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2024-2025 Travel Grant Cycle Information

Thanks to generous funding from the Doris Duke Foundation, we offer annual travel grants of up to $1,500 for researchers whose work would benefit from access to the Doris Duke Foundation collections held at the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. For more details about the application process and timeline, please visit the Rubenstein Library's travel grant main page.

Research projects must use materials from the Doris Duke Foundation collections. In addition to supporting academic research aimed at producing publications and dissertations, these grants will support a wide range of other creative projects such as educational initiatives, exhibitions, films, multimedia products, and other artistic works. Doris Duke Foundation Travel Grant recipients will be asked to submit a brief report of their grant-supported activities at the conclusion of the grant cycle. Anyone who wishes to use materials from the Doris Duke Foundation collections for historical research may apply, regardless of academic status. Please inquire to Katie Henningsen if the collection area is not clear.

Find more detailed information about the collections in the Doris Duke Foundation Historical Archives section of the Duke Family Research Guide. Inclusion of a collection on one of our research guides does not guarantee eligibility. Please consult with a reference archivist for clarification. All of our materials are included in the Duke University Libraries online catalog.