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 The Bingham Center has a long tradition of welcoming interns and volunteers who want to gain experience working with rare materials that focus on women and gender. We consider these workers to be an integral part of the Bingham Center staff and we are committed to designing projects that complement their interests while giving them valuable work experience. The energy and enthusiasm that our volunteers and interns bring are invaluable contributions to The Bingham Center and we are deeply appreciative of them and their work.
We would like to recognize all of our former staff members and describe briefly their contributions to the Bingham Center. Some "former" staff and volunteers are still involved currently. Please contact us if you have worked at the Bingham Center and we have inadvertently left you off this list.

2011-Present | 2004–2010 | 1999–2003 | 1994–1998 | 1988–1993

Staff & Volunteers 2011-Present

Megan Lewis, Technical Services Archivist, 2009-2023

Rachel Sanders, UNC-CH Graduate Student, Technical Services Intern. Assisted with processing of the Jeanne Audrey Powers Papers and Mab Segrest Papers.

Samantha Crisp, UNC-CH Graduate Student, Technical Services Intern. Assisted with processing of the Pauline Bart Papers and Leah Fritz Papers. 

Lauren Brewer, UNCG Graduate Student, Public Services Intern, 2014-2015. Planned second Women at Duke Wikipedia Edit-a-thon. 

Claire Radcliffe, UNC-CH Graduate Student, Public Services Intern, 2013-2014. Planned first Women at Duke Wikipedia Edit-a-thon.

Stephanie Barnwell, UNC-CH Graduate Student Intern, 2012-2013.

Sofia Becerra-Licha, Volunteer, Summer 2011. Assisted with processing of Dorothy Allison Papers.

Tali Beesley, Volunteer, Summer-Fall 2011. Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement digital project.

Kate Collins, UNC-CH Graduate Student Intern, 2011-2012.

Rosemary Davis, Volunteer. Processed women's zine collections.

Alexandra Krensky, UNC-CH Graduate Student Intern, 2010-2011.

Kristan Shawgo, UNC-CH Graduate Student Field Experience, Fall 2011.


Staff & Volunteers 2004–2010

Jodi Berkowitz, Technical Services Archivist, 2006-2008. Arranged, described, and created finding aids for Bingham Center collections, including the Minnie Bruce Pratt papers. UNC-CH Graduate Student Field Experience, Fall 2005, and Volunteer, Spring and Summer, 2006. Assisted with planning of generational feminisms symposium and other public programming, helped to coordinate the Adam Matthew digitization project, established the Women and LGBT Periodicals Collection, acquisitioned incoming manuscripts collections, and answered remote reference questions.

Sherrie Bowser, UNC-CH Graduate Student Field Experience, Spring 2006. Assisted with redesign of the Bingham Center and Women's Studies subject guide websites, helped to produce the spring newsletter, coordinated a public program, assisted with the Adam Matthew project.

Linda Daniel, Public Services Librarian, 2005-2006. Newsletter editor, Bingham Center website redesign, specialized reference assistance, bibliographic instruction, public programming, collections intake, student supervisor, and coordinator, Adam Matthew digitization project.

Angela DiVeglia, Graduate Student Intern, 2009-2010.

Dana Freedman, volunteer, Spring 2006. Assisted with the Adam Matthew digitization project, processed gift collections, assisted with website redesign projects.

Sarah Goetz, volunteer, Spring 2008. Assisted with processing zine collections.

Amy Leigh Hagardorn, Collection Development Librarian, 2000-2005. Curator, newsletter editor, specialized reference assistance, bibliographic instruction, collections intake, outreach, exhibits, and web projects.

Rachel Ingold, Graduate Student Intern, 2008-2009. Helped to plan the Bingham Center's 20th anniversary celebration (2008) and "What Does It Mean To Be An Educated Woman" symposium (2009).

Beth Ann Koelsch, UNC-CH Graduate Student Intern, 2006-2007; project archivist, Aug-Nov 2007; volunteer, Fall 2004. Helped to plan the 2007 symposium "Neither Model Nor Muse: Women and Artistic Expression," including curating an exhibit about the feminist art movement and updating the subject guide to women in the arts. Other activities included providing reference assistance, bibliographic instruction, and collections intake. In 2004 she helped plan the Woman and Electoral Politics exhibit and dramatic reading.

Lydia Kramer, volunteer, Summer 2005. Processed the Women and LGBT Periodicals Collection and assisted with the Adam Matthew digitization project.

Courtney Mack, Duke University Diversity Library Fellow, 2006-2008. Coordinated and facilitated 'Women Engage Hip-Hop' session at the 2007 symposium Neither Model Nor Muse: Women and Artistic Expression.

Lindsay Matson, Volunteer, 2007, Graduate Student Intern, 2008-2009. Helped to plan the 2007 symposium "Neither Model Nor Muse: Women and Artistic Expression," including co-curating the "Stretching the Canvas" exhibit, and Bingham Center's 20th anniversary celebration (2008).

Angela McClendon, UNC-CH Graduate Student Field Experience, Summer, 2006. Collection analysis of extensive holdings of gift books and annuals for women.

Jenny McCraw, volunteer, Spring 2006. Assisted in developing a website for the center's extensive zine collections.

Amy McDonald, volunteer, Fall, 2005-Spring, 2006 and Fall, 2008; UNC-CH Graduate Student Intern, Fall, 2006-Spring, 2008. Helped plan the 2005 and 2007 symposia, "Sisterhood, Riot Grrrl, and the Next Wave" and "Neither Model Nor Muse" including curating several large-scale exhibits, updating thematic subject guides,  planning sessions, and supervising volunteers. Other activities included participating in the zine website development, reference and instruction, collection development, and other writing and research assignments. 

Joan Petit, UNC-CH Graduate Student Field Experience and ARL Fellow, Summer 2005. Assisted with planning of generational feminisms symposium and other public programming, produced annotated bibliographies on the Women's Movement, processed gift collections, assisted with the Adam Matthew digitization project.

Jackie Sipes, UNC-CH Graduate Student Field Experience, Spring 2008. Revised the Domestic and Social Life subject guide.

Jennifer Solomon, volunteer, Fall 2006. Organized Women's and LGBT Movement Periodical Collection. 

Cassidy Sugimoto, volunteer, Summer 2005. Produced bibliography on music of the Women's Movement as a contribution to the generational feminisms symposium.

2004–present | 1999–2003 | 1994–1998 | 1988–1993

Staff & Volunteers 1999–2003

Danette Pachtner, Volunteer, Summer-Fall 2003. Helped plan and participated in the 2003 symposium, Abortion: Research, Ethics, and Activism.

Tracy Waterman, UNC-CH Graduate Student Field Experience, Summer-Fall 2003. Worked on web projects, processed zines, and helped to plan the 2003 symposium, Abortion: Research, Ethics, and Activism (including development of the symposium website)

Kim Brederson, UNC-CH Graduate Student Field Experience, Summer 2003. Assisted with acquisitioning of collections and helped plan the 2003 symposium, Abortion: Research, Ethics, and Activism.

Kelsey Peterson, Volunteer, October 2002-February 2003. Completed guide to prescriptive literature; assisted with rare books collection development work, public programming, and newsletters.

Kelly Wooten, UNC-CH Graduate Student Field Experience, Summer 2001. Created bibliography for girls' literature and helped curate an exhibit based on the girls' literature collection. Temporary employee, Summer 2002. Prepared the Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives for a microfilming project.

Cristina Favretto, Director and Resource Specialist for Women's Studies, 1998-2001. Collection development, specialized reference assistance, bibliographic instruction, processing coordination, outreach, exhibits, and web projects.

Maureen McClarnon, Graduate Student Assistant, 1999-2001. Revised Queer Pulp Fiction bibliography; web page design and research for Duke University Library's Women's Studies Resources.

Elizabeth Bramm Dunn, Women's Studies Reference Archivist, October 1996-January 2000. Reference assistance, library instruction, exhibits, and special projects. Interim Director and Women's Studies Resource Specialist, September 1997-May 1998.

Staff & Volunteers 1994–1998

Ginny Daley, Women's Studies Archivist and founding director of the Sallie Bingham Center, 1988-1997; Women's Studies Resources Specialist, 1991-97. Collection development, specialized reference assistance, bibliographic instruction, processing coordination, outreach, exhibits, and Web projects.

Laura Micham, Project Archivist, Summer 1997. Scanned, transcribed, and designed web page for Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement.

Marcella Curry, UNC-G Graduate Student Field Experience, Spring 1997. Compiled a reference guide on Slave Letters: Original Manuscripts in the Special Collections Library and worked on a master list of Southern women writers and their works.

Andy Barco, NC Friends School Intern, May 1997. Research assistance and HTML encoding for historical footnotes for the Alice Williamson on-line diary.

Catherine Boulle, Student Assistant, Spring 1997. Scanned and transcribed Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement.

Lisa Hazirjian, Graduate Student Assistant, 1996-1997. Processed collections related to women's grassroots activism & leadership.

Lydia Boyd, Student Assistant, 1995-1997. Scanned, transcribed, and HTML mark-up for various women's on-line archival collections

Robyn Bissette, Student Assistant, 1995-1996. Created and maintained the WWW page (R)E-Sources.

David Faulds, NCCU Graduate Student Assistant, 1996, and volunteer, Summer 1995. Document transcription and editor for Sarah Thompson Papers: On-line Archival Collection, processed the ALFA Periodicals Collection, and provided research assistance for 19th Century Prescriptive Literature for Women.

Laura Micham, UNC-CH Graduate Student Intern, 1995-1996, and volunteer, Summer 1995. General assistance for reference, research grants, and class instruction; project coordinator for Civil War Women: On-line Archival Collections; authored Women in Music: A Pathfinder for Sources and Women's Collections on Microfilm; processed ALFA Periodicals Collection; and provided research assistance for 19th Century Prescriptive Literature for Women. Scanned, transcribed, and designed web page for Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement.

Diane McKay, Graduate Student Assistant, Summer 1995. Processed the ALFA Archival Collection, compiled bibliography for Queer Pulp Fiction, assisted on numerous bibliographies and flyers, and processed the Bobbye Ortiz Papers.

Ellen Schultz, UNC-CH Graduate Student, Field Experience, Fall 1994. Research assistance for 19th Century Prescriptive Literature for Women.

Anna Gilcher, Graduate Student Assistant, 1994. Created a guide to the audio cassettes related to China in the Bobbye Ortiz Papers.

Staff & Volunteers 1988–1993

Ann Farnsworth, Graduate Student Assistant, 1993. Processed Spanish language portions of the Bobbye Ortiz Papers.

Julia Bambach, Student Assistant, 1990. Processed various women's and gender-related collections.

Jennifer Morgan, Graduate Student Assistant, Summer 1989. Processed several African-American collections and compiled Retrieving African-American Women's History: A Methodological Guide to Manuscript Sources in the Special Collections Library.

Cindy King, Archival Assistant, 1989-1991. Processed various women's collections and helped coordinate an archival conference for Southern women writers.

Georgen Gilliam, Newcomb College Women's Archives Intern, Summer 1989. Cataloged several small collections and assisted with donor relations.