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April 22, 2024 – January 31, 2025
Location: Student Wall

Long, Strange Trips: The Grateful Dead & American Cultural Change
I and E 89S/History 89S/Ethics 89S/Music 89S
Spring 2024

Few musical acts have ever reached the level of cultural awareness and impact as the Grateful Dead, and perhaps none has enjoyed such ardent devotion for so long. The story of the Grateful Dead offers a lens through which to view not only the tumult of the 1960s counterculture movement but also to understand broader political and historical forces in the United States. In this Duke's centennial year, we focused on the years that Dead played at Duke, and look at what else was happening at Duke and in the world more generally.

This wall focuses on the Dead at Duke – and the five times they played here. Please have a look, use the QR codes to listen to some great music.

This course is part of our Kenan Institute for Ethics “What Now” seminar series, which offers first year students seminars designed to help develop the tools and capacities to thrive at Duke and beyond.

Student members of class: Georgia Beijan, Justin Cockerham, Reed Huneke, David Hussey, Emily Kantner, Chuck Moore, Davis Murrell, Jayden Pierette, Jack Reynolds, Logan Richey, Jack Smith, Lara Terry, John Tolsma, Teal Uahwatanasakul, Aidan Wallace

Exhibit wall displaying various exhibit frames and 'Why Duke' title panels.