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Resources on the Web

The Duke Digital Humanities Initiative website contains information about local groups, projects, and spaces that support digital scholarship in the humanities. In particular, see

The Libraries also provide LibGuides in support of digital humanities scholarship:

People at Duke

Digital scholarship and publishing projects engage a broad range of expertise. Libraries staff are available to consult on many common tasks and problems. For general consultation on digital scholarship work and connection with these and other experts at Duke, contact askdigital {at}

Project Management

  • Liz Milewicz for project scoping and planning, project management tools, workflows for teams

Copyright & Fair Use

  • Lee Sorensen for images
  • For general questions on copyright law and legal issues, contact copyright-questions {at}

Digital Storytelling

  • Will Shaw for content management systems, infrastructure and hosting, and timelines
  • Eric Monson for data visualization approaches and tools
  • Drew Keener for mapping

Research & Data Management


Oral Histories & Audio

  • Craig Breaden for tools and best practices for conducting interviews and creating transcriptions



Duke Libraries Digital Scholarship Services department collaborates with researchers in the humanities and interpretive social sciences, at any level of study, to plan and build digital research projects. We supply consultation on technical matters, project management, and best practices for a wide range of technologically-engaged research. We also encourage learning and experimentation in digital scholarship through exploratory projects, programs of hands-on instruction, learning opportunities for graduate students, and resources and programming in The Edge / Murthy Digital Studio.