Migration Awareness week is a yearly campaign put on by the student ran organization, Define America. As an organization devoted to advocating with and for migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees, Define America hosts migration awareness week in hopes of allowing migration narratives to shrine through. Migration awareness should be celebrated everyday, but Define America hopes the week can open up discussions, opportunities, vulnerabilities, and trust to be able to unapologetically engage in conversations over migration.
Part of this work is displaying narratives through our 2024 exhibit, “Existence as Advocacy”. The exhibit hopes to think critically of what it means to advocate in migrant communities. The pieces displayed will speak on how advocating can look like claiming’s one’s culture, claiming’s one’s past, fulfilling dreams, creative expression, allowing one self to feel etc. We are appreciating the contributors for adding to the discussions and hope you do too.
Migration is constantly occurring and impacts us all, choose love, kindness, and hope.
-Define America
This exhibition was sponsored in part by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation.