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The Doctoral Research Space (DRS) is a shared, scholarly workspace for Duke doctoral students located in Perkins Library. Registered students can swipe in with their DukeCard to access this quiet space for research and writing.

How to use the DRS

Register for DRS access for periods of 1 year by filling out a registration form and signing a document reviewing DRS usage policies. You can renew DRS access annually through your Libraries account.

The DRS hours are the same as those of Perkins Library overall.

Who is eligible for DRS access?


Not eligible
  • Doctoral students enrolled in the Duke University schools of Business, Divinity, Law, Medicine, and Nursing
  • Non-doctoral students e.g., students enrolled in Master's programs
  • Duke University Libraries carrel holders

Resources in the DRS

A desk in the DRS


The DRS contains 27 desks equipped with lights and power outlets. Desks 1 - 8 have adjustable heights and can be used as standing desks.

Technology alcove in the DRS, including an ePrinter, book scanner, and PC


A room accessible from the DRS contains an ePrinter, book scanner, and PC. It is labeled "Technology Alcove."

Lockers in the DRS


Your DRS registration may include access to a mobile or static locker, depending on availability. You can use these lockers to store your materials securely when you leave.

Guidelines and policies

We are committed to enforcing the following policies strictly to the benefit of the entire Duke community. Violating these policies may result in loss of access privileges.

The DRS is a shared workspace

Please be considerate of your peers! Wear a mask when someone else is in the DRS, clean your desk when you leave with provided supplies, avoid creating unnecessary noise, and return your mobile locker to its spot. DRS is restricted to registered users; don't bring un-registered friends or offer access to others.

Locker policies

  • Library materials kept in lockers must be properly checked out.
  • Take care of your keys! Locker holders who lose keys will be charged $15 (static locker) / $25 (Mobile locker) for key replacement.
  • Food and other perishables may not be stored in lockers.
  • Library staff reserve the right to inspect mobile and static lockers at any time.
  • The Libraries do not assume responsibility for any items kept in a mobile or static locker and will not be liable for lost or damaged belongings.


If you have questions about using the DRS that aren't answered on this page, please email