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Digital Scholarship & Publishing Services helps researchers plan and conduct digital projects. We offer consultations, instructional programs, internships, space for teams, and project partnerships to help you undertake digital research, teaching, and publishing in the humanities. Whatever your project, our team will help you find the resources you need.

Department Staff

Liz Milewicz

Liz Milewicz
Head, Digital Scholarship & Publishing Services
liz.milewicz (at)

Will Shaw

Will Shaw
Digital Humanities Consultant
ws87 (at)

Current Interns

Joseph Mulligan (2019 - ) 

Department of Romance Studies Doctoral Program
Duke University  

  • Developing overview to and analysis of Gale Cengage Digital Scholars Lab text analysis tool, for Duke community and student members of the History Department-based MicroWorlds Lab

Past Interns

Heather Baker (2019) 
School of Library and Information Sciences Masters Program 
North Carolina Central University 

  • Project Vox 
    Developing and implementing management best practices for images used in the Project Vox website, including file-naming scheme and file structures, descriptive metadata, and documentation.

Femi Balogun (2018)
Library and Information Science Program Masters Program
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

  • Historical GIS Tutorials
    Working with the Wired! Lab and instructor Ed Triplett, tested the use of PlayPosit for creating openly accessible, web-based tutorials on historical GIS, for use by classes as well as independent learners.

Leslie Barnes (2013)
School of Library and Information Science Masters Program
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Haiti Lab Curation
    As part of an archival plan for the Haiti Lab (a lab funded by the Humanities Writ Large initiative), created an inventory of digital outputs for potential preservation.

Mattia Begali (2017 - 2018) 
School of Library and Information Sciences Masters Program 
North Carolina Central University 

  • Digital Publishing Curriculum 
    Helped outline a 500-level course to teach digital publishing concepts and practices to students, as part of a Versatile Humanists at Duke grant to innovate doctoral education in the Humanities.
  • Project Vox 
    Tested feasibility of separating image workflows from the work of the research team, as well as the sufficiency of existing documentation and processes for managing images. Contributed to image acquisition, cataloging, organization, and documentation.
  • Expansive Digital Publishing 
    Collaborated with Libraries staff on a Mellon-funded project to investigate library-based support for digital scholarly publishing; and co-authored final report.

Caitlin Burke (2018 - 2019)
Computational Media, Arts, & Culture - Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies Masters Program
Duke University

  • Omeka tutorials
    Working with the Wired! Lab and Duke Learning Innovation to construct web-based tutorials around the Omeka Neatline platform and digital literacy concepts (e.g., using metadata to support web-based searching and identification of scholarly content), in order to support more scalable dissemination of digital scholarship instruction to classes, researchers, and independent learners
  • Scalar tutorials
    Updating tutorials for building content in Scalar, used as part of an English department course on creating and critiquing online narrative forms
  • Wordpress site constructtion
    Working with Theater Studies faculty to create an online hub for building community engagement with scholarship

Erin Carter (2013)
School of Library and Information Science Masters Program
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Digital Scholarship Program Survey
    Conducted research on digital scholarship centers at major university libraries and presented results to Libraries staff.

Liz Crisenbery (2015 - 2019) 
Department of Music Doctoral Program 
Duke University 

  • Musical Festivals Database 
    Collaborated with visiting faculty fellow to expand and improve the Musical Festivals Database project.
  • Project Vox 
    Project manager for the PV team; facilitating workflows for content creation, image acquisition, and publication.


Adela Deanova (2016)
Department of Philosophy Doctoral Program
Duke University

  • Project Vox
    As part of completing her project management work with Project Vox, documented workflows and checklists that she developed, and organized shared project files for easier document management in the future.

Olivia Dorsey (2015)
School of Library and Information Science Masters Program
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Publishing Platforms Research
    Prepared tool guides for digital publishing platforms (e.g., Omeka, WordPress, Scalar)

Robert Dudley (2014-2015)
Department of Classical Studies Doctoral Program
Duke University

  • Qualitative Analysis Tools Research & Consultation
    Prepared tool guides for qualitative analytical software relevant to DH research and served as a consultant during open lab hours in the Murthy Digital Studio.  

Abigail (Abby) Flanigan (2015-2016)
School of Library and Information Science Masters Program
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Project Vox
    Tested and recommended approaches to providing persistent identifiers for web-based publications; tracking the impact of DH publications using alternative metrics; and team-based publishing workflows.


Amanda Starling Gould (2015)
Department of English Doctoral Program
Duke University

  • Event Planning and Promotion
    Coordinated and promoted digital scholarship events in the Murthy Digital Studio and the Edge during spring 2015.

Meredith Graham (2017 - ) 
Department of Music Doctoral Program 
Duke University 

  • Harsha Murthy Fellow in Digital Scholarship 
    Social media outreach, website maintenance, and event coordination for Digital Scholarship Services.
  • Project Vox 
    Outreach & Assessment Coordinator; ongoing work with site analytics, outreach to users and potential contributors, and promotion on social media
  • Musical Festivals Database 
    Collaborated with visiting faculty fellow to expand the database and develop promotional/outreach materials for use at scholarly conferences.


Daniel Griffin (2012-2014)
Department of Classical Studies Masters Program
Duke University

  • Digital scholarship program evaluation
    Researched and evaluated university-wide support for digital humanities scholarship at peer institutions.
  • Humanities Writ Large project consultation
    Assisted researchers in the planning and development of digital scholarship projects funded by the Humanities Writ Large initiative.
  • Digital humanities software training and tool guides
    Created and delivered training workshops on digital platforms such as Omeka and WordPress; developed tutorials and tool guides for researchers.

Adam Griggs (2016-2017)
School of Library and Information Science Masters Program
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Project Vox
    As a member of the outreach and assessment subgroup, created surveys and conducted interviews to assess user needs and perception of Project Vox.

Carolina Iribarren (2017)
Computational Media, Arts, and Culture - Department of Art, Art History and Visual Studies Masters Program
Duke University

  • Project Vox
    Served as lead researcher for Project Vox during fall 2017.

Lisa Klarr (2012-2013)
Department of English Doctoral Program
Duke University

  • South Asian Atlas project
    Served as a consultant and assistant for a digital pedagogy project undertaken by a visiting Humanities Writ Large faculty fellow.
  • Digital scholarship tool guide development
    Researched and wrote tool guides for popular DH platforms such as Omeka.

Aubrey Klein (2017)
School of Library and Information Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Gothic Cathedrals Course
    Worked with faculty to create a project database using AirTable + WordPress for an Art, Art History, and Visual Studies course on Gothic Cathedrals.

Adrian Linden-High (2017)
Department of Classical Studies
Duke University

  • Roman Spectacle Course
    Served as digital pedagogy assistant for Classics course on Roman Spectacle, helping to train and assist undergraduates in using Omeka / Neatline for their project; assisted in developing a rubric for evaluating the projects, as well as general guidelines for evaluating students' digital project work.


Imani Mosley (2016-2018)
Department of Music Doctoral Program
Duke University

  • Digital Scholarship Services outreach
    Event coordination and promotion via various channels, including social media; website maintenance and updates.
  • Harsha Murthy Fellow in Digital Scholarship
    Consulted with researchers as part of the Studio’s office hours, offering assistance primarily in research management workflows and tools (e.g., DEVONthink)


Adrian Ogletree (2013)
School of Library and Information Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • BorderWork(s) Lab Curation
    As part of an archival plan for the BorderWork(s) Lab (a lab funded by the Humanities Writ Large initiative), created an inventory of digital outputs for potential preservation.

Femi Omoni (2017)
Graduate Liberal Studies Program
Duke University

  • Io Project
    Collaborated with a visiting faculty fellow to develop WordPress infrastructure, documentation, and workflows for The Io Project, a digital resource on the reception of Classics in Africa and the African diaspora.

Wen Ou (2016)
Master of Economics Program (MAE)
Duke University

  • Project Vox
    Served as project manager for the Project Vox team during fall 2016.

Divya Rajaram (2015-2016)
Master of Engineering Management Program
Duke University

  • Scalar Film Project
    Collaborated with visiting faculty fellow to plan and scope a pedagogical project using Scalar; produced materials for training students in Scalar and related technologies.
  • Io Project
    Collaborated with a visiting faculty fellow to develop and test The Io Project , a digital resource on the reception of Classics in Africa and the African diaspora.
  • Project Vox
    Worked with DSS staff to support Drupal CMS infrastructure for Project Vox.
  • Digital scholarship tool guide development
    Researched and wrote tool guides for qualitative research management and analytical tools (e.g., NVivo, DEVONthink, Evernote, MALLET).

Marshall Stroscio (2012)
School of Library and Information Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Haiti Lab Curation
    As part of an archival plan for the Haiti Lab (a lab funded by the Humanities Writ Large initiative), created an inventory of digital outputs for potential preservation.

Stacy Torian (2019) 
Library and Information Studies Program Masters Program 
University of North Carolina at Greensboro 

  • Project Vox 
    Developing and implementing management best practices for images used in the Project Vox website, including file-naming scheme and file structures, descriptive metadata, and documentation.

Ryan Vu (2015-2016)
Department of English
Duke University

  • Musical Festivals Database
    Worked with visiting faculty fellow on a database index of programs, personnel, ensembles and venues of musical festivals held between 1695 and 1940.

Beatriz (Bea) Wallace (2014-2016)
Master of Fine Arts in Experimental and Documentary Arts (MFA EDA) Program
Duke University

  • Project Vox
    Served as web designer for Project Vox, creating the look and feel of the website; contributed to project management and development during its start-up phase.
  • Humanities Writ Large projects
    Contributed as a designer, programmer, and consultant on numerous and wide-ranging projects funded by the Humanities Writ Large initiative.


Haley Walton (2013)
School of Library and Information Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • GreaterThanGames Lab Curation
    As part of an archival plan for the GreaterThanGames Lab (a lab funded by the Humanities Writ Large initiative), created an inventory of digital outputs for potential preservation. Developed guiding documents for fair use of video-recorded gameplay in scholarship.

Heather Woods (2016-2017)
Department of Communication
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Project Vox
    Served as Project Vox’s first Outreach & Assessment Coordinator, leading its nascent O&A subgroup and creating a workflow manual and templates for future O&A work.


Daphne Zabarowski (2012)
School of Library and Information Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • As Digital Production Center Assistant, scanned still images using NARA standards, added descriptive and structural metadata, and performed quality control.
  • As Scribe Workflow Assistant, identified copyright issues for requested materials, assisted with cleaning metadata for materials to be re-digitized, performed quality control for images digitized for and published on Internet Archive, and assisted with the implementation of a new patron-request workflow for digitizing items in the Libraries’ circulating collection.



Duke Libraries Digital Scholarship & Publishing Services department collaborates with researchers in the humanities and interpretive social sciences, at any level of study, to plan and build digital research projects. We supply consultation on technical matters, project management, and best practices for a wide range of technologically-engaged research. We also encourage learning and experimentation in digital scholarship through exploratory projects, programs of hands-on instruction, learning opportunities for graduate students, and resources and programming in The Edge / Murthy Digital Studio.