Contact us:
Digital Scholarship & Publishing Services staff provide consultation on digital project design and development, primarily in the humanities and interpretive social sciences. Contact our team with questions or to schedule an appointment. Our areas of specialization include:
- Digital Publishing (platforms and hosting options; outreach & assessment; using APIs; sustainability)
- Digitization (processes and tools for digitizing documents and images; standards and formats for publishing and archiving)
- Project Planning & Management (scoping and planning; identifying resources; selecting tools)
- Text Analysis (text encoding; tools and approaches for analyzing corpora)
We can help answer your questions, advise on using new processes and tools, and put you in touch with other resources and expertise.
Duke Libraries Digital Scholarship & Publishing Services department collaborates with researchers in the humanities and interpretive social sciences, at any level of study, to plan and build digital research projects. We supply consultation on technical matters, project management, and best practices for a wide range of technologically-engaged research. We also encourage learning and experimentation in digital scholarship through exploratory projects, programs of hands-on instruction, learning opportunities for graduate students, and resources and programming in The Edge / Murthy Digital Studio.