One of the two last houses built for Duke faculty, house 13 was first occupied by Alan Manchester (above). Dr. Manchester taught in the Department of History and became Assistant Dean of Trinity College in 1934 and later served as Dean of Freshmen, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and Dean of Trinity College. He lived in the house until 1961, when he moved off-campus. At various times, other professors lived in the house with him, including Dr. Robert L. Alter of the hospital in 1951.
Everett Hopkins, Professor of Education and Vice President for Planning and Institutional Studies, moved in 1961 and stayed until 1967, when he also moved off-campus. Employees from the Personnel Department moved in at that point and the building housed divisions of human resources such as Labor Relations and Wage and Salary Administration and eventually housed Canadian Studies until 2001.
The house was then occupied by Study Abroad until 2015, when the house was removed to create space for the Rubenstein Arts Center.