In support of the Duke University Libraries' value "Diversity and Inclusion Strengthens Us," the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council (DivE-In) will:
- Coordinate the Duke University Libraries' (DUL's) implementation of DEIA initiatives in the strategic plan, ensuring progress and regular reporting
- Steward the Transparency Tool
- Maintain a portal to information about DUL's DEI work
- In conjunction with Assessment and User Experience Strategy, coordinate the collection and sharing of relevant data about DUL and/or conduct environmental scans as appropriate
- Propose library-wide DEI goals and operational strategies, including supporting education and training initiatives, for DUL's Executive Group (EG) review and resource (funding) approval
Through these efforts, DivE-In will deepen understanding of racism, discrimination, and bias within DUL and strengthen relationships, skills, and analysis to help DUL become more equitable, inclusive, and just.
The Duke University Libraries and DivE-In need to attend to the full spectrum of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility work so that we can represent all of our varied identities and differences; ensure fair treatment, equality of opportunity, and fairness in access to resources; and build a culture of belonging in the libraries by actively inviting the contribution and participation of all staff, DEIA and anti-racist initiatives must be embedded within the culture and practices of the Libraries to be truly transformational. To be successful, this work must be collaborative and engage many different individuals and groups within DUL, demonstrating transparency and accountability. DivE-In will work in concert with the EG, the DUL Black Staff Alliance and other recognized affinity groups, Library Human Resources, and appropriate departments and committees to meet DUL's DEIA goals.
- Naomi Nelson, Associate University Librarian and Director of the Rubenstein Library, Chair (2024-2025)
- Heather Baker, Metadata & Discovery Strategy (2023-2025)
- Molly Bragg, Digital Collections & Curation Services (2023-2025)
- Joyce Chapman, Assessment & User Experience Strategy (2022-2024)
- Megan Crain, Development & Communications (2023-2025)
- Meredith Parker-Terry, Library Human Resources, Ex Officio
- Will Shaw, Digital Scholarship & Publishing Services (2022-2024)
Theme for FY25:
Cultivating Collections
Duke University Libraries Resources
- Library Incident Reporting Form
- Duke University Libraries Transparency Tool: tracks our actions, initiatives, and progress in DEIA work and provides transparency and accountability to staff and stakeholders (Duke NetID and password required)
- DEIA Initiatives at the Duke University Libraries
Duke University Resources
- Advancing Racial Equity at Duke
- Duke Center for Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation
- Duke's Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
- Duke Student Affairs (Student-focused centers, including cultural, affinity, and religious centers)
- Duke Disability Management System
- Duke Office for Institutional Equity
- Duke Web Accessibility Guidelines