The Duke University Archives accepts departmentally-approved honors papers (also called senior honors theses) for permanent storage and makes these honors papers available to scholars throughout the world. The University Archives also collects those graduate theses produced by students of the University's professional schools. Finally, the University Archives collects those theses and dissertations submitted to the Graduate School and published via ProQuest/UMI. These papers, theses, and dissertations are preserved in the DukeSpace repository.
The following information refers to undergraduate honors theses.
Finding undergraduate honors theses
Before transitioning to electronic theses, the University Archives catalogued print honors papers (also called senior honors theses) by academic discipline. The links below will show catalog records for honors papers from several disciplines.
- Cultural Anthropology
- Economics
- English
- History
- Political Science
- Public Policy
- Sociology
- Women's Studies
Please note that you may view honors papers in the Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library's Reading Room, but you may not borrow them.
Since 2007, honors theses are submitted electronically and are not collected in print. Electronic honors theses can be accessed via the DukeSpace repository's Undergraduate Honors Theses collection.
Detailed instructions about submitting your honors thesis to Duke University Libraries can be found on Duke University Libraries' Digital Repositories help documentation webpage.
Contact information
With any questions or problems submitting your thesis to DukeSpace, contact Digital Collections and Curation Services.
For Departments
When you have identified students who meet the criteria to submit their thesis to DukeSpace, please fill out this brief form. If you have any questions, please contact Digital Collections and Curation Services.