Libraries subscribe to a vast array of online databases, electronic journals, eBooks, and more. For the convenience of off-campus users, the library implements several methods to ensure remote access, with one of the most well-known being EZproxy. The EZproxy system checks the users’ location, redirecting them to the Duke login page if they are off-campus. For this purpose, all links on the library website are embedded with a special EZproxy prefix, "https://login.proxy.lib.duke.edu/login?url="
If you encounter a paywall when attempting to access articles without going through the library website, click the Library Access Button bookmarklet on your browser. It adds the EZproxy prefix to the current URL, leading you to the Duke Login page and redirecting you to the authorized site if access is granted.
How to Install
Drag this link to the bookmarks toolbar:
Library Access Button for Firefox
Google Chrome
Drag this link to the bookmarks toolbar:
Library Access Button for Chrome
Drag this link to your bookmarks toolbar:
Library Access Button for Safari
Microsoft Edge
Drag this link to the Favorites toolbar:
Library Access Button for Microsoft Edge
iPhone and iPad
In iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch, copy this line of text:
Bookmark this page or any page, then tap the Bookmarks button to edit the new bookmark, paste the text you just copied, then tap “Bookmarks” and then “Done”.
All Bookmarklets adapted courtesy of the University of Michigan Library MLibrary Labs and the University of Illinois Library's Proxy Bookmarklet.