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The Rubenstein Library holds over 200 Latin manuscripts with the bulk falling within the medieval and renaissance periods from a variety of European countries. The collection includes biblical manuscripts, theological texts, prayers, hymns, and various legal and documentary texts. Some items can be requested through links below but questions or use requests for the majority should be directed to our general request form: contact us

Manuscripts in the collection

Latin MS 1
Content: Old Testament (Genesis 34:11 – 2 Maccabees, with lacunae)
Geographic origin: Northern France
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 292 folia; 19.5 × 13.5 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 48 lines per page

Latin MS 2
Content: Algrinus, Johannes (Cardinal, de Abbatisvilla; c. 1185-1237), Sermones
Geographic origin: Eastern France
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 156 folia; 19.6 × 12.6 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 39-42 lines per page
Catalog Record

Latin MS 3
Content: Old Testament (Genesis 50:16 – Exodus, title)
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 1425-1475 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 48.5 × 32.8 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 30 lines

Latin MS 4
Content: Missal, fragment of lessons, graduals and orations for Ember Saturday in September
Geographic origin: Northern Italy
Date: c. 1375-1425 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 34 × 24.7 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 29 lines

Latin MS 5
Content: Breviary, fragment of readings and propers for June 29-July 3
Geographic origin: Northern France
Date: c. 1100-1150 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 31.5 × 20.3 cm (H × W); 29 lines

Latin MS 6
Content: Breviary, Officium parvum B.M.V. Matins (Psalm 96:4) to Lauds (Psalm 148:7)
Geographic origin: Northern France
Date: c. 1500 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 7 folia; 15 × 10.5 cm (H × W); 21 lines per page
Catalog Record

Latin MS 7
Content: Gregorius IX, Decretales
Geographic origin: Italy, Northern or Southern France
Date: c. 1240 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 39.5 × 25.6 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 106 lines per page

Latin MS 8
Content: Breviary, Officium defunctorum (in genere) (Commendation of Souls), Lauds, Psalm 64 to end, Commendationes animarium (7r)
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 8 folia; 12 × 8.5 cm (H × W); 21 lines per page

Latin MS 9
Content: Breviary, Officium parvum B.M.V. Vespers (Dec 24 - Feb 2), Matins (Te Deum) to Terce (Antiphon)
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 4 parchment folia; 14.6 × 10.3 cm (H × W); 16 lines per page

Latin MS 10
Content: Psalter (Ps. 93:14-96:3)
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 13.2 × 10 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 29 lines

Latin MS 11
Content: Breviary, Psalm 18:10 to end, Psalm 19:1-2 with 4 antiphons
Geographic origin: Northern Italy
Date: c. 16th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 52 × 37 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 14 lines

Latin MS 12
Content: Breviary (Franciscan)
Geographic origin: one set of notes suggests origin in North Germany/Flanders; other (Paul Meyvaert) states France and Italy
Date: c. 1225-1275 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 323 folia; 12.5 × 8.8 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 36 lines per page

Latin MS 13
Content: Antiphonal, In vigilia et dominica Pentecostes (Proper, Vigil and Feast of Pentecost), for use in the Church of St. Pierre at Langres, France
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 1225-1250 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf (numbered folio 203); 20 × 13 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 41 lines

Latin MS 14
Content: Gloss on theological tract, discussion of terminology. Notations in pencil at head indicate that the ms. was formerly thought to be alchemical text of the 12th century ("Pronounced late 12th cent. by Kingsley Porter/Hans Snarzenski")
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 1275-1325 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 20.5 × 14.5 cm (H × W); 2 column; 54 lines

Latin MS 15
Content: Antiphonal; Proper, a feast of Mary
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 2 conjoint parchment folia; 21 × 16.3 cm (H × W); c. 27 lines

Latin MS 16
Content: Bible; New Testament; Latin Vulgate; 2 Peter 2:10; 1 John 2:27; Revelation 19:10-end
Geographic origin: Italy, Tuscany
Date: c. 1150 CE
Dimensions: 2 conjoint parchment folia; 46 × 38 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 58 lines

Latin MS 17
Content: Gradual; Propers, 3d Sunday in Advent-Ember Wednesday of Advent
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 1475-1525 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 37.7 × 27 cm (H × W); 2 column; 56 lines

Latin MS 18
Content: Missal; f. 1. Missa votiva in feria v de charitate (from end of Gospel); missa in feria vi de sancta cruce; missa de beata virgine (to offertory verse); f. 2. Missa de beata virgine a nativitate usque ad purificationem (from epistle on); missa de beata virgine infra pascha et pentcosten; missa pro vivis
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 1375-1400 CE
Dimensions: 2 parchment leaves; 33.4 × 20.9 cm (H × W); 2 column; 34 lines

Latin MS 19
Content: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Letters to friends (Epistolae ad familiares)
Geographic origin: Germany, Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 215 folia; 33.3 × 23.5 cm (H × W); 27 lines per page

Latin MS 20
Content: Commentary on 1 Corinthians. Contents: 1 Cor. 1:17-21; 3:11-16; 5:7-12; 6:5-13; 6:19-7:5; 7:12-23; 7:25-32; 8:1-8. The commentary begins at 1 Cor. 1:17 and ends with 1 Cor. 8:8 (not continuous)
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 8 folia; 30 × 11.2-24 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 40 lines per page

Latin MS 21
Content: Bracciolini, Poggio (1380-1459), Concerning the wheel of fortune (De varietate fortunae); Bracciolini, Condemnation of hypocrites (Invectiva contra hypocritas); Demosthenes (trans. Leonardo Bruni Aretino, c. 1370 – 1444), Letter to Pope Nicolas V (Episola ad Papam Nicolaum)
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 93 folia; 21.7 × 15 cm (H × W); 32 lines per page

Latin MS 22
Content: Plato, Axiochus and Crito (Latin trans. by Rinuccio of Arezzo); Franciscus de Fiano, Romulus (hic est qui celsae fundavit moenia Romae) and Julius Caesar (volve tuos oculos metuendum hunc aspice lector)
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 20 folia; 21.7 × 15 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 23
Content: Montemagno, Buonaccorso da., Oratio de nobilitate; Pietro del Monte, Bishop of Brescia, Ad Karolum regem Francorum oratio habita pro Eugenio IV; Leonardo Bruni Aretino, Invectiva contra hypocritas
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 32 folia; 21.7 × 15 cm (H × W); 33 lines per page

Latin MS 24
Content: Vergerio, Pietro Paolo, the Elder (1370-1444), De ingenuis moribus et liberalibus studiis adolescentiae ad Ubertinum Carraraiensem libri duo
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 36 paper folia; 21.7 × 15 cm (H × W); 25 lines per page

Latin MS 25
Content: Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Enarrationes in psalmos (Ps. 31)
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 10-11th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 33.5 × 23 cm (H × W); 2 column; 41 lines

Latin MS 26
Content: Persius Flaccus, Aulus, Satires (Satirae)
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 12 folia; 20 x 14.5 cm (H × W); 24-26 lines per page

Latin MS 27
Content: unidentified commentary
Geographic origin: France(?)
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment fragment; 29.6 × 22.5 cm (H × W); 2 column; 58 lines

Latin MS 28
Content: Old Testament, Judges; unidentified text
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 4 parchment folia; 22.4 × 15.8 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 46 lines per page

Latin MS 29
Content: Filelfo, Francesco, Epistola ad Antonium Raudensem
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 1575-1625 CE
Dimensions: 1 paper leaf; 10.5 × 15 cm (H × W); 19 lines
Catalog record

Latin MS 30
Content: Bonaventure, St., Glossae ad Sancti Bonaventurae commentarius in secundum librum Petri Lombardi
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: 1477 CE
Dimensions: codex; 335 folia
Catalog record

Latin MS 31
Content: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Topica; Partitiones oratorieae; De oratore
Geographic origin: Naples, Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 78 folia; 26 × 36 cm (H × W); 39-40 lines per page

Latin MS 32
Content: Old Testament, Job
Geographic origin: Paris, France
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 151 folia; 14.6 × 9.6 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 24 lines per page

Latin MS 33
Content: Juvenalis, Decimus Junius, Satires (Satirae)
Geographic origin: Murcia, Spain
Date: c. 1425-1475 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 82 folia; 20 × 15 cm (H × W); 24 lines per page

Latin MS 34
Content: Persius Flaccus, Aulus, Satires (Satirae)
Geographic origin: Murcia, Spain
Date: c. 1425-1475 CE
Dimensions: 14 paper folia; 20 × 15 cm (H × W); 24 lines per page

Latin MS 35
Content: Bersuire, Pierre (c. 1290-1362), Reductorium morale (Book 15, extract)
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 51 folia; 21.5 × 15 cm (H × W); 28 lines per page

Latin MS 36
Content: Diogenes, Laertius, De philosophorum vitis ; Vitae philosophorum; Quaedam excerpta ex Laertio Diogene de philosophorum vita
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 36 folia; 21.5 × 15 cm (H × W); 21 lines per page

Latin MS 37
Content: Miscellany
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 15 folia; 21.5 × 15 cm (H × W); 22-28 lines per page

Latin MS 38
Content: Scholae Salernitane praecepta(?), Regimen Sanitatis; Flos medicinae
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 20 folia; 21.5 × 15 cm (H × W); 22-28 lines per page
Catalog record

Latin MS 39
Content: Carmen Herbale
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 9 paper folia; 21.6 × 14.4 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 40
Content: Materia Medica (Latin and Italian)
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 16 paper folia

Latin MS 41
Content: Collection of Scholastic Sermons
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 1425-1475 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 147 folia; 21 × 14.6 cm (H × W); c. 40 lines per page

Latin MS 42
Content: Ripis, Johannes De., Super primo sententiarum magistri Petri Lombardi
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 1425-1475 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 303 folia; 28.5 × 22 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 58 lines per page

Latin MS 43
Content: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, De officiis
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: 1440 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 64 folia; 28.5 × 20.5 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 25-27 lines per page

Latin MS 44
Content: Old Testament, 2 Kings 21:11-23:15; Judith 11:21-14:13
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: 2 parchment folia; 18.6 × 12.4 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 47 lines per page

Latin MS 45
Content: Jerome (Hieronymus), Dialogus adversus Pelagium
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 33 folia; 30.4 × 21.8 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 39-47 lines per page

Latin MS 46
Content: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Marci Tullii Ciceronis arpinatis tusculanarum quaestionum (Tusculun Disputations)
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 133 folia; 28 × 21.5 cm (H × W); 31 lines per page

Latin MS 47
Content: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, De officiis
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 96 folia; 21.2 × 14.5 cm (H × W); 23 lines per page

Latin MS 48
Content: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, De officiis
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: 19 October 1473 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 78 folia; 22.2 × 14.2 cm (H × W); 25 lines per page

Latin MS 49
Content: Festus, Sextus Pompeius, De verborum significatione
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: 1465 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 90 folia; 29 × 21 cm (H × W); c. 49 lines per page

Latin MS 50
Content: Sallustius Crispus, C. (Sallust), De Catilinae coniuratione
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 1400-1450 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 16 folia; 30 × 21.3 cm (H × W); 24 lines per page

Latin MS 51
Content: Sermons
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 84 folia; 20.2 × 14.5 cm (H × W); 22-27 lines per page

Latin MS 52
Content: Antoninus, Saint, Abp. of Florence (1389-1459), Summa paenitentiae
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: 1463 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 67 folia; 28.5 × 22 cm (H × W); 30 lines per page

Latin MS 53
Content: Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Soliloquium; De contemplatione
Geographic origin: Northern Italy
Date: 1463 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 55 folia; 18.7 × 14.5 cm (H × W); 30 lines per page

Latin MS 54
Content: Barzizius, Gasparinus, Epistles
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: 1493 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 88 folia; 19.2 × 14 cm (H × W); 22-24 lines per page

Latin MS 55
Content: Fucecchio; fragments relating to judicial administration of the commune in the fourteenth century
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: 1493 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 125 folia; 30.3 × 22.5 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 56
Content: (Ps.-)Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Speculum peccatoris (spurious and doubtful works)
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 12 folia; 15 × 10 cm (H × W); 20 lines per page

Latin MS 57
Content: Sacramentarium
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 9th century
Dimensions: 2 parchment fragments; 20 × 18 cm (H × W); 8 lines total

Latin MS 58
Content: Beda Venerabilis, Homilies
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 12th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 29.2 × 20.3 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 33 lines per page

Latin MS 59
Content: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Epistolae ad familiares
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 250 folia; 23 × 17 cm (H × W); c. 29 lines per page

Latin MS 60
Content: Sermons
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 47 folia; 21.2 × 14.7 cm (H × W); 43 lines per page

Latin MS 61
Content: Breviary
Geographic origin: Western Germany
Date: c. 1375-1425 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 324 folia; 21 × 14.8 cm (H × W); 30-40 lines per page

Latin MS 62
Content: Breviary
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 5 parchment fragments; c. 4.5 × 8.5 cm (H × W); 3-13 lines
Catalog record

Latin MS 63
Content: theological text
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment fragment; c. 16 × 5 cm (H × W); 16 lines
Catalog record

Latin MS 64
Content: magical text(?)
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 2 parchment folia; c. 37 × 23 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 54 lines per page

Latin MS 65
Content: hymnal
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 14.8 × 25 cm (H × W); 5 lines
Catalog record

Latin MS 66
Content: musical fragment
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 36 × 21 cm (H × W); 5 lines
Catalog record

Latin MS 67
Content: unidentified fragments
Geographic origin: Italy and Germany
Date: c. 14-15th century
Dimensions: 6 parchment fragments; the largest measures c. 23.5 × 41 cm (H × W); c. 10 lines
Catalog record

Latin MS 68
Content: treatise on sin (fragmentary)
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 12th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment fragment; 14 × 21 cm (H × W); 22 lines

Latin MS 69
Content: grammatical text (fragmentary)
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment fragment; 16 × 11 cm (H × W); 46 lines

Latin MS 70
Content: Passio, S. Marcelli Papae, Sanctuarium; Passio Sancti Marcelli, Papae et martyriae sociorum
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment fragment; 39 × 31 cm (H × W); 32 lines

Latin MS 71
Content: S. Gregorius Magnus, Dialogi
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: 2 conjoint parchment fragments; 28 × 23 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 36 lines

Latin MS 72
Content: Aristotle, De anima
Geographic origin: Italy?
Date: c. 13-14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 19 × 15 cm (H × W); 26 lines

Latin MS 73
Content: Aristotle, Physica
Geographic origin: Italy or France?
Date: c. 13-14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 15 × 19 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 22 lines

Latin MS 74
Content: Treatise on virtues and vices (fragment); chapter on superbia
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 16 × 11 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 40 lines

Latin MS 75
Content: Biblia Latina; Maccabees 1, 2:5-3:39
Geographic origin: Austria
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 30 × 23 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 50 lines

Latin MS 76
Content: Biblia Latina; Psalms 106:14-108:27
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 21 × 7.1 cm (H × W); 58 lines

Latin MS 77
Content: Alexander de Villadei, Doctrinale 1678-1719, 1797-1834, 1947-2045, 2103-2108, 2129-2134, 2153-2158, 2182-2186
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: 6 parchment folia and 2 loose fragments; 21 × 14 cm (H × W); 22 lines per page

Latin MS 78
Content: Eberhardus Bethuniensis, Graecismus (with commentary IV.4 to V.1)
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 21 × 16 cm (H × W); 20 lines

Latin MS 79
Content: theological text
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 11th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 26 × 9 cm (H × W); 23 lines

Latin MS 80
Content: Missal
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 12th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 23.5 × 17 cm (H × W); 20 lines

Latin MS 81
Content: Roman law
Geographic origin: Northern Italy
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 22 × 18 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 46 lines

Latin MS 82
Content: Pseudo-Dionysius, De mystica theologia; Epistola ad Gaium
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 15 × 10 cm (H × W); 26 lines

Latin MS 83
Content: Digesta with Accursian glosses
Geographic origin: Northern Italy
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 27 × 20 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 35-60 lines

Latin MS 84
Content: Pope Gregory IX, Decretales with marginal glosses
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 32 × 20 cm (H × W); 2 columns; c. 46 lines

Latin MS 85
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 2 parchment folia

Latin MS 86
Content: William Laverence, Grant of Land to John Hembury from William of Clyve, England
Geographic origin: England
Date: 1373 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 10 × 23 cm (H × W); 10 lines

Latin MS 87
Content: Gloses on Digesta; De testibus
Geographic origin: Northern Italy
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 10 × 23 cm (H × W); 10 lines

Latin MS 88
Content: Augustine, De civitate Dei
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 2 conjoint parchment folia; 29 × 26 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 62 lines

Latin MS 89
Content: fragment of a service book
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 32 × 20 cm (H × W); 24 lines
Catalog record

Latin MS 90
Content: Stati Papinii Surculus [sic] Vita; Prescripta Stati Papinii
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 14 folia; 21 × 14 cm (H × W); 22-23 lines per page

Latin MS 91A
Content: miscellaneous theological treatises
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: 1490-1493 CE
Dimensions: 292 paper folia; 64 × 40 cm (H × W); 37-39 lines per page

Latin MS 91B
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: parchment

Latin MS 92
Content: theological fragments
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 14-15th century
Dimensions: 2 parchment fragments; 2 columns

Latin MS 93
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 1 paper fragment; 11.7 × 16.5 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 5-7 lines

Latin MS 94
Content: Justinus, Historiarum Romanorum
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 129 folia; 20.4 × 13.7 cm (H × W); 30 lines per page

Latin MS 95
Content: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, De Inventione Rhetorica
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: 1426-1475 CE
Dimensions: 83 paper fragments; 23.3 × 26.6 cm (H × W); 23 lines per page

Latin MS 96
Content: Justinus, Historiarum Philippicarum Trogi Pompeii Epitome
Geographic origin: Florence, Italy
Date: 1451-1475 CE
Dimensions: 137 parchment fragments; 24.4 × 15.8 cm (H × W); c. 29 lines per page

Latin MS 97
Content: Justinian, Codex constitutionum, with glossa ordinaria of Accursius
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 1250-1300 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 220 folia; 44.8 × 28 cm (H × W); 4 columns per page; c. 80-105 lines per page

Latin MS 98
Content: Jacobus de Voragine, Legendea Aurea
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 217 folia; 19 × 14.5 cm (H × W); c. 37 lines per page

Latin MS 99
Content: Perault, Guillaume, Summa Viciorum
Geographic origin: Austria
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 97 folia + 2 vellum fly folia; 21 × 15 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 37 lines per page

Latin MS 100
Content: Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophia
Geographic origin: Northern Italy
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 38 folia + vellum fly leaf; 25.5 × 20.6 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; c. 35 lines per page

Latin MS 101
Content: Comestor, Petrus, Sermones
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 1150-1200 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 12 folia; 25.2 × 17.5 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 52-55 lines per page

Latin MS 102
Content: Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great), Liber Pastoralis; other theological treatises
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 269 folia; 34.2 × 22 cm (H × W); 44 lines per page

Latin MS 103
Content: Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great), Liber Moralium Beati Job
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 12th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 142 folia; 30 × 19 cm (H × W); 44 lines per page

Latin MS 104
Content: Petrus de Mora, Alphabetum in artem sermonandi (beginning only); unidentified text, possibly another ars praedicandi
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 71 folia; 23.5 × 15.3 cm (H × W); 33 lines per page

Latin MS 105
Content: Petrus Lombardus, Quattuor Libri Sententiarum
Geographic origin: France(?)
Date: c. 12th century
Dimensions: 9 unbound parchment folia (6 conjoint); 33 × 22.4 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 54 lines per page

Latin MS 106
Content: Monte Gargano, Apulia, Historia chronologica Monasterii
Geographic origin: Florence, Italy(?)
Date: c. 1720 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 112 folia; 28.5 × 20 cm (H × W); 30 lines per page

Latin MS 107
Content: Panvinio, Onofrio, De sacrosancta Basilica Bapisterio et Patriarchio Lateranensi
Geographic origin: Rome, Italy(?)
Date: 1562 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 152 folia; 31.3 × 21.5 cm (H × W); 26 lines per page

Latin MS 108
Content: Riccardo da San Germano, Chronicle of Sicily and Naples
Geographic origin: Monte Cassino, Italy
Date: 1602 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 126 folia; 25.7 × 18.4 cm (H × W); 23 lines per page

Latin MS 109
Content: Lombard Chronicles
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 18th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 191 folia; 26 × 19 cm (H × W); c. 24 lines per page

Latin MS 110
Content: Petrus de Riga, Aurora Petri Rigae Biblia Versificata
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 1200-1250 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 122 folia; 23 × 13.5 cm (H × W); 40-43 lines per page

Latin MS 111
Content: Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda Aurea
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 314 folia; 22 × 16 cm (H × W); 36 lines per page

Latin MS 112
Content: Dares Phrygius and Dictys Cretensis, Histories of the Trojan War
Geographic origin: Sienna, Italy
Date: c. 1476-1500 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 109 folia; 26 × 18 cm (H × W); 28 lines per page

Latin MS 113
Content: M. Junianus Justinus, Epitome of the Universal History of Trogus Pompeius
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 1200-1251 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 25 × 18 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 38 lines

Latin MS 114
Content: Raimonda, Departure for the Holy Land
Geographic origin: Germany(?)
Date: 12 August 1168 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 7.5 × 33 cm (H × W); 11 lines

Latin MS 115
Content: Flavius Vegetius Renatus, Epitoma Rei Militaris
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 1400 CE
Dimensions: paper and vellum codex; 34 folia; 26 × 17.7 cm (H × W); 43-45 lines per page

Latin MS 116
Content: St. Benedict, Rule of St. Benedict
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 1400 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 101 folia; 8.5 × 6.7 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 117
Content: Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great), Homilia in Evangelia
Geographic origin: Northern Italy
Date: c. 1200 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 132 folia; 29.4 × 19 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 32 lines per page

Latin MS 118
Content: Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus, Pharsalia, sive Belli civilis
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 12th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 86 folia; 21 × 10.3 cm (H × W); c. 45 lines per page

Latin MS 119
Content: Glossarium latinum
Geographic origin: Northern France
Date: c. 826-950 CE
Dimensions: 4 conjoint parchment folia; 22.8 × 19 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 32 lines

Latin MS 120
Content: Book of Hours
Geographic origin: Southern Germany
Date: c. 1461-1500 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 58 folia; 12.3 × 9.5 cm (H × W); 15 lines per page

Latin MS 121
Content: Summa de Abstinentia
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 1426-1475 CE
Dimensions: 160 parchment fragments; 21.1 × 14.3 cm (H × W); 37 lines per page

Latin MS 122
Content: Expositie difficilum verborum
Geographic origin: France(?)
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 140 folia; 21.8 × 15.9 cm (H × W); 2 columns per page; 45 lines per page

Latin MS 123
Content: Plautus, T. Maccius, Casina; Curulio
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 1000 CE
Dimensions: 2 conjoint parchment folia; 24.8 × 16.5 cm (H × W); 30 lines

Latin MS 124
Content: Theological Commonplace Book
Geographic origin: Erfurt, Germany
Date: c. 1450 CE
Dimensions: 520 paper fragments; 16 × 10.7 cm (H × W); 32 lines per page

Latin MS 125
Content: Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus, Pharsalia, sive Belli civilis
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 11th century
Dimensions: 3 parchment fragments; 78 lines
Catalog record

Latin MS 126
Content: Martin Eglesperger, Compendium of the Gospels
Geographic origin: Nuremberg, Germany
Date: c. 1500 CE
Dimensions: 1 vellum flyleaf, 3 paper pages; 16.3 × 10.5 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 127
Content: Expositio Evangelium Dominicalium per Annum. Passio Domini sec. Mt. xxvi-xxvii cum comment
Geographic origin: Southern Germany
Date: c. 1461-1500 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 198 folia; 21.2 × 15.7 cm (H × W); c. 32 lines per page

Latin MS 128
Content: Biblia Breviata
Geographic origin: Erfurt, Germany
Date: c. 1400-1450 CE
Dimensions: vellum and paper codex; 134 folia; 21.1 × 14.5 cm (H × W); c. 34 lines per page

Latin MS 129
Content: Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermones
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 1200-1250 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 32 folia; 29.5 × 18 cm (H × W); 49 lines per page

Latin MS 130
Content: Pseudo-Augustine, Quaestiones Orosii et Responsiones Augustini
Geographic origin: Italy(?)
Date: c. 1100-1150 CE
Dimensions: 35 bound parchment fragments; 14.8 × 11.1 cm (H × W); 15 lines

Latin MS 131
Content: Pseudo-Clement, Recognitiones
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 1150-1200 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 42 folia; 28 × 19 cm (H × W); 30 lines per page

Latin MS 132
Content: Vicenzo Castellani (miscellaneous writings)
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 16th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 103 folia; 21.5 × 13.5 cm (H × W); 18-34 lines per page

Latin MS 133
Content: Readings and homilies for the 9th-12th Sundays after Pentecost and the days thereafter
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment bifolium; 27.4 × 20 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 35 lines

Latin MS 134
Content: Alain de Lille, Anticlaudianes
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 54 folia; 19.3 × 9.2 cm (H × W); 36-42 lines per page

Latin MS 135
Content: Donatus, Ars minor
Geographic origin: Switzerland
Date: c. 770 CE
Dimensions: 2 conjoint parchment folia; 21 × 16.3 cm (H × W); c. 27-30 lines

Latin MS 136
Content: Basil the Great, De studio librorum gentilium
Geographic origin: Basel
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 11 paper folia; 20.4 × 14.5 cm (H × W); 35 lines per page

Latin MS 137
Content: Catalogus Pontificum
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 24 paper folia; 20.5 × 14.4 cm (H × W); 26 lines per page

Latin MS 138
Content: Book of Hours
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 39 folia; 12 × 8.6 cm (H × W); 18 lines per page

Latin MS 139
Content: Missal
Geographic origin: Italy(?)
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 27.4 × 18.6 cm (H × W); c. 26 lines

Latin MS 140
Content: Bede
Geographic origin: Nonantola
Date: c. 9th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment fragment; 11.5 × 20 cm (H × W); 7 lines

Latin MS 141
Content: Breviary, Marian feast, Matins
Geographic origin: Northern France(?)
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 19.2 × 15 cm (H × W); 15 lines

Latin MS 142
Content: Commentary on Jeremiah 22:15-19
Geographic origin: Italy(?)
Date: c. 12th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 29.2 × 18.3 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 36 lines
Catalog record

Latin MS 143
Content: breviary, Advent
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 29.8 × 20 cm (H × W); 2 columns; 31 lines
Catalog record

Latin MS 144
Content: Liber usualis (Lent)
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 2 parchment conjoint folia; 35 × 26.4 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 145
Content: conveyance of property at Chetford, England
Geographic origin: England
Date: 1546 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 38 × 27.4 cm (H × W); 5 lines

Latin MS 146
Content: concordance to the Bible
Geographic origin: England or France
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 38 × 27.4 cm (H × W); 5 lines

Latin MS 147
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 3 parchment fragments; 40 × 36 cm (H × W); c. 20 lines

Latin MS 148
Content: Guarino Veronese, De dipthongis
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 1501-1540 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 17 folia

Latin MS 149
Content: Usus a mediolano per picium et campaniam ad Columnas in traiectum Sicilie milia 956
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 16th century
Dimensions: 5 leaves; 16.3 × 9.9 cm (H × W); 2 columns

Latin MS 150
Content: liturgical book
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 2 parchment fragments; 17 × 12.2 cm (H × W); 2 columns

Latin MS 151
Content: choir book
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: 1420 CE
Dimensions: 22 parchment fragments; 48 × 33 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 152
Content: Rhetorica ad Herennium
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 70 folia; page 18.2 × 13 cm (H × W); 28 lines per page

Latin MS 153
Content: Juvenalis, Decimus Junius, Satirae
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 78 folia; page 27.8 × 19.2 cm (H × W); 26 lines per page

Latin MS 154
Content: Gradual; Trinitarians; chants; antiphons
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 1830 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 21 lines
Catalog record

Latin MS 155
Content: unidentified illuminated leaf
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 21 lines

Latin MS 156
Content: Pro parvis horas ad nonam ad comp
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: paper codex; 90 folia; page 18.6 × 11.5 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 157
Content: breviary
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 16.8 × 13.2 cm (H × W); 29 lines

Latin MS 158
Content: Lucian, Letter on the Discovery of the Relics of St. Stephen
Geographic origin: Switzerland
Date: c. 10th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 25.2× 15.6 cm (H × W); 2 columns; c. 33 lines

Latin MS 159
Content: Seneca, Epistolae ad Lucilium; Epitaph; De beneficiis
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: 1150 CE
Dimensions: 2 consecutive parchment leaves; 15.4× 10.5 cm (H × W); 23-24 lines

Latin MS 160
Content: Typotius, Jacobus, Symbola divina et humana pontificum, iperatorum regum
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: paper codex; 128 folia; page 16 × 11.5 cm (H × W); 9-14 lines per page

Latin MS 161
Content: Episcopal Charter
Geographic origin: England(?)
Date: 1499 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 55.5 × 30.5 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 162
Content: legal charter
Geographic origin: Spain
Date: 1611 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 34.6 × 26.8 cm (H × W); 40 lines

Latin MS 163
Content: episthograph
Geographic origin: France
Date: 1439 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 66.1 × 36.1 cm (H × W); 26 lines

Latin MS 164
Content: Papal Charter
Geographic origin: Rome, Italy
Date: 1608 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 7.3 × 51.1 cm (H × W); 27 lines

Latin MS 165
Content: Louis, II, King of Hungary and Bohemia, Letter of Louis II to Francisco Cheregatto, Bishop of Aprutino
Geographic origin: Prague
Date: 1523 CE
Dimensions: 1 paper leaf; 42 × 31.6 cm (H × W); 41 lines

Latin MS 166
Content: Frederick, Duke of Saxony, Letter of Frederick Duke of Saxony to Bishop-elect Francisco of Aprutino
Geographic origin: Nuremberg, Germany
Date: 1523 CE
Dimensions: 2 conjoint paper folia; 32.1 × 21.8 cm (H × W); 23-29 lines

Latin MS 167
Content: legal document
Geographic origin: Italy(?)
Date: 1449 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 48.6 × 32 cm (H × W); 53 lines

Latin MS 168
Content: legal contract
Geographic origin: Italy(?)
Date: 1598 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 52.5 × 44.3 cm (H × W); 60 lines

Latin MS 169
Content: legal contract
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: 1599 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 83.2 × 60.5 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 170
Content: property transfer regarding an heir
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: 1591 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 100 × 78.6 cm (H × W); 130 lines

Latin MS 171
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: Italy(?)
Date: 1546 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 35 × 14.8 cm (H × W); 62 lines

Latin MS 172
Content: Charter of John Whitney and others, transferring property with the town of Ayssgedon(?), England
Geographic origin: England
Date: 1502 CE
Dimensions: 1 paper leaf; 30.7 × 31.2 cm (H × W); 39 lines

Latin MS 173
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 leaf; c. 19 × 11.8 cm (H × W); 16 lines

Latin MS 174
Content: Matins, Officium parvum (Latin and German)
Geographic origin: Germany(?)
Date: c. 16th century
Dimensions: 99 parchment folia; 18 × 12.5 cm (H × W); c. 23 lines per page

Latin MS 175
Content: unknown
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: unknown
Catalog Record

Latin MS 176
Content: unknown
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 78.9 × 54.8 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 177
Content: unknown
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 53 × 38 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 178
Content: unknown
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 3 parchment folia; 52.2 × 37.4 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 180
Content: unknown
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 14 non-consecutive parchment folia; 52.3 × 35.8 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 181
Content: Gospel of John 19-21
Geographic origin: France
Date: c. 1240 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf

Latin MS 182
Content: Constantine the African, Liber Aureus
Geographic origin: Italy(?)
Date: c. 12th century
Dimensions: parchment codex; 78 folia
Catalog record

Latin MS 183
Content: antiphonal
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf

Latin MS 184
Content: Liber medicinalis magoini
Geographic origin: Germany(?)
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: paper codex; 250 leaves
Catalog record

Latin MS 185
Content: Diploma of Nicholo Ferdinand Conzini
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: 1705 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex; 5 pages, gold-stamped leather cover, two wooden seals
Catalog record

Latin MS 186
Content: calendar
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: parchment codex; 13 folia

Latin MS 187
Content: Torello, Phola de Puppio, Diarium. Actorum sacrosancti Oecumenici, et Generalis Concilii Tridentini: tam dogmatum, quam reformationum, et aliorum, que Tridenti gesto sunt sub Pio Quarto Pontifici Max
Geographic origin: Italy(?)
Date: unknown
Dimensions: paper codex; 132 leaves
Catalog record

Latin MS 188
Content: Precept of John Stafford, Archbishop of Canterbury
Geographic origin: England
Date: 1445 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf
Catalog record

Latin MS 189
Content: Patent of Nobility for Peter Cantzler
Geographic origin: Germany
Date: 1657 CE
Dimensions: 7 parchment folia
Catalog record

Latin MS 190
Content: Guidi, Guido (c. 1500-1569), De Febribus Lectiones
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: c. 1550 CE
Dimensions: paper codex; 230 leaves; 29 × 22 cm (H × W)
Catalog record

Latin MS 191
Content: Ospedale di S. Maria Misericordiae
Geographic origin: Perugia, Italy
Date: 1550 CE
Dimensions: parchment codex

Latin MS 192
Content: Papal Bull
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 1585-1589 CE
Dimensions: 3 parchment leaves, metal seals
Catalog record

Latin MS 193
Content: Papal Bull
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: 1582 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf
Catalog record

Latin MS 194
Content: medical treatise
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: 2 parchment fragments
Catalog record

Latin MS 195
Content: Avicenna (980-1037), De re medica
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 13th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment bifolium
Catalog record

Latin MS 196
Content: medical treatises
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 1350-1400 CE
Dimensions: 25 parchment leaves
Catalog record

Latin MS 197
Content: Aristotle, Brevis ad Aristotelis logicam introductio
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 1600-1750 CE
Dimensions: 4 paper pages

Latin MS 198
Content: Compendium in Sphaeran
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: c. 17th century
Dimensions: paper codex

Latin MS 199
Content: Canticle of Simeon (Luke 2:29-32) from a Book of Hours
Geographic origin: England
Date: c. 15th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 10 × 17 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 200
Content: Gradual
Geographic origin: England
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 49 × 67 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 201
Content: Gradual
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 2 parchment leaves; 52 × 75.5 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 202
Content: Antiphonal
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 2 parchment leaves; 52 × 75.5 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 203
Content: Antiphonal
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf (fol. XXXIII); 35 × 54 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 204
Content: Antiphonal
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf (fol. LXVIII); 35 × 54 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 205
Content: Gradual
Geographic origin: Spain
Date: c. 1600-1650 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf

Latin MS 206
Content: illuminated initial with St. Peter
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment fragment

Latin MS 207
Content: unidentified music fragment
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment fragment

Latin MS 208
Content: unidentified music fragment
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment fragment

Latin MS 209
Content: unidentified decree fragment
Geographic origin: Italy
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment fragment

Latin MS 210
Content: Sermones
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: paper codex; 8 folia

Latin MS 211
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 8 paper fragments

Latin MS 212
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 2 parchment fragments

Latin MS 213
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 6 parchment fragments

Latin MS 214
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 2 parchment folia 

Latin MS 215
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment bifolium (fol. XX and XXI) 

Latin MS 216
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 17 parchment fragments; 2 columns

Latin MS 217
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; verso numbered 23 dated 1319 CE

Latin MS 218
Content: unidentified music fragment
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; recto numbered 220

Latin MS 219
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; wax and wood pendant seal

Latin MS 220
Content: unidentified
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf

Latin MS 221
Content: Book of Hours
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf

Latin MS 222
Content: Book of Hours
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf

Latin MS 223
Content: unidentified liturgical text
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf

Latin MS 224
Content: unidentified liturgical text
Geographic origin: unknown
Date: unknown
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf

Latin MS 225
Content: Deed, 1240 March 9, of land in Pisa, Italy to Frater Baldiccione
Geographic origin: Pisa, Italy
Date: 1240 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf

Latin MS 226
Content: document of payment for arable land
Geographic origin: Spain
Date: 1447 CE
Dimensions: 2 parchment leaves; 24.7 × 20 cm (H × W) and 16.5 × 12.7 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 227
Content: Charter signed by Sir John Maxwell of Nether Pollok, County Renfrew, Scotland
Geographic origin: Scotland
Date: 1591 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 23 × 28 cm (H × W); wax seal

Latin MS 228
Content: Voragine, Jacobus de, Life of St. George
Geographic origin: Northern Europe
Date: c. 14th century
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 17.9 × 18 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 229
Content: Commission for Justice of the Peace (Latin and English)
Geographic origin: Scotland
Date: 1584 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 17.9 × 18 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 230
Content: Notarial document
Geographic origin: Scotland
Date: 1484 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 23 × 21.3 cm (H × W)

Latin MS 231
Content: Sasine
Geographic origin: Scotland
Date: 1548 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 20.9 × 22.2 cm (H × W); notarial sign

Latin MS 231
Content: Scottish backbond
Geographic origin: Scotland
Date: 17 November 1478 CE
Dimensions: 1 parchment leaf; 7.9 × 26.9 cm (H × W)

P.Duk. inv. 96
Content: account (Latin and Greek)
Geographic origin: Egypt
Date: unknown
Dimensions: papyrus fragments; 5.9 × 7.2 cm (H × W)
Catalog record | Papyrus archive

P.Duk. inv. 466
Content: request to inherit
Geographic origin: Egypt (Oxyrhynchus)
Date: unknown
Dimensions: papyrus fragments; 3.6 × 13.6 cm (H × W)
Catalog record | Papyrus archive

P.Duk. inv. 528
Content: loan or deposit
Geographic origin: Egypt 
Date: unknown
Dimensions: papyrus fragment; 10.1 × 10.9 cm (H × W)
Catalog record | Papyrus archive

P.Duk. inv. 642
Content: letter(?)
Geographic origin: Egypt 
Date: ca. first century CE
Dimensions: papyrus fragments; 8 × 5.2 cm (H × W)
Catalog record Papyrus archive

P.Duk. inv. 798
Content: Cicero, In Catilinam 1.13-15
Geographic origin: Egypt 
Date: unknown
Dimensions: papyrus fragment; 3.4 × 2.6 cm (H × W)
Catalog record | Papyrus archive

P.Duk. inv. 968
Content: unidentified documentary text
Geographic origin: Egypt 
Date: unknown
Dimensions: papyrus fragments; 9.4 × 4 cm (H × W)
Catalog record | Papyrus archive