Who Can Borrow
Current Duke University faculty, staff, and students may use their DukeCard to borrow materials.
The following patrons are eligible for free borrowing privileges upon presentation of their DukeCard:
- spouses and domestic partners
- emeritus faculty and retired library staff
- Duke alumni
- visiting scholars and visiting faculty (must be given sponsored access to library resources )
Faculty, staff, and students from UNC, NCSU, and NCCU, whose libraries comprise the Triangle Research Library Network (TRLN), can use their school's card to borrow materials.
Faculty, staff, and students with valid borrower accounts from BorrowDirect member institutions can use their school's card to borrow materials from Perkins, Lilly, Music, Law, and Divinity libraries as well as the Library Service Center. Please check the Loan Periods tab for more information about available materials and loan periods.
Sponsored access to library resources may be requested for research and academic collaborators by active Duke faculty and staff.
Members of the Durham community are eligible to apply for borrowing privileges at no cost by presenting themselves and proof of residence at the Perkins Library Service Desk. Only materials from the Perkins and Bostock Libraries and the Library Service Center are available to community borrowers.
All other patrons wishing to borrow may obtain privileges by joining the Friends of the Duke University Libraries. A minimum gift of $100 is required to obtain a borrowing card.
Loan Periods
Select your affiliation with Duke:
- Book Loan Period: 4 weeks
- Renewal: unlimited
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: unlimited
- eBooks: varied loan periods
- Reserve Materials: varied loan periods
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: 1 week; 1 week renewal
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: building use
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: 4 weeks
- Music CD: 4 weeks
- Music DVD: 1 week
- Music Scholarly Editions: 3 days
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: 4 weeks
- Music Microforms: 1 week
- Interlibrary Loan: varied loan periods
Graduate Students and Honors Undergraduates
- Book Loan Period: academic year
- Renewal: unlimited
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: unlimited
- eBooks: varied loan periods
- Reserve Materials: varied loan periods
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: 1 week; 1 week renewal
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: 1 day
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: 4 weeks
- Music CD: academic year
- Music DVD: academic year
- Music Scholarly Editions: 3 days
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: 4 weeks
- Music Microforms: academic year
- Interlibrary Loan: varied loan periods
Current and Emeritus Faculty
- Book Loan Period: academic year
- Renewal: unlimited
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: unlimited
- eBooks: varied loan periods
- Reserve Materials: varied loan periods
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: 1 week; 1 week renewal
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: 1 day
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: 4 weeks
- Music CD: academic year
- Music DVD: academic year
- Music Scholarly Editions: 3 days
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: 4 weeks
- Music Microforms: academic year
- Interlibrary Loan: varied loan periods
Sponsored Affiliate
- Book Loan Period: 4 weeks
- Renewal: unlimited
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: 25
- eBooks: varied loan periods
- Reserve Materials: varied loan periods
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: 1 week; 1 week renewal
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: building use
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: 4 weeks
- Music CD: 4 weeks
- Music DVD: 1 week
- Music Scholarly Editions: 3 days
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: 4 weeks
- Music Microforms: 1 week
- Interlibrary Loan: no
Current Staff
- Book Loan Period: 1 semester
- Renewal: unlimited
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: unlimited
- eBooks: varied loan periods
- Reserve Materials: varied loan periods
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: 1 week; 1 week renewal
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: building use
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: 4 weeks
- Music CD: 4 weeks
- Music DVD: 1 week
- Music Scholarly Editions: 3 days
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: 4 weeks
- Music Microforms: 1 week
- Interlibrary Loan: varied loan periods
- Book Loan Period: 4 weeks
- Renewal: 10 *
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: unlimited
- eBooks: varied loan periods
- Reserve Materials: varied loan periods
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: building use
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: building use
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: 4 weeks
- Music CD: 3-item, in-library use
- Music DVD: 3-item, in-library use
- Music Scholarly Editions: in-library use
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: 3-item, in library use
- Music Microforms: in-library use
- Interlibrary Loan: no
Duke Alumni
- Book Loan Period: 4 weeks
- Renewal: 10 *
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: 10
- eBooks: University Press Scholarship Online only
- Reserve Materials: varied loan periods
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: building use
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: building use
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: 4 weeks
- Music CD: 3-item, in-library use
- Music DVD: 3-item, in-library use
- Music Scholarly Editions: in-library use
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: 1 week
- Music Microforms: in-library use
- Interlibrary Loan: no
Durham Residents
- Book Loan Period: 4 weeks
- Renewal: 10 *
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: 10
- eBooks: no
- Reserve Materials: building use
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: no
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: no
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: no
- Music CD: no
- Music DVD: no
- Music Scholarly Editions: no
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: no
- Music Microforms: no
- Interlibrary Loan: no
Friends of the Library
- Book Loan Period: 4 weeks
- Renewal: 10 *
- Cost of Membership: $100
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: 10
- eBooks: no
- Reserve Materials: building use
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: building use
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: building use
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: 4 weeks
- Music CD: 3-item, in-library use
- Music DVD: 3-item, in-library use
- Music Scholarly Editions: in-library use
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: 3-item, in-library use
- Music Microforms: in-library use
- Interlibrary Loan: no
- Book Loan Period: 4 weeks
- Renewal: unlimited
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: unlimited
- eBooks: varied loan periods
- Reserve Materials: varied loan periods
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: by arrangement
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: building use
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: 4 weeks
- Music CD: 3-item, in-library use
- Music DVD: 3-item, in-library use
- Music Scholarly Editions: in-library use
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: 1 week
- Music Microforms: in-library use
- Interlibrary Loan: no
UNC Faculty and Graduate Students
- Book Loan Period: 1 semester
- Renewal: unlimited
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: unlimited
- eBooks: varied loan periods
- Reserve Materials: varied loan periods
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: by arrangement
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: building use
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: 4 weeks
- Music CD: 3-item, in-library use
- Music DVD: 3-item, in-library use
- Music Scholarly Editions: in-library use
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: 1 week
- Music Microforms: in-library use
- Interlibrary Loan: no
BorrowDirect Plus
- Book Loan Period: 4 weeks
- Renewal: 12 or for the life of the account, whichever is less
- Number of Checkouts Allowed: 20
- eBooks: varied loan periods
- Reserve Materials: building use
- Lilly DVD, Film & Video: building use
- Lilly Journals & Periodicals: building use
- Lilly CD/Audio Books: building use
- Music CD: building use
- Music DVD: building use
- Music Scholarly Editions: building use
- Music LPs & Laserdiscs: building use
- Music Microforms: building use
- Interlibrary Loan: no
Note: The information presented above applies in most cases; however, policies for some formats and library locations may vary. If you have questions, please ask a librarian.
You can learn more about policies specific to the professional school libraries:
Renew Duke Requests
Renew your Duke University Libraries books and DVDs online, over the phone or in person.
- Click My Accounts
- Enter your NetID and password. If you do not have a NetID, enter your library card number in both fields
- Select "Titles on loan," and check the box next to each item you wish to renew
- Click "Renew selected titles"
Some items have a limited number of renewals, and you cannot renew items that are overdue, lost or recalled. Look at the top of the screen to read the status of your renewal requests. If you have any questions, please contact library staff.
Renew Interlibrary Loan Materials
Request renewal of your Interlibrary Loan materials by logging into your Interlibrary Loan account. Titles borrowed through TRLN Direct or BorrowDirect will appear in your Library Account (not your Interlibrary Loan account).
- Click on the "Checked Out Items (Renewals)" link, located on the page's left sidebar
- Click the transaction number link beside the item you wish to renew
- Click the red "Renew Request" link at the top of the page. Clicking on this link sends an email to library staff to process your renewal, but you will not see a confirmation screen.
- If your book is overdue, you cannot use the "Renew Request" link. You must request a renewal via email.
Staff cannot guarantee renewals of interlibrary loans because renewals are up to the discretion of the lending library. We will let you know of the lending library's decision via email.
Overdue Fines
- The Duke University Libraries (Perkins and Bostock Libraries, Lilly Library, Marine Lab Library, Music Library, and Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library) do not charge fines for the late return of a regular loan book unless it is has been recalled or declared lost (i.e., it is more than 28 days overdue).
- The professional school libraries (Divinity School Library; Ford Library, Fuqua School of Business; Goodson Law Library; and Medical Center Library) charge fines, depending on the library and the material
- All libraries charge fines for overdue course reserve materials and for returning recalled items late
- All libraries charge fines for overdue DVDs and CDs
Fine Type |
Daily/Hourly Fine |
Regular loan book | None (Unless the book is recalled or declared lost. See the "Lost Items" section below.) |
DVD | $5/day |
Recalled item | $3/day |
3-hour reserve | $1/hour |
1-day reserve | $1/day |
3-day reserve | $1/day |
Lost Items
- If you do not return or renew items within 28 days of their due date, you will incur a "lost item fee." You will need to pay a minimum of $125. This charge includes a minimum $100 replacement fee and a $25 processing fee.
- The minimum replacement fee for reserve materials is $250 plus the $25 processing fee.
- If the cost to replace the item exceeds the minimum replacement fee, then you will pay the actual replacement cost plus the $25 processing fee.
- If you pay the lost item fee and then find the item, you will receive a refund for the replacement cost but not for the processing fee.
- Purchase a new copy of the title on behalf of the library, and Duke University Libraries will send you a refund for the replacement fee. However, you must consult with library staff before purchasing a replacement copy.
For more information about paying your lost item fee, contact staff at the appropriate library:
- Perkins and Bostock Libraries and the Library Service Center
- Sonya Hinsdale
- sonya.hinsdale@duke.edu
- (919) 681-8661
- Lilly Library
- Lauren Crowell
- lauren.crowell@duke.edu
- (919) 660-5921
- Music Library
- Sarah Griffin
- sarah.griffin@duke.edu
- (919) 660-6937
Borrower Responsibilities
- You are responsible for all materials you check out and all fees or damages you incur.
- Do not loan borrowed items to others
- Do not let anyone else use your Duke ID card or library card.
- Do not depend on others to return items for you.
- Report a stolen or lost Duke ID card or library card to the DukeCard Office at (919) 684-2273 and to Duke University Libraries.
- Note the time or date your borrowed materials are due. Staff send overdue notices as a courtesy, but it always is your responsibility to return materials on time.
- Faculty and graduate students automatically check out books for the academic year. However, if your book is recalled you must return it by the date indicated on the recall notification.
- If a book you have borrowed is requested by an instructor for Course Reserves, you must return the item within 24 hours.
- If you receive an overdue notice for materials that you believe you returned, please reply to the notice using our online form.