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The Jerry and Bruce Chappell Family gallery opened in August of 2015 after the renovation of the Rubenstein Library. It was formerly in a different location and called the Perkins Gallery. The cases were purchased in 2008 with funds from the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation, and has contained approximately four exhibitions a year since 2008.


The Jerry and Bruce Chappell Family gallery is located near the main entrance of the Perkins Library. The space has 9 exhibitions cases and is approximately 40 feet long by 20 feet wide. This gallery has a kiosk and projector available as part of the space, as well as a 20 foot long wall that can be used to hang materials. This space has limited temperature and relative humidity control, and there is a limit to the amount of security available as this space is open 24 hours a day/7 days a week when school is in session.

Policy Information

This gallery is open to the public whenever the library is open. This room is a through-way and therefore will rarely be available for public events, unless related to exhibitions. The exhibition space is primarily to support the research and ideas of the Duke University community; faculty and students are encouraged to propose curation of exhibitions in this gallery. Due to environmental conditions, there are some limits to what Rubenstein materials can be shown in this space; this gallery does not necessarily require exhibition of library materials.

Donor Information

Bruce Chappell is a Wealth Management Advisor and Managing Director of Wealth Management for Merrill Lynch. Bruce graduated from Duke University in 1961 with a BS in Civil Engineering. Jerry Chappell is active in local societies and serves on numerous boards in her hometown and at Duke University. She has been a member of the Duke University Library Advisory Board since 2007. Jerry is a 1962 graduate of Duke University, with a BA in history from the Woman’s College.

room photo


This space follows the schedule of the Perkins Library


Meg Brown, exhibits coordinator
(919) 681-2071

Past Exhibits from the Jerry and Bruce Chappell Family Gallery

Constructing A Century
Scientist of Activism
Nuestra historia, nuestra voz: Latinas/os/es/x en Duke
Duke Economics Students Present 100 Years of American Women’s Suffrage
50 Years of Macromolecular Visualization
50 years of native plant gardening in Sarah P. Duke Gardens
SNCC Collections in the Rubenstein Library
Picturing Social Life in the Nineteenth Century
Centuries of the Passover Haggadah
Stories and Voices of Duke University Chapel
Handmade Books by William Gedney
From Vesalius to the Digital Age